Friday, August 03, 2007

The Friday Nudity Party And Other Links

Madonna's naked Polaroids, used panties and sex letters come back to bite her in the ass. (dlisted)

Johnny Depp goes over to the "Dark" side. (Celebitchy)

All the tabloid covers so you know what to look for quickly at the checkout line. (CelebritySmack)

A bunch of almost naked and naked guys. I can't even begin to detail how NSFW this site is.

I also found a little something for "some" while he's dreaming of being Jessica Simpson's date. Again, totally NSFW. I've never heard of Roxanne Galla, but I think you'll like her "some."


Simone said...

I wonder if Madonna now regrets being a ho in the past?


Anonymous said...

Ent - Is the Friday Nudity Party your version of craigslist flash fridays?

YahMoBThere said...

NOW Madonna has morals? This seems like an attempt to garner some publicity. Nothing else is working for her.

ent lawyer said...


actually I don't do it every week, but since most of the readers of the site are women and I as a man tend to post photos predominantly of women all week, I just like to give a little something back. Plus maybe it will help their significant others to get lucky. I'm a helper that's what I do.


ent lawyer said...

I almost forgot. I wanted to thank all of you who write comments and send the links from this blog all over. When all the sites linked to the Zac Efron beard story all of the sites mentioned the comments you all had written when they linked. I really appreciate how you make this site better.


Anonymous said...


Barnabus Collins! Dark Shadows! Johnny Depp! A dream come true!

What a way to start the weekend.

ladorabelle said...

Honestly, though. Johnny Depp + anything = hot and I'll pay to see it.

P.S. Ent -- I like commenting now. It's much more fun than lurking from the baddies.

Tracee said...

Ent, damn you almost got me in trouble with those nekkid guys. It's nice to see guys from all different ethnicities. I like all flavors of the rainbow!

kellygirl said...

I hope a lot more of Madonna's past comes back to bite her in the ass.
I for one am disgusted that she is playing this "morally-superior lady" crap when she made a fortune selling sex. It's like a hooker telling you to practice abstinence.

Hez said...

Yes, we are brilliant. Thank you for noticing, Enty. Happy campers make for more ENTertaining posters.

Have a great weekend everybody!!!

Anonymous said...

um, Ent i think you might want to fix that Roxanna Galla link, i think you might have accidentally posted something from your favorites list instead of the link you meant to post.

ent lawyer said...


Yes I posted the naked guys twice. Sorry. It is fixed now. Please enjoy Roxanna.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello roxanne.

bluegirl said...

ooooh, thanks Ent!

Unknown said...

OMG the Dark Shadows! I remember that show. :D


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