Friday, August 03, 2007

Hollywood's Next Gen-Men From Vanity Fair

Shia LaBeouf

Zac Efron
Kevin Zegers

Michael Pitt
Paul Dano
Steven Strait

Ben Foster
Charlie Cox
Channing Tatum
Eddie Redmayne
Henry Cavill


Kim's World said...

why do they all look questionable or was that the point?

Ice Angel said...

I'm sorry...I know I'm going to sound like a pedophile or something, but Zac Effron is so totally hot. He's of age now, right??? So that's OK to say, right???

I know everyone is speculating he is gay, but I really don't care. I'll help him with his High School homework any day! :)

Anonymous said...

so hollywood's next generation is going to be the gay generation?

Anonymous said...

My notes on this: Keven Zegers + Zac Efron = Single White (fe)Male remake or cast as brothers. Shia LaBeouf--getting sick of him. Michael Pitt - what happened to him? He used to be reasonably cute. Steven Strait-who? Ben Foster-Who2? Charlie Cox - will be playing Sawyer's son on "Lost" in season 4. Channing - looks better than the last bloated pic we saw of him. Eddie Redmayne-Red mane indeed, boy needs some proactiv and again--WHO? Henry Cavill - hello Playgirl model.

YahMoBThere said...

You took better notes than I did, dnfrommn.

These were my notes:


kellygirl said...

Who wants to play "first to rehab"?

Tracee said...

Ice Angel, I know how you feel. He's hawt. Not caring if he's gay either...I'm just looking, not buyin.

And the third guy I thought was Tobey Maguire with his grill fixed. Oops, my mistake, that guy is way hotter than Tobe.

Thanks Ent! I needed some eye candy, my blood sugar was running low! :)

YahMoBThere said...

I'll play, Kelly! My money is on Shia LaBeouf.

Man, there isn't a Christian Bale among them. So sad.

d said...

Zac Efron and Kevin Zegers look like the same person.

Anonymous said...

Oh God, that picture post just made me feel OLD.

Mother Campfire said...

But I dig Michael Pitt, I've been waiting for him to come back up - but I agree...he's a perfect candidate for 'Who's next to rehab?'.

sunny said...

So instead of the likes of Christian Bale, Daniel Craig, Clive Owen, and Russell Crowe, we get a bunch of fey adolescents?

No thanks.

ladorabelle said...

dmfrommn --

Aww, you don't recognize Ben Foster? He was Angel in the last X-Men. But, I remember him from all those too-early-Saturday-morning babysitting jobs where the little girls would swoon over him on Flash Forward.

__-__=__ said...

11 guys - 7 gay and one unsure if he's gay or not.

OK, how did I do??????

Tracee said...

Labrobelle! That's where I know him from. Although I never swooned, just liked seeing him. He was funny on the show. And I loved him in Six Feet Under. Good for him!

YahMoBThere said...

Six Feet Under??? Oh, man, I guess I know him, too, but didn't know that I know him. Ha! Silly ole me.

GammaGirl said...

I agree with everyone...I'm a little surprised they went the younger route too.
I cannot stand zac efron, he's more groomed than most GIRLS I know...

Anonymous said...

ladorabelle- ohhhh, thanks for the info. I didn't recognize him with facial hair. In X-men, he looked like one of my ex-men (though a little buff-er).

Hez said...

Jesus. It's like a gay bomb went off in here.

Vanity Fair is obviously pushing these twinks and tweens to their MALE readers, cuz real women need some bone(s) on their meat.

Thanks a lot, Ent. Now I have to go look at nude guys just to feel hetero again! Yeeesh.

Unknown said...

These guys are just way too young to have much of interest. Certainly low on life experience. Oh some are handsome but most are just meh.

Frankly, most of them make me ask the question: Who is this and why should I care?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I dunno, I see one or two I wouldn't mind discussing global warming and politics with.

NatD said...

I actually thought Shia was cute in Transformers. I say "cute" because of how much younger he is then I am. I think the tattoos make him look even better.

Unknown said...

What no next gen black guys?

Unknown said...

Ben Foster has been around for a while, was great in 6 feet under and the ONLY good thing in Alpha dog (his performance was pretty phenomenal).

Michael Pitt was great in Hedwig, but really won me over in some french foreign film where it felt like he was naked 3/4 of the movie with Eva Green.

And Shia has amazing broad potential. He's not too pretty, not too buff, not too ethnic, can deliver jokes and do green screen- and he's been smart about his roles and choices. He's a contender.

In the last 4 years he's done
Indy Jones 4(hugely anticipated)
Transformers (action/greenscreen/young male lead)
Surf's up (Animation Voiceover $$$) Disturbia (3 weeks at #1? as the star)
Bobby (who wasn't in that movie)
A guide to recognizing your saints (EXCELLENT indie, he plays the same role as Robert Downey Jr- big shoes to fill)
The Greatest Game... (Star of movie for Disney)
and bit roles in Constantine & I, robot working with Keanu & Big Will.

Who are these other clones again?
What do they do?

Ever looked at Zac Efron's imdb? lol. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. what a flash in the pan.

mandjo said...

I know that Eddie Redmayne was the son in The Good Shepard.

mandjo said...

Paul Dano -Little Miss Sunshine

Reese said...

I think Shia will have a strong career, provided he keeps his head on straight (seems to be doing fine in that department so far). The others...not much to look forward to, is there?

Production Girl said...

Steven Straight is a major hottie...but this pic is not flattering at all.

He was the pyro guy in Sky High and the main witch/warlock in The Covenent. His voice is very manly but he def pings my gaydar.

misterbunn said...

some of these guys have been around for 10 yrs

michele said...

Mmmmm, Channing Tatum and Henry Cavill. They both look great to me.

I agree Ben Foster was awesome in Alpha Dog.

Madame Enfer said...

Michael Pitt was great in Hedwig and The Dreamers.

Love Paul Dano in anything he's in - was especially bowled over by his performance in There Will Be Blood (didn't notice the pun till I wrote that actually). He's a really good young character actor.


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