Friday, August 17, 2007

Heidi And Spencer Sure Have A Funny Way Of Hating Ryan Seacrest

So yesterday, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were supposed to be pissed that Ryan Seacrest had played a copy of Heidi's song that had been "leaked" to him. The record label was upset and Heidi was in tears and Spencer was saying how he would never rap on Heidi's first single and so it was not the right song, and blah, blah, blah.

Well Heidi and Spencer were so pissed that they came on Ryan's show this morning for what seems like a daily appearance from someone from The Hills. All they did was be their normal ass kissing selves and were calling from Spencer's parents place in Malibu. When Ryan let one of his hearing impaired listeners on to gush about Heidi's song and a very fake compliment about Spencer's rap, Heidi and Spencer acted as if this was their plan all along. When the listener stated she couldn't wait for the song to come out so she could put it on her MySpace page and that it was her all-time favorite song, Heidi and Spencer had an orgasm right there on the air. Well, not really, but they knew their little pissed plan and "leaked" song had worked.

Honestly, after the fake engagement ring, the fake "leaked" song, and all this fake fighting that has gone on between LC, Heidi, and Spencer, it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that the three of them share an apartment and much more. Of course the way Spencer kisses Heidi could also give a clue as to why he is always on Ryan's show.


  1. OMG hahahaha you're so right!

  2. i think i am the only person on this site who has never seen the hills .. am i missing something? should I start watching the show .. or just follow where the blogs take me?

  3. Unfortunately, Donna, I can't stop watching it. It's like the scene of a nasty car accident, you know? You can't help but look! Trust me - don't watch it. It will rot your brain as it has surely done to mine. Spencer is one of the more more repulsive men I've ever seen, and Heidi's just an IDIOT. But I just love Lauren and Whitney and Lo and Audrina.

    Please, please - take my advice. It's worse than crack.


  4. That ring retails for $2700 or something. It is not a real diamond, but it is surrounded by real diamonds, the center stone is amethyst or something. My friend's co-worker called the store to "order the same ring for her bosses wife's birthday" so they told her there were only two made, Heidi's and the one in the store (which they couldn't put on sale until the episode aired).

    So that is how she found out how much it costs. LOL silly storefolk fell for it.

  5. why are you posting about them ent?

    they're reality tv trash joining the ranks of jessica simpson.

  6. I think this post confirms that Heidi and Spencer are the answer to the NY Post #2 Bl yesterday about the fauxcialite. I think the kisses comment is a big give away.

  7. Ummmm... I dunno ... no self-respecting gay man would ever buy jewelry from A MAUUUUUL ... even if it was sham engagement jewelry. Though has anyone gotten a GOOD look at Katie's gigunto pink pave blinger?

    Of course, maybe Spencer's just Gay 4 Pay ... ala all the bob hobbin' wannabes that came bef(wh)ore. Hello Keanu, Orlando etc....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. teevee,
    My friends and I died when he went into that store. My husband knows to never buy me jewelry from a store that sells things other than jewelry, unless it is Tiffany.

  10. hey what store did he buy it from i wasnt able to see the whole episode

  11. it is called Ice Accessories or something

  12. Heidi singing and Spencer rapping? Oh. Hell. No.

  13. In the eppy, he starts going on and on about and engagement ring, then he goes into a store that I swear was selling luggage and trinkets! Couldn't believe it. He says to the salesgirl, "where are your most expensive rings?" You gotta be kidding me!!

  14. damn...i really wanted to believe that no one in the hamptons would let these two posers into a party...maybe it was a five year old's birthday party, complete with clowns, pony rides, and pin the tail on the donkey

  15. I think the store was called "ICE" or something ... I swear they sold SCRUNCHIES & PLASTIC HAIR CLIPS ... it was like "Claires Accessories"!!!!!!!!

    And the "ring" ... had CHECKERBOARD CUT .. like lame K-Mart costume jewelry, the kind on spinning stands with paper size hang tags. OOOF!

    Slimeball's all "Yeah, this is a JLO, Kobe Bryant type of ring here .. I'll take it!" No talk of ring size ... nothing. As if all girls are the same?? As if this is how all reasonable men go about shopping for engagement rings???

    What a thoughtless, superficial, sociopathic TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!
