Tuesday, August 14, 2007

If You Suck In Front Of The Camera Might As Well Try It From Behind So To Speak

Jennifer Aniston's acting career consists of her basically flipping her hair and facing the camera with a puzzled look while she fondly thinks of the fat doobie waiting for her back in her trailer/dressing room. So after one bad movie following another and no real hopes of ever making a good one (Yes, she was in Office Space, but Yoko Ono could have played that part and it wouldn't have mattered) it makes sense for her that she try something new such as directing.

Apparently Ms. Aniston has a shred of talent as a director or shares well and kissed a tremendous amount of ass because her short film Room 10 which was released almost a year ago and won the Best Short Film Award at the CineVegas International Film Festival will be showing at the Palm Springs Film Fest at the end of August. The film stars Robin Wright Penn and Kris Kristofferson who are no doubt members of that same 3 number fraternity of which Jen is a founding member. At least she picked good actors, and remember it's only 19 minutes so the suffering won't go on as long as Friends With Money which is Jen's piece de resistance of bad acting.


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