Monday, August 13, 2007

I Wonder If Tom Sets Up A Photo-Op For Every Diaper Change

I know many of you have children out there and hey, maybe you even care enough about them to take them to the zoo. Zoo's are large places and cover many, many hundreds of acres. They often involve hills, long paths, and very tired parents who don't usually exercise. When a parent takes their child to the zoo and the child doesn't walk, hell even if they do walk, I'm guessing that parents usually bring a stroller with them.

As you will notice in this photo taken at the Berlin Zoo, there is no stroller in sight. Hell, Katie isn't even holding the kid in a comfortable position. Suri is being displayed for the cameras as well as her mommy and daddy to show the world that they are a completely normal couple. Well they are not normal.

No one wears clothes like this to the zoo. No one looks this fresh after five minutes at a zoo with a kid. No one carries their kid like that for longer than 30 seconds.

Here's what happened. Tom let Katie out of her cell and told her to get dressed like she was going to a runway show. Tom then changed his mind saying she had done that last time and that this time they should both wear jeans. Tom, not owning any jeans sent someone out to buy some. They didn't have any jeans in extra short so he had to wear the big heels.

Tom and Katie took a car over to the zoo. As they got out of the car, someone handed them a kid and they walked and cuddled with the kid for a quick pass through the zoo. As you can see in the first photo, Katie needed a little push to be cooperative. Once done with the set up, Tom and Katie went back to the car and the kid was sent away until she's needed again.
P.S. Tom doesn't look like the guy from The Simpsons as much as Mike Myers from So, I Married An Axe Murderer. It's that damn haircut.


  1. Good catch Ent. I've never seen Suri in stroller. Maybe cuckoo Tom thinks it's an evil device meant to enslave children into obedience so he just makes obedient Katie walk Suri.

    Sit boo boo sit. Good dog.

  2. Is Katie morphing into Tom? She looks like his sister. And she has bags under her eyes.

  3. I do think they rival the Jolie-Pitts for kids & photo opportunities....they know what or who gets noticed.

    You're dead on for the haircut/Mike Myers likeness Ent!

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    they're not even wearing fanny packs!

  5. Having lived in Berlin for nearly two years and taken a lot of visitors through that zoo (which is great, but I digress...) I can safely say there were times I wished I had been in a stroller - it's that big and tiring to walk through.

    So yeah... makes no sense whatsover that they'd be toting her like a sack of kartofel... i.e., potatoes...

    But hey, maybe that's how Katie's getting her workouts these days now that her freedom has been curtailed... baby reps!

  6. puh-leeze get off tom and katie. if you know some good juicy gossip, that is a different matter, but these snarky comments just make you look like a bad loser.

  7. Clueless..why are you here???

    Perfect name darling...

    Anyways..on to some adult conversation. I totally think Katie is knocked up again..everytime they spy a camera Katie uses Suri like a Berkin and hosits her up in front of her belly...mark my words. lol.

  8. Ha as a parent I absolutely agree that if your plan was to go walk around a zoo for a few hours with no stroller as well as no diaper or some other sort of bag to carry water, milk, snacks, diapers, etc., for your child then you would have to be a complete moron.

    He is looking taller than Katie in these shots. HIGH heels indeed.

  9. Good catch Pamela! I thought the jeans just made him look weird. But no, it's the high heel shoes he's wearing. ROFL!! The queen lives -mumbling- inside Tom Cruise!

  10. OK i have to brother is gay as the day is long..maybe even gayer. well anyhoo he works in a high profile job in th UK and had the chance to meet with lil Cruisey/crazy not long ago...well he said his Gaydar was zinging UP THE CHARTS!

    So there you have it..Tom is a friend of the Dot!
    (for non gay means he is GAY) I totally trust my bro, he knows from gay..bugger made me cry in 87 when explaining that George Michael was 'not in my league'.

  11. FOD I've heard of, but 'spot the dot?' What's that mean, Jax?

  12. Why is it we have never, ever seen Suri smile in any of these pictures. Very strange.

  13. So true Ent, this just gets creepier and creepier.
    Why is Tom holding Katie like that?
    Does he honestly think that anyone believes this farce? It must be exhausting for him keeping up his supposed public image. Maybe that's why he always looks like he's ready to snap.

    Look, I used to love Katie Holmes but I just don't understand how someone could just sell their soul like that. For what...? Money, more fame, surely happiness and being true to yourself is more important.

  14. Being true to yourself is not the norm in Hollyeird - I think it's the exception...


  16. His haircut is ridiculously awful. I just can't get past it. You're right about the kid holding, I hadn't even thought of that; and hell yes you'd bring a stroller w/ you! I am still shocked and a little, well a lot, disturbed by the way he guides her around by the neck. That would piss me off to no end, if anyone did that to me. I hated it as a kid, definitely NO as a grown up!!
