Friday, August 24, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 This drug free celebutante was spotted doing lines of coke last night.

#2 This female, who is a former A list television star and B list film actress had to have her stomach pumped a few months ago because she ate a brownie laced with more than the pot she thought was in it. Turns out some friends of friends brought the special brownies, while she thought she was eating brownies prepared by friends. It happened after all the guests had left, but the hosts were still there. She started freaking out within 10-15 minutes, and then collapsed. A private doctor at the resort was called in and her stomach pumped.

#3 This B list television actress on a network show was told be her doctor recently that anymore plastic surgery would leave her unable to perform many facial expressions. She is holding off until she decides whether being a great actress or looking 10 years younger is better. Well, she isn't that great of an actress, so might as well go for the looks I say.

#4 This B list film actor's assistant forgot to bring the actor's special shoes for a recent photocall which forced the actor to wear regular shoes and be 4 inches shorter than normal. After the 4th comment, our actor decided to remain sitting for the entire photocall. Not Sly Stallone. Think younger, but also think someone who used to be A list.


  1. #2 has to be Aniston.

  2. 1. Paris, duh.

    2. Aniston

    3. Teri H?

    4. Hmmm. There are a lot of short actors in Hollywood. Mike Myers?

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    1. Rumer Willis or Parisite
    2. Aniston
    3. Teri Hatcher
    4. ??

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    hey Enty, will you be doing anything special for us for Labor Day weekend? ie more blind item updates and reveals?

  5. 1. paris
    2. jennifer aniston
    3. I'm tempted to ay Teri Hatcher but her face looks like ass right now.
    4. I hopes its not my beloved Vin Disiel. I know for a fact he's several inches shorter than all the bios claim him to be.

  6. #1 *yawn* Parisite....

    #2 yes Pinky, for some reason my mind went straight to Aniston, too!

    #3 Marg Helgenberger from CSI? Though I don't know if it's a network show (what's the definition again? I'm in the UK, haven't a clue!)

    #4 Antonio Banderas?

  7. Melissa , those were my guesses for the first 3, don't know about the last one though.

  8. Tania - Marg is actually a good actress, so I don't think it's her. But I am liking that Teri Hatcher guess. And yeah, Paris for #1, and for #4 it could be just about anyone. I think there's about 2 actors in H'wood that even reach 6'. David Duchovney and Brad Garrett (who's like 6'7") The rest of 'em are pipsqueaks.

  9. 1-Parisite (denied drug use on Larry King, despite photographic evidence to the contrary)

    2-Aniston ("friends" clue; loves the mary jane; was just photographed at a resort; with the Arquettes-i.e., "hosts" plural)

    3-Nicolette Sheridan (B list; network show; not a great actess; known for her looks; has had plastic surgery in the past, and her face is probably already pulled back as far as it'll go)

    4-not sure

  10. #2: That's just wrong. Don't mess with the special brownies. They should be filled only with joy.

  11. What about Joaquin Phoenix for #4?

  12. Surely he wouldn't be talking about Tom! That seems too obvious, but with all of the 4 references it made me wonder.

  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    mandjo: why would Tom Cruise be associate with the #4?

  14. I was thinking Tom as well for #4 because he is really short (i saw him once years ago) and he never looks that short compared to taller women.

    #1 def thought paris right away.

    #2 Aniston is a great guess

    #4 - for some reason Vanessa Williams popped into my mind at first but Teri hatcher is prob a better guess

  15. 1) Parasite of course... I don't think of Rumer as a celbutante ... but i could be wrong

    2) first thought - Aniston

    3) Terri Hatchetface

    4)I thought of Matt Damon for this but he doesn't strike me as being that hung up on his height. And i think he's a list... MArk Wahlberg maybe? He's only about 5'8"-5'9"

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    #3 could be Christa Miller.

  17. 3. Teri Hatcher, all the way.

  18. Anonymous2:16 PM

    dnfrommn, I think mandjo might have been thinking Born on the Fourth of July.

    Agree with Paris, Aniston, maybe Hatcher, and Tom.

  19. Anonymous2:31 PM

    #4 has gotta be Tom....special shoes?

  20. 4# there are a few more tall ones around christian bale, steven segal, will smith, dolph lundgren and others. But with that majority of small actors its hard to say.

    younger than stallone, small and used to be A-list, now B. hmmmm. is sly the hint for the one being action star or just for the age?

  21. Anonymous2:42 PM

    sarah - ahh, thanks for the interp on the #4 = tom thing. I dont think he's dropped to B-list just yet

  22. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I wonder if there's such a thing as a demotion in list due to backlash? Cruise is still making movies that are A-List - the MI movies and War of the Worlds, etc. - but I think there is a growing group of people that are repulsed by the guy and would avoid seeing anything he is in. I don't think he can open a movie on his own name, the way he could back when he seemed normal enough. I think the movies are opening themselves. What do you all think?

  23. Blind item #4 uses the #"4" 2 more times within the text - I think that's definitely a deliberate clue but not sure who it points to..... any ideas? perhaps a film with the #4 in the title.

  24. Like 4th of July? Tom Cruise?

  25. You know...he didn't say 'formerly A List' so I don't think it's Tom.

    Just my interpretation.

  26. 1) Rumer
    2) Aniston
    3) Teri Hatcher

  27. As sad as it would be, what about Nicole Richie for #1?

    #2 Aniston, the friends reference is too easy.

