Wednesday, August 08, 2007

K-Fed Wants The Kiddies

An Order To Show Cause was filed by Kevin Federline's attorney on Wednesday which is seeking some change to the custody or visitation agreement. Reports have indicated that Kevin has filed for "Primary Custody" but that is not actually anything you can file for. People often confuse custody with visitation but they are separate issues. It is very rare for one party to be awarded Sole Legal and Physical Custody and it really has nothing to do with visitation. Generally the only time a party who has sole physical custody can keep another parent from visiting their child is if there are domestic violence issues or if the life of the child is in danger. To give an example, Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards have joint legal and physical custody but Charlie only has supervised visitation. In his new request to the court he wants to modify the visitation, not the custody.

I haven't seen the documents Kevin's attorney filed, but would imagine that Kevin will be requesting a modification to the visitation order which has been in place since the divorce was filed. An Order to Show Cause (OSC) is basically a document served on another party that says give me a reason why the court shouldn't give me exactly what I'm asking for in this document.

The document usually contains what the moving party (Kevin) is asking for. California law also requires that mediation occur before any permanent changes can be made. Often an Order To Show Cause is accompanied with Temporary Orders that the moving party (Kevin) wants put in place until a hearing can be held. The Temporary Orders could ask for something like Britney can't have any visitation. In most counties, Temporary Orders are rarely granted unless the life of the child is in danger.


  1. Well, if K-Fed wants those kids, hopefully he'll actually spend some time with them instead of handing them off to the succession of bodyguards and mannys they're constantly photographed with. Reminds me of that kids' book where the duck is constantly asking, "Are you my mommy?" Those boys must wonder if anyone burly is daddy...

  2. who's that woman in the picture next to k-fed?

  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Ent, thanks for your legal impression on this. It's just another thing that makes you more special than the average gossip blogger

  4. i say give em the kids until she gets her shizz together..everyone is still hatin on him come on..SOMEONE has to be the grownup and maybe just maybe this has forced him to be.

    Britney does not have the sense or security she needs to keep those kids safe..its just shameless the way she endangers them.

  5. Charlie and Denise do NOT have joint legal and physical custody.

    Denise has sole custody and Charlie gets supervised visitation, hence why Denise has the choice of who is present when Charlie sees the children. She makes all the decisions regarding the children.

    Charlie cannot amend it because he has so much stacked against him, he can only take baby steps and this is the first one, and he's only doing it because his fiance wants it. It's all a rouse for his new girl, and it's disgraceful.

  6. Who ever would have thought that K-Fed would be considered the normal and good one to raise the two boys? I don't especially care for him, but at least I haven't heard too much crap about him lately. He must be laying low.

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Feels really weird to say this. Never thought I'd see the day, but here goes: Team K-FED!

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Team NEITHER here.

    I still think Kfed is an opportunistic a**wipe and that Bit bit is a certifiable idiot.

    On the night the divorce was finalized, Kfed through a judging photos from past "parties" of Kfed's, I seriously doubt that he provides an environment that I would want to raise my own kids in. Though at the moment he may be MINIMALLY better than Britney, I don't really see him as a model parent.

    I think that what has come out of all of the Britney BS these past few years includes the fact that Britney is a product of her own environment who thought that with Kevin she could find freedom. However, instead of swimming when she took the plunge to free herself of an over bearing mother, she has been sinking fast and hard.

    Kfed, Lynne and Britney are all to blame in this mess and I hardly think any of them are worthwhile parents.

  9. The only people to blame in this mess is Britney...oh and all the enablers she employs to be her yes men. You cannot blame her mother, shes over 21 and you cant blame Kfed..he's powerless...Brit hold the power here and that's why she's gotten away with it because everyone she surrounds herself with are on the PAYROLL.

    Britney needs to sink to rock bottom,shes in denial or mentally ill..either way you cannot help someone who doens't see anything wrong in the first place.

  10. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Thanks Jax.

    I do agree and I am definitely not throwing out excuses for her sorry, asstastic and pathetic behavior.

    What I am saying, though, is that none of these three people are the kinds of people I'd want my kids growing up with. The crazy controlling stage grandma who is rumored to have her own little problem, the gold digging ex who can hardly be exemplified as a positive role model for his children, and the mess of a mother who has the emotional maturity of a two year old.

    Those poor kids. Parents like these are how Lilos are made (which is still no excuse for her crap either).

  11. I think Brit is likely suffering from a serious case of post partum depression. Two kids in less than 2 years? She went from single to married with 2 kids very quickly. It was a significant life style change which she may not have been prepared for.

    Sure, we can blame her, and she does need to take some of the blame b/c if she keeps going down this path, her kids will blame her when they grow up...the girl needs help. I hope she gets it before this gets worse. I'd hate to see her lose her kids.

    I'm not even a Britney fan.

    I'm sure K-Fed loves his kids (I hope he does) and wants the best for them...

    Money can cause more problems than it solves.
