Friday, August 17, 2007

Jessica Simpson Breaks Her Nose

When I first heard about it, I was just hoping that she broke it while doing something unseemly with someone, but not her dad because that would be sick. Or that would have been great also if her dad broke Jessica's nose. That would be kind of cool. However, Jessica broke her nose as only Jessica could.

While filming her latest and hopefully last film (not counting sex tapes, and Playboy's Where Are They Now? Naked And Naughty series.) Jessica broke her nose after she accidentally hit herself in the face with a gun.

"I was running with a gun over my head and fell over and broke my nose, it really hurt!"

I am having a tough time even trying to visualize how this could have happened. What I can visualize is that her nose which she has often cited as her best feature will be so dramatically altered that she will make everyone forget about Jennifer Grey and just fade into obscurity and late night visits from dad.


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