    #3 Not sure yet.

    Movies with Four/4 in the title:
    Scary Movie 4
    Fantastic Four
    Six Indiana Jones 4 (don't know if that can be considered a real title)
    SAW 4
    Four Brothers.... Marky Mark?!?!
    Beethoven's 4th
    Terminator 4... ha ha... Ahnold
    Born On The Fourth Of July

  28. #2-mischa barton. memorial day weekend (a few months ago.) when she got sick and went to the hospital after "accidentally" mixing alcohol and "prescription pills" at a friend of a friend's (nicole richie) place? ...just throwing out somebody else besides aniston. mischa's got some movies, most not yet released and wasn't the OC a big deal?

  29. "Independence Day" is another "4" movie, if you want to stretch it.

  30. 1. Parisite...duh

    2. I like the Aniston guess because she IS an A list TV star but a B list film actress. I think Mischa is just B list...and on way more than just weed.

    3.Teri Hatcher.

    4 Tom Cruise is an obvious guess, but what about someone else in that age range like Charlie Sheen (more TV than movies though)

  31. Dnfrommn, yes I was referring to Born on the 4th of July. I was also wondering about the A list thing though.

  32. Is he "used to be A list"?

  33. ?

    It's no secret Ton C is tiny and wears boosters. I kind of figured him as well since South Park owned him and then he was dropped by Paramount the whole 'used to be A list' makes sense.
    He has managed to creep out the entire nation. Yay him, not so sure he could open a movie the way he used to be able to, not today.

  34. err *Tom*

    Anyway mandjo I'm with ya :)

  35. I didn't think he was A list. Just didn't know if anyone else afreed.

  36. 1. Paris Hilton
    2. ?
    3. Nicolette Sheridan
    4. Matthew McConaughey

  37. Anonymous8:41 PM

    1. Paris
    2. Aniston
    3. Nicolette Sheridan
    4. Tom Cruise

  38. #4 had to Johnathan Rys Meyers. Short and b-listy enough

  39. #4 Hugh Grant? Four Weddings and a Funeral?

  40. 1. parasite
    2. mischa barton, i could've sworn i read this months ago on PH.
    3. teri hatcher
    4. jeremy piven lol

  41. ooh didn't read the used to be a list. forget the piven guess.

  42. Gotta go with the first 3. TC has been doing this for so long...would he really allow a slip-up like missing shoes. It's a bird, it's a plane, is a craft coming to take the assistant away!

  43. Anonymous8:58 AM

    missbliss - good guess on Hugh Grant for #4. Can't find his height anywhere on the internet - I'll go along with this guess

  44. Yeah Paris, Aniston, thinking Nicolette, though first thought was TH.
    Now for #4, super obvious. but fro some reason it doesn't necessarily mean its him. i'm out on it.

  45. paris
    jen aniston
    terri hatcher
    tommy boy

  46. BI #2:

    I don't see this being Jennifer A. simply cause I doubt she would eat anything with that kind of calories. I bet she has not ate a brownie since 1998. haha! The girl spent was too much time getting toned to eat a brownie and f*ck it up.
    Good grief there is a crowd of women that could be #3. haha!

    Marcia Cross was positively frozen those first two years of Desperate Housewife. Until she got pregnant I don't think she eased up on the botox.

    But Snatcher is a excellent guess too. Along with Nicolette Sheriden.

    Love the guess of the redhead on CSI. She has not gracefully accepted aging. Wears clothes that Paris Hilton wouldn't even wear in public.

  47. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Mocha--I though of MB as well for No. 2, but when Mischa Barton collapsed she was not at a resort but at a friend's Memorial Day BBQ, and she was taken to a hospital.
    Apparently she was drinking while taking antibiotics...or so the story goes.

  48. #2 screams of Teri Hatcher... and if she thinks she still looks young she needs to replace her mirrors...

  49. #1 Sadly, I think it's Nicole Ritchie (poor lil baby)

    #2 "private Dr. @ the resort" it's not Mischa, she was in someone's house...I'll go with Aniston

    #3 I'm guessing Kate Walsh...all the annoying facial close ups of "emoting" on Gray's would make her surgeries a visible problem. and NO ONE on Housewives looks a minute younger than the Crypt Keeper, and all the surgery in the world can't help those hags.

  50. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Tom is the only one I could imagine getting all stressed about it. Matthew McConahey would just be like "screw ya'll"

  51. I think number 4 is Michael Douglas, only because the reference made to Sly is the age factor and maybe refernce to number 4 could be the 4th movie listing in the Data Base which is Romancing the Stone, the movie that had made him an A lister. Plus he had bee promoting King of California and Racing the Monsoon is in production now.

  52. duhhh...
    i guess i should read "think younger..." unless Sly had mega plastic surgery and is lying about is years????

  53. I disagree with Anitston for 2... back in the day her and brad were ferocious pot heads.... it'd take more than a few brownies to put her on her ass

  54. #4 Wesley Snipes? There were 4 Blade movies. And he's really, really short - according to a friend of mine.

  55. christian slater #4??

  56. Gilly,

    Ingesting weed hits you ALOT harder than smoking. ...Or so I've heard.

  57. Guys, Item #2 specifically says the following:

    "because she ate a brownie laced with more than the pot she thought was in it".
    Oviously she thought it was pot but it wasn't. Wonder what it was?



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