Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Mel B. Is Stupid, Stupid, Stupid And Married

On June 6th in Las Vegas, Mel B married unemployed movie producer Stephen "I changed my last name so people would think I was related to Harry" Belafonte. Mel says she and Stephen have known each other for years but when Eddie broke up with her Stephen was there and things just kind of took off.

I bet they took off. Mel just signed a deal to get at least $25M and look who comes knocking. This guy is like Brittany Murphy's husband and guess what, from what I've heard there's no pre-nup. None, nada, zilch. Some sites have reported there is one, and some have said there isn't one. From what I understand this was a quick elopement and in California there are certain time and notice requirements which have to be met in order to have a valid pre-nup. These time and notice requirements were the main reason why the Britney and K-Fed wedding was delayed.

So when this marriage collapses, and it will, guess who is going to be richer than K-Fed if there is no pre-nup. Prior to the news breaking about the marriage, Mel was supposed to go on Ass Kiss King's show to hate on Eddie Murphy and give Gloria Allred a few more minutes of television time. After the news broke and perhaps some questions about Stephen's past would pop up, then Mel suddenly gets ill and cancels the television gig.

Congratulations to the happy couple.


  1. I thought she did get a prenup.

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought he was a movie producer - with credits according to IMDB.

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    please disregard any deleted/'test' posts on this, im using this thread because it's at the top and im trying to help bionic bunny.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    i think i nailed it. this is NOT bionic bunny. this is nic. TEST POST

  6. I meant to type movie. Thank you. I had music on my mind. He does have credits, but is not currently working on anything, hence the unemployed.

  7. Anonymous7:47 PM

    thanks for the fix, ent! i think i nailed the problem for bionic bunny :-) yay!

  8. Eddie was punk'd ... fo'real.

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM

    she gets the marriage annulled then he wouldn't get any money right? well lets hope he can stick it out for a year or however long it takes to get paid. the bitches have been taking half from us guys for so long it's about time we started taking some back.

  11. Now with her married, will this mess up her financial support request for her baby from Murphy? I don't think she should have gotten married... make her situation look as dire as possible to milk every penny possible from Eddie... for the baby's sake of course.

  12. I'm no fan of Murphy's behavior (now or in the past), but it looks like he and his PR people have been chumped. (Not that he doesn't deserve it.)I doubt he would have jumped to it and issued that statement last week about being the father, stepping up to the plate and no-the-baby-wasn't-planned if East Coast columnists the day before hadn't landed on him about walking out on a total of six (that we know of) kids.

    I'm not saying Eddie hasn't been stupid or that he shouldn't support the baby, but Mel's creating the illusion that she was a single mom w/no other means was a masterful bit of theatah. Note to potential babydaddys: have a PI take a close look behind the scenery at the hunk photographed repeatedly with claiming-to-be-babymammas for before caving so quick.

  13. Is this the answer to the blind about the couple that got married but she was embarrassed about it, and he was just happy because he was lucky to get her?

  14. got this from another site.........
    I. When Scary met Eddie...
    She was coasting into the gas station on the last fumes of her music money.
    She wasn't broke—not technically—but she'd had to part with a substantial portion of her fortune when she divorced Jimmy Gulzar and she knew her high-income earning days were long past.
    At the time she met Murphy, no one was even thinking about a Spice Girls reunion tour, so Scary was on the hunt.

    Early on it was all good. Problem was, the "relationship" was over before it really had a chance to take off.
    Scary's positives—her humor, raunchy sex appeal and British accent—were overshadowed by an unfortunate truth: she's as common as dirt: loud, tacky and two steps up from the ghetto. Murphy's kids didn't care for her and after she argued with his mother, Murphy decided Scary was done. No explanation necessary. He simply stopped returning her calls.

    Within days he began to hear rumors that she was pregnant with his baby. Rumors that Murphy simply couldn't believe because hadn't Scary assured him she was on birth control pills before the handful of times they'd had sex?
    So, when a Dutch reporter questioned him about the baby, Eddie snapped. But deep down he knew. He knew that Mel B had played him like a violin, just as Elizabeth Hurley had likewise played billionaire Stephen Bing.

