Monday, August 13, 2007

Keanu Reeves Takes A Bath

Keanu Reeves was spotted at dinner on Sunday night at Il Sole. He was sitting out on the patio and seemed to be having a great time. He chatted with anyone who came up to talk to him, took pictures, was smiling, and looked to be freshly showered and even was wearing clean clothes. He and his date both ordered the same pasta dish although she may have had a tough time enjoying hers since Mr. Reeves chain smoked cigars during dinner. Not cigarettes mind you, but cigars. So much for the shower and clean clothes.

If Keanu emerged from his cave he must be getting ready to do publicity for a new film.


  1. was he also sober? and coherent? OMG where are the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse...

  2. Aww poor Keanu..he's had a tough life lately, his sister was quite ill, his baby was stillborn and his fiance killed herself by flipping her suv over seriously inebriated..let's cut him some slack??

    He can't act worth shit,ill give you that.

  3. YAY! Keanu bathed. Keanu you rock my world you dirty-filthy man. Grr---ruff. Ent, you made my day

    [this much]

    better. Thank you!

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Keanu - embracing the hot.

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Keanu - embracing the hot.

  6. Anonymous11:32 AM

    That was worth posting twice!

  7. Dang, chain smoking cigars at dinner?

    Oh, I don't care who the man is, that would just put me off my food for days

  8. JAX...

    For real, or are you just messing w/us? I mean, I've heard rumors about the miscarried baby, but I had no clue he had a fiance or that she died under such lousy cicumstances..or about the sister, either... OK, now I feel bad for making fun of predilection for "substances" and prostitutes (I always guess "Keanu Reeves" for any hooker or drug-related BIs.....)

    ..but if that's true, about his family issues, gawd, poor guy. I'd be a mess, too...

  9. Helana,

    Sadly im ot messin with true. His G/f never really recovered after the loss and became a hardcore user. His sister I beleive was ill with luekemia/cancer not sure. I don't know if she made it.

  10. Unfortunately, it's true.
    Fiancee Jennifer Syme was the mother of his stillborn baby, and died in a car accident - it was suggested at the time that Marilyn Manson was partially to blame as she was under the influence of drugs when he (illegedly) requested that she come back to his house from dropping her car at her home. Obviously Manson denied this.

    This might help....

    Keanu Reeves has been quoted as saying that he's never got over it. He appeared to have stayed in touch with her mother too.

  11. Chanting Lifts Keanu's Spirits
    4 October 2001 (WENN)
    Hollywood hunk Keanu Reeves has placed his faith in ancient Buddhist practices in a desperate bid to end his bad luck. Keanu has been cursed with misfortune for the past year - his sister was diagnosed with leukemia, he had a near-fatal motorbike accident, his ex-girlfriend Jennifer Syme was killed in a car crash and then his Matrix Reloaded co-star Aaliyah died in a plane crash. But Keanu is determined to fight back - and he's placed his hope with the Buddhist faith he first encountered on the set of 1993's Little Buddha. A worker on the Matrix sequel's set reveals that Keanu and his co-stars chant prayers and throw lit rice paper into a "make-shift pyre". American Buddhist guru Reverend Kusala says, "By chanting to ward off evil spirits, Keanu is ensuring the studio is blessed with good karma. It could actually be taking it further, and asking that the movie pass good karma around the world every time it's watched."

    Jax - I found this which confirms it was leukemia. I also heard that he bought her a house on the Island of Capri (Italy) & that is where she now lives.

  12. Can you find my spare car keys? I left them somewhere in Vancouver, they have a "Its not pretty being easy" keychain on them..thanks.

  13. LOL! I'm good, but I'm not THAT good!

    (having said that - did you check the 4th bar you went it that night?)

  14. No but i did check the 99c a slice pizza joint and the alley i hurled it in 10 mins later.

  15. Jax,

    LMFAO to your key chain quote.

  16. oh and ever since I heard KR's story he won a spot in my heart.

    Also I heard he is extremely sweet to fans.
