Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Katie Screws Up Photo Op And Is Banished To The US (In Coach And Without Suri)

Well it might not have been in Coach, but Katie did have to fly back with the regular folks yesterday and didn't get to bring Suri with her. I'm sure Suri needed some special time with her Dad and should get lots of it since he's filming a movie and has all the time in the world for Suri. If not, then one of the alien minders is surely a better choice than mom. Most people might be glad for a break from their significant other, but since Katie can't go anywhere alone and has already bought everything at every store the only thing left is to call the cheap no tip leaving bitch and see if she wants to come over and play Scrabble. OK, Junior Scrabble. How about Candyland? CNTLB must know her colors right?

The way Katie is holding her wool sweater close is either because she gets cold when the temperature rises above 80 degrees or perhaps the homing device attached to her chest would show if she opened the sweater. It's not like she held the sweater like that for just a second, she walked all the way from the gate to the car just like that. You try it for 20 steps while holding something in your other hand and see how comfortable it is.

Of course she could be holding her ribs in place because Katie doesn't look like Tom lets her eat much. Those clothes are size zero and they are still falling off her. No wonder she was playing with her breasts the other day. They, along with whatever ass she had are disappearing rapidly under the Tom Cruise weight modification and behavior plan.


  1. Toms "boy" took an later flight out to Europe. She took an earlier flight home to give them a little R&R. She sure didn't get tan from that photo op on the beach probably because it was only 20 min.

  2. she's knocked up again with L Ron's kid.

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Tom needs to work on his own ass

  4. I'm thinking she is bra-less and not wanting the world to know.