    II. Months later DNA test results revealed the truth: Eddie was the father of Mel B's baby and she'd made it clear she had played to win. She stepped up her public relations game by talking to anyone who would listen about how Eddie Murphy had done her wrong; she floated the false rumor that she had decided to name her baby girl Daphne "Fortuna" Bay; and had, incredibly, succeeded in having her labor induced—just minutes after midnight—on Eddie Murphy's birthday.

    By now no one could doubt Mel's seriousness about getting paid. While Murphy had never seriously considered the idea of marrying her—let alone fathering her baby—Mel spun their brief relationship into an engagement gone bad. She demeaned him in public statements every opportunity she could and began laying a groundwork of suspicion about Murphy's "lifestyle," in addition to alleging that the size of his manhood was insufficient to meet her needs.

    Enter Mr. not-the-son-of-Harry Belafonte, aka Stephen Stansbury. If it's true that like attracts like, then Scary and Stephen are made for each other. Both are street-smart, complicated players with very checkered-pasts. For Mel B, it's a relationship based as much on her wounded pride as anything else. She'd been very publicly dumped by a movie star, and after she proved capable of tricking him into a serious financial obligation, she was branded used and dangerous goods by anyone noteworthy who otherwise might have considered dating her.

    III. Ironically, Mel's big Eddie payday comes just at the time her music career seems on the upswing. With a concert tour scheduled for the fall, she may once again find herself with a fat bank account. Even considering that, her wealth is still microscopic when compared to her band-mate Posh, or Eddie, for that matter, but Scary's expanded purse will prove more than adequate to keep Mr. Bela-whomever in the picture, at least for the moment. Remembering how badly she has been burned by California's community property laws in the past, it will be interesting to see how she conducts her business and personal affairs in the future.

    As far as Murphy is concerned, it's a closed chapter. When push came to shove he was able to demand that Scary take-or-leave a (hefty) lump sum support payment to bring the matter to a quick close. He has no intention of building a relationship with baby Angel at this time, since that would mean dealing with her mother. But it's probably a safe bet that the public has not yet heard the last of this story, at least from the standpoint of Mel B. Her ways of fighting for what she wants are straight from the gutter and those tactics have served her very well.

    Finally, if Murphy can feel grateful for anything in this situation, it's this: when Eddie chose Nicole Mitchell to be his first wife and the mother to his five oldest children, he chose very well. Anyone who thinks Nicole would intentionally embarrass or humiliate Eddie doesn't know the couple at all. They remain friends. At the end of the day, it was Nicole who had the job of agreeing to a very public meeting with Scary Mel in order to clear the air and open the door to settlement negotiations. While some have branded Murphy's behavior as no better than that of a jackass, Eddie probably wishes he were more like his character "Donkey" from the enormously popular "Shrek" movies. After all, asses though they may be, donkeys are sterile.

  15. That explains why his latest girlfriend agreed to marry him just a day or so after the announcement that he's settling with Mel.

    Eddie, to quote Mel's classic line from "Spice World" -- "You shoulda kept your knees closed, then!"

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    how old do you think the kid will be before the kid realizes that the only reason she is alive is that mommy needed a paycheck.

  17. Damn someone needs to get their OWN

    PS Scary doens't need Eddie's money don't be so foolish to think Spice Girls didn't get paid..they got crazy money from a good marketing team in the heyday.

  18. Starchild 212, with juicy info like that, I think a lot of people would be interested in seeing the original source.

    Can you please give us the link?

  19. of course...........

  20. Btw, Eddie's first wife Nicole, has lived in Northern California for years (with and without Eddie).

    And I've met her several times. She's a super bitch.

  21. Thanks for the juice Starchild and if you've got any more, do tell!

    Can't say I'm that surprised by this. It is a bit of a coincidence that with all their recent personal life press they suddenly announce a comeback tour. Were they even that great to begin with? Okay, I admit I loved 'Wannabe' but I was 14 at the time so...

  22. Haha, totally OT, but in the article starchild posted, the author makes a mistake: donkeys are not sterile! A donkey and a horse produce a mule when they mate, and mules are usually sterile.



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