Thursday, August 09, 2007

Gwyneth Paltrow In W

If you want to read the interview, then click here.


  1. Well, at least the photogragher made her look nothing like Gweneth, that's a plus.

    Gimp is the new black?

  2. Eeeewww... I like GP and these pics don't look like her at all. In fact, this is what it would look like if you cloned GP with Jennifer Aniston.

  3. Zandra: Right on!
    She looks TERRIBLE with the dark eyebrows. I've never understood why people find her so beautiful. Because she is skinny? I really don't get it.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    "goddess gwyneth" is the headline, yet all the photos have crutches or canes in them... I dont get it.

  5. Horrible! I never thought she was pretty in the first place.

  6. Never thought she was attractive to begin with (her mother, Blythe Danner, is MUCH better looking), but in these pictures she looks like a tranny.

  7. Why does she look dead, or like a mannequin? I think ScarJo did a shoot like that too. It's creepy, and I hope the trend ends quickly. America's Next Top Model did a shoot with the girls acting dead. Why would we want lifeless looking models? It's not edgy. It's a little sick though.

  8. Photography is a hobby of mine and one of the first things you learn is never to position someone without checking the background before shooting. Move the person if it looks like something is growing out of their head, for example. Check out the last photo. What moron took that? I see this kind of thing all the time and it's just a real pet peeve of mine. These photographers are making a ton of money and should know better.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    wow, i didn't know photoshop had an "ugly stick" tool with which to beat the photos. huh, you learn something new every day.

  10. Marsha marsha marsha!

    Gwyneth looks straight up Brady!

  11. She looks horrible. But I love the fact that in the last picture she looks like she has devil horns. Perfect for someone who had just posed provocatively in front of a portrait of Jesus Christ. I am religious, but not a "holy roller" and I find that extremely offensive. Bet she wouldn't have posed in front of Muhammed like that!

    Stay in London ya trollop!

    Just my opinion...and man she looks like a stepford wife! I am having visions of a circa 1975 Katherine Ross!

  12. twistedsister, that's the exact thing I thought. until you said that, I thought she had on a pair of ears or something. aside from that very ridiculous mistake, I actually like the 2nd to last photo. granted she looks nothing like herself, nor does the "goddess gwenyth" thing go with it at all. and what's with the crutch motif?

  13. She's always had a face like a slapped backside.

    Her best "acting" was as a disembodied head at the end of Se7en.

    And really, I should have crushed her skull with a heavy dictionary when I had the chance that day she came in my bookstore during the filming of Duets. (What was she doing there, you ask? Checking to see how many magazine covers she was on.)

    Anyone who needs a magazine headline to tell the world they're a "goddess" clearly ISN'T.

    Bought her Oscar with a beej and a stolen script (from former BFF Winona), married a Brit and then had the nerve to diss single men in her own country. Smug c*nt. Who the hell cares?

    I'm glad her movie's gonna tank. I hope they all go straight to video from now on (not DVD, video!).


  14. k, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees

  15. So I'm not crazy for thinking she's been made to look exactly like Jen?

  16. EEEEK!!! Poor gwyneth, this is a perfect example of self tanning gone horribly awry!
    She usually looks so well put together

    Hez, you crack me up!

  17. Have magazines and such gotten some new fancy tools for photoshop or what? I haven't found the tools in mine to be able to make people look this scary. These pics are absolutely horrid. I am not a fan of Gweneth and find her offensive at best. I also have never found her to be beautiful but good grief these pics are nightmare worthy.

  18. Wow ... so THIS is what it looks like when you Botox someone's brain...

  19. The crutches/cane are because she had pretty significant knee surgery. Which is in the article that the blog writer linked.

    The pics are OK, I mean- they were obvs going for a non-gwennie aesthetic, which they acheived- but the one of her on the bed looks verrrrrrrry mannish

  20. Oooh Hez what other juice do you have?
    Gwyneth has always seemed like a Grade A Bitch to me and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

  21. Just because she had significant knee surgery does not mean they had to include the crutches/cane in every picture.

    I didn't even recognize GP at first. She looks psychotic, depressed and/or suicidal in these pics. Feeding a rat from a sippy cup? That's something I'd expect a crazy person to do.

    GP must be crazy.

    And my feelings towards GP are neutral.

  22. Mia, that's why the pics included crutches? (haven't read the article yet) How odd. It's almost like those are meant to be sympathy pics.
