Lindsay Attempted Suicide Over Married Man
Fresh off her first bust for DUI and drug possession, Lindsay Lohan checked into the Promises treatment center in Malibu for help with her drug and alcohol demons. But a doomed love affair while in rehab sent her spinning into a deeper downward spiral that ended with a total meltdown – and her latest arrest on July 24.
Lindsay’s rehab romance was “pathetic,” a source tells Star. “He was a married guy from the Midwest with a nice body. He was having fun with Lindsay. She called him her ‘rehab boyfriend.’ They would fool around all the time. And they weren’t just kissing. He was in her room often.”
But when the time came for her “boyfriend” to leave Promises and fly home, Lindsay was a wreck.
“She completely freaked out,” the source says. “She started screaming, ‘Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me! If you leave I am going to die!’” A few minutes after he left, Lindsay emerged from her room with blood dripping from a self-inflicted wound on her wrist. “She cut her left wrist so badly, there was blood everywhere – on her clothes, on her face, in her hair,” the source reveals. “She was screaming, ‘He can’t go’ and sobbing.”
It wasn't the first time that an out-of-control Lindsay has cut herself, insiders report. A friend of the actress recalls a 3-day drinking and drug bender during which Lindsay consumed massive amounts of vodka, cocaine, pills and Ecstasy and ended up at a party at the Hollywood Hills where she became enraged when the host ran out of her favorite drink.

“She wanted Grey Goose vodka and went on a rampage,” says a friend who has been close to the troubled starlet for years.
The insider tells Star, Lindsay screamed, “I want my brand, and I want it now!” before grabbing a corkscrew and shutting herself in the bathroom. Partygoers heard cabinets being opened and slammed shut, and then Lindsay screamed through the door, “I’m going to kill myself! No one understands me!”
The friend says Lindsay “was cutting her wrists with the corkscrew. She’s done this before, and its crazy scary. A few minutes later she came out dripping blood. Luckily the wounds were superficial, but it was still a horrific sight.”
According to the friend, this was one of at least five other similar episodes – not counting the Promises freak-out – that led to the catastrophic events of July 23, when an apparently intoxicated Lindsay reportedly got into a fight with her assistant, Tarin Graham, then commandeered a friend’s SUV and took off on a wild high-speed car chase. Lindsay failed a field sobriety test and was charged with two counts of driving under the influence, possession of cocaine and driving with a suspended license. Her arraignment is scheduled for August 24.
“For someone who a year ago was on top of the world, it’s tragic,” says her friend. “She’s hit rock bottom – it’s like watching a horrible train wreck. You want to turn away, but you can’t.”
All we ever read are excuses for why this bitch turns to booze and drugs. If she can't deal with the ups and downs of life, no amount of rehab is going to help, so let her continue on her path to self-destruction.
ReplyDeleteWe're way past due for a moratorium on all things Paris, Lindsey and Nicole.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even begin to get my shit together until I was 30, so I still feel sorry for her. Life is hard, and harder when your parents are dicks.
ReplyDeleteIf true, I think I've got a diagnosis:
SHIT! i knew i should have picket suicide in the office celebrity death pool. instead i went with DUI accident as the cause of lilo's death.
ReplyDeleteDang dnfrommn, it looks like you nailed it. She needs more than rehab.
ReplyDeleteyep, she is definitly borderline, but you'd be surprised how many people are.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I really don't care anymore. I hope she stays under whatever rock she has crawled under these days.
I still support her. I hope she goes into a real rehab/psychiatric facility this time and gets the help she needs. And then goes to jail for the debt she owes society.
ReplyDeleteWriting off people with drug, alcohol and mental illnesses is uncool.
What's the next step? Hey, I got it! Let's just build concentration camps to get rid of everyone that we deem 'undesireable'!
Or better yet, let's go back to the old days when we just threw people we didn't want to deal with away in insane asylums and beat, raped and tortured them.
Oh my, the memories are flooding back. Those were the good old days! We were so much more efficient in dealing with the mentally ill, physically handicapped and mentally retarded than we are now.
And don't forget the eldery! After all, they are going to die pretty soon anyways.
Ummm.. The Deacon... perhaps people would feel a little more for her if she didn't endanger the lives of INNOCENT PEOPLE BY DRIVING DRUNK AND COKED UP... more than once!!!! Please, you are leaving out that minor detail...
ReplyDeleteI do feel bad for her that she has so far been unable to fight this addiction she has but at the same time imagine what would have happened if she hurt someone w/her actions - would you still be preaching the same thing???
deacon .. your comments are commendable .. I too feel for this child, and that is exactly what she is ..she needs some serious guidance and therapy to work through the many issues that are overtaking her life .. i have a son and daughter a little older than her and they have had their share of good and bad times, but with a firm hand and gentle parenting they have turned out okay ...she needs to get her self a good set of foster parents .. quickly
ReplyDeleteDeacon, I'm just sick of the press she and the others get from their dysfunctions. Do I wish ill of her? No. But my wishing the best for her isn't going to help, nor is all this press.
ReplyDeleteAll these excuses are nothing more than enablers for her. She was drunk because her assistant quit. She was drunk because of her father. She's using because she fell in love with a man in rehab. Gimme a break - we all go through a lot of pain in life, it doesn't lead us all to doing the stuff she does.
