Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Maria Conchita Alonso Is That Person At A Party Who...


Anonymous said...

...gets wasted and loudly falls "in love with EVERYONE!" and gets all handsy

Anonymous said...

Oh, I was so confused waiting for the punch line but we are supposed to provide?? Damn... not sure I am up to ENT's level of wittyness :)

Hez said...

OOoOOOh! Is that Noted Fashion Photographer™ Nigel Barker trying desperately not to notice MCA slouching?

mandjo said...

"Thinks" everyone LOVES her, when in reality they all wish she would just leave. However, she did work the photo op well (or hired her own photographer).

littleoleme said...

All right. That's it. Is that you Gilded Moose? Are you writing for this blog?

Tracee said...

has really bad BO and breathe and corners you in the party and yaps about how their cruise to the bahamas was WONDERFUL and they ate so much they think they gained 50 pounds and "oh! Have you seen pictures of my kids? This is little Timmy...he just got his braces off and he REALLY loves soccer. and this is Jeanie, she's 15 and well you know how 15 year olds are. They..."

Yeah she looks like one of those.

mandjo said...

Really, if you combine all of these, it would probably fit.

Anonymous said...

secretly hates everyone and is really laughing AT them....

jax said...

I dont think thats my BF Nigel..just a generic ripoff.

MCA= the drunken latino lady who can be heard exclaiming Ai ya ya over everything....

kellygirl said...

...never shuts her mouth (literally and figuratively)

Hez said...

Wow, that's quite the Noted Fashion Photographer™ Doppelganger, in that case. WireImage says he's just an "unidentified guest" but I could have sworn it was Nige! Imagine a double date with those two!!

Mmmmmm..... NOTED™ !

JMS said...

...laughs for no apparent reason.


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