Thursday, August 23, 2007

Katie And Suri "Shopping" In Paris--**Update** Smiling Photo And What's Under Coat

How come when they go shopping, we never actually see them inside or coming out of any stores? Have you ever seen a woman look more scared to go shopping?

That is one mean bodyguard. Suri and Katie will be having nightmares about him forever.

A minder. He has been in photos before.
Notice the guy in yellow in the background holding back the crowd.
She looks hot. My only comment is that she is wearing different shoes. Did she go home and was ordered back because she hadn't been smiling, and to show a little skin while she was at it? It's too bad Tom can't full appreciate her because this is the best photo of her in forever. I might have to spend a little extra time in the basement tonight.


  1. Why is Katie always so heavily dressed -- she got off a plane in LA in 90 degree weather a couple of weeks ago in heavy wide-legged jeans, clutching her jacket closed at her neck, and she's wearing all these autumn clothes in Berline and Paris in August, where it must be very hot.

  2. She looks like that woman from the Glen Close/Fox TV show "Damages"!

  3. She does look a bit frightened to be shopping but those shoes are delish. Shoes like that might even be worth it. Notice I said might.

  4. Everyone else in the pictures are wearing coats as well. So maybe it was a chilly day! I love the shoes and the coat she is wearing. Very chic!

  5. Love those shoes, but who wears heels like that to go shopping?

    Don't they own a stroller? Carrying that kid constantly has got to hurt the arms after a while.

    Here's a young woman with wealthy famous husband, cute baby girl, and yet every time I see her I feel sorry for her. Sad.

  6. She's probably depressed because none of the stores carrying the chic shoes and clothing also sell stuffed animals or replacement carousel horses. (I'm still gagging over her incredibly juvenile taste.)

  7. I have to say, though, that Suri truly is an adorable little girl. So cute!

  8. Well Tom's plan to create Nicole version 2.0 is almost complete..why does every women who 'gets' with Tommy Boy turn into a 1940's lesbian??? Its like he had a weird fixation with Katherine Hepburn or something..oh wait that's not weird if you're GAY.

  9. That last picture is cute, even Suri is laughing.

    I think that's most skin she's shown, either on purpose or accidentally, in a long time. Imagine the scandal if she would have had a nip slip or a crotch shot??

  10. That last pictures of the rob...of Katie and Suri is cute. I think they are going to have a great robot mommy and robot baby girl relationship.

  11. Agreed Simone. LOL!

    Every time I see that little girl she makes me want to pinch her cheeks and tell her that freedom will happen when her mother is de-programmed. Chitlins are our future.

  12. freaking use a stroller. its really ok to use them, i promise.

    Suri desparately needs a different hair cut, I dont understand why they keep her hair that way, it's stupid looking on her.

    yes, why does Katie always wear a giant coat?

  13. Exactly! Very Hepburn. But what's with the shoes in the last pic??

  14. .."why does every women who 'gets' with Tommy Boy turn into a 1940's lesbian???
    jax, you crack me up! that is dead-on.

  15. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Well I have to say many moons ago I had 2 small children 6 months apart from one another and yet I still never used a stroller - I didnt like them - more of a pain to drag in and out and getting in and out of stores w/the heavy doors ...

  16. kchal said...
    Well I have to say many moons ago I had 2 small children 6 months apart from one another and yet I still never used a stroller - I didnt like them - more of a pain to drag in and out and getting in and out of stores w/the heavy doors ...

    and I would think quite a hastle due to the paps following them night and day!! I feel sorry for Katie too due to the incessant media coverage and the constant scrutiny she's under from people like us, reading blogs that are always trashing anything and everything she does. This poor girl can not win to save her life. I think I would where a full length duster 24/7 too if I knew the wrath my fashion choice were going to incur.

  17. Notice how her purse is only seen in the last shot and not in the others? I would like to know which bodyguard is in charge of carrying her purse.

  18. and this leaving the house to do errands dressed and made up for high-def editorial shots sort of lessens my sympathy for her. These shots have been soooo staged...

  19. Anonymous1:29 PM


  20. Too many pictures of these two! Dang, what a waste of effort.