And I'm with kchal - do we have to wait for her to kill someone before people stop feeling sorry for her? If you looked at the video account of her last antics - driving 100 mph going through stop signs and red lights - it's clear she's nuts and doesn't deserve to be out in public.
Deacon, Don't get me wrong, I do feel sorry for her, and its not about "writing off" people with true issues. Its about a publicity attention seeking twat who disregards consequences for her actions. Even people with borderline personalities understand that there are true consequences. I think that part of the do that is missing is "spoiled brat with f'd up parents".
ReplyDeleteHmmmm...when I put it that way there really is no difference between Lilo and that stanky valtrex smelling vagina that pops her nasty head up somewhere on a daily basis.
Maybe they will both disappear (from the public eye) for a while. A long while. Maybe Lilo will get help...
*dreams of pink clouds and purple pigs flying through them*
And honestly, I don't get the connection between people saying their sick of reading about her and her damn excuses, and wanting to lock up old people and the mentally ill. WTF?! Next you'll be having us killing puppies and babies. A little extreme, your criticism, no?
ReplyDeleteno deacon the next step isn't building concentration camps for the undesirables, the next step after she dies is we forget her and move on to the next. if however we do start building concentration camps i think that the first people who get sent to camp should be all the pretentious assholes who always drag the red herring of the Holocaust through arguments were it doesn't belong.
ReplyDeleteWow, this thread wasn't even long enough for us to be seeing Godwin's Law at work, and yet, here it is!
ReplyDeleteWell if she was that determined to kill herself with a corkscrew, she's pretty disturbed, and she obviously can't handle even legal drugs like alcohol.
ReplyDeleteBut if I were being asked to babysit some rich bitch who is threatening to off herself every five minutes, I'D be reaching for the Grey Goose and the coke pants.
I agree with Deacon that we can't just dispose of people with addictions and mental illness, but we can choose whether to mutely witness or finance their "episodes". In my world, you'd only get one shot to cry wolf with a corkscrew before I took it (and myself) far away to a place where wine bottles desperately need opening and I desperately need a LARGE GLASS!
It just seems that Rehab is the "in" thing to announce these days.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I am sick of her antics, I do feel bad for her. She's having BIG identity and abandonment issues and is self medicating herself to death. Unlike most of us, she didn't have parents that gave her that firm hand to tell her what's acceptable behavior and what isn't. She probably doesn't even know what's expected behavior for a 21 yr old.
ReplyDeleteShe needs some professional help STAT. Not a life coach or any of that BS, someone who will identify any mental health problems she has and help her treat them.
If she doesn't get help I think she'll be dead by 24. Just addin my 2 cents.
"I agree with Deacon that we can't just dispose of people with addictions and mental illness..."
ReplyDeleteDispose of. Who ever said that? I wrote that if she wants to remain on a path of self destruction, then let her without all the press. I said it was long overdue for a moratorium on her, Paris and Nicole.
Where are you people getting your extreme ideas that anyone ever wrote or even implied this?
hey mandjo - LOVED the sideshow bob idea! Had me snorting out loud at work.
ReplyDeleteTwisted, ch-ill. I think people are just voicing their opinions. And I think there was saracsm there. Re-read.
ReplyDeleteTracee, once more we'll have to agree to disagree.
ReplyDeleteThanks Klown, Hope that wasn't a problem:)
ReplyDeleteDon't laugh, but I'm obsessed with The Parent Trap and everytime I flip through channels and see it on The Disney Channel, I'll watch it. A week or so ago during my 27th viewing, I just kept looking at that darling freckled face and wondering what went wrong? For some reason she has my sympathy much more than say Paris or Britney. I don't envy any of them.
ReplyDeleteNo one can help Lindsay until she begins to help herself. It's not like she hasn't had the access to treatment.
ReplyDeleteEnt, I hate it when you post stuff from the tabloids like the Star.
ReplyDeleteAs for LL and her "suicide" attempts...have we seen the bandaged wrists? The red scars? No.
As for LL: I don't feel sorry for her. I know people in far far worst situations who have never turned into the train wrecks this girl is.
She thinks she is SPECIAL! She THINKS her crap doesn't stink. She is an addict. She is in denial. She had better take life more seriously and get herself in hand before she flushes what little "talent" she has down the toilet.
Mooshki, I meant to post this earlier. I'm really happy that regardless of what you went through that you got your shit together. Continued success and healthy living for you!
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing people say Lindsay should get new parents. She doesn't even have the tools to know she needs new parents. She's only just 21!
ReplyDeleteParis, Nicole, Britney are all 25/26. Lindsay is just 21 - big difference to me. No, I don't envy any of them either.
But I'm not getting back on the bandwagon either. I'm skeptical, very skeptical.
She's a drama queen. She grew up around all that drama bullshit from her parents, now she's living it. You CAN get addicted to drama.
ReplyDeleteShe needs a full year studying in peace under the guidance of a gifted sensei.
Brenda, that is EXACTLY what I think of all these girls. They are addicted to the drama, and the attention. It is a very seductive drug, even if you're not a celeb.
ReplyDeleteWhoever this "friend" is ... I don't believe them.