Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Is Pete The Rent A Boy Making A Return?

If he is planning on making a return to the sex by the hour trade he's going to need to do much more than color his hair blonde despite the fishnet top and appropriate tag. All he's done now is make himself look like Courtney Love from about 10 years ago. Pete also needs to do something about those meth teeth. Who here wants to even guess what Pete's breath must smell like. And he called Kate a nasty rag?

I give Pete six months to live at the most unless he gets serious help or gets thrown in jail.


Bryn said...

And clean those filthy fingernails!!! They gross me out everytime I see him. Doesn't he ever wash his hands? Ewwwwww!!!!

mandjo said...

I seriously cannot figure out why anyone would want to sleep with that man.

Anonymous said...


chickenrotini said...

Is Petey wearing his fishnet top inside out and backwards? lol

Tracee said...

Ugh! Just looking at him gave me crabs. And I bet his breathe smells like hot ass smeared with butter. -off to scrub feverishly-

Anonymous said...

Him and Kate MUST get back together!

Pete is like a cockroach, and he will live much longer than 6 months. If Keith Richards can survive this long.....


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