Friday, August 31, 2007

Like I Needed Another Reason To Dislike David Schwimmer

David Schwimmer who hasn't done a thing since Friends went off the air has recently devoted some of his massive free time to strike a blow at British cuisine. It seems that in his past few visits to the UK, David has found it disgusting that the British serve everything fried and feels they are doing nothing to halt the trend of obesity in the world. "You guys deep-fry everything. and it makes you put on 20 pounds after every meal." He wished restaurants in the UK offered more healthy alternatives.

I actually love traditional British food and the way it's served and also think that the UK has the best variety of international foods to be found anywhere in the world. Maybe David only ate in bowling alleys or something, but my advice to David is that if he hates the UK and the food so much, then don't visit. Take your pouting, can't get any acting work self to another country.


  1. My first thought after reading this:

    "Why would anyone interview David Schwimmer?"

  2. "You guys deep-fry everything" Only in Glasgow mate, only Glasgow, the home of the deep-fried Mars bar. He must have been eating in some odd places - everyone knows that the British national dish is curry.

  3. Yeah, when I'm pondering, "hey, I need me some insight on international cuisine" I think "let's ask Schwimmer."

  4. Anonymous11:23 AM

    What a tool.

  5. I don't think David's ever visited the South in the States. Everything's fried and battered down here too. My gawd, I was in Alabama for 5 days and every meal was fried, I mean they even battered and fried corn on the cob. (Delicious no less.) Actually now that I think of it I think I ate I fried green salad too.

    What a tool is right!

  6. Heaven forbid if he should ever go to Germany. Everything is pork, pork, pork!

  7. Maureen, that's probably what David really wants. Porked by pork. ;)

  8. Anonymous1:25 PM

    HAHAHA, they even have McPork in German MacDonald's franchises.
    True story.

  9. I don't know where he was eating - transport caffs? I find i have to go out of my way in London to get my fried food fix!

    mmmmm, deep-fried Mars Bars....

  10. McPork-LOL! Sounds delicious and nutritious! Yum.

  11. tania, I'm trying to figure out where the heck he's been eating too.. even the caffs are more refined than that! Unless he's been out on a few too many Guinness breakfasts.

    nah! he's too wimpy for one of those!

  12. what the hell else does the guy have to talk about.
    His most relevance, these days, is that he is the cousin of Benji and Lacey Schwimmer.
    Maybe he should tryout for Dancing with the Stars.

  13. oh, I just realized the LA County Fair starts next week
    Fried Snickers Bars
    Fried Twinkies
    Fried artichokes
    Fried Alka Seltzer

  14. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I was just thinking he would make a lovely companion for the Geico cavemen.

  15. You don't go to another country and then come back complaining about their food!!!

    Tool is right! I only liked him in Friends b/c I loved the show not him.

    I ate some yummy food in England. Take that David Schwimmer!

  16. He's in a movie with Simon Pegg.

  17. My one and only trip to London I had no luck with food. The best meal I had was appetizers at the Hard Rock.

    Would someone please explain to me all the Schwimmer hating?
