Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Denise Richards Is A Stalker, Has A Mouth Like A Sailor, Is A Little Poorer Today And Wants Charlie's Baby

Everyone must think I hate Denise Richards, but honestly I have no enmity towards her. I'm sure she's a lovely person for the first five minutes you know her as long as you have a job for her or have some money. I've also heard her speak and know she is extremely intelligent. But me not hating you and you being smart still doesn't change the fact that she's a crazy, foul mouthed stalker.

As I said yesterday, Charlie Sheen is under court orders to have supervised visits with his children. In this case, the supervision comes from the nanny that watches the kids at Denise's house and was hired by Denise and is loyal to Denise which is why Charlie wants to kick her to the curb. The nanny is present at the entire visit. With all of those conditions, why does Denise feel the need to call Charlie's house up to 20 times daily while the kids are there? Why does Charlie want to prevent Denise from calling him unless there is an emergency? Because Denise loves attention and wants nothing more to force her way into Charlie's life however possible. Charlie doesn't answer the phone when Denise calls unless the kids are there. She knows he's there and so he's forced to talk to her. Think about how 20 calls a day. Almost once an hour if you were up 24 hours. That's how often it rings. That doesn't include the few seconds or minutes you have to spend talking to the other person on the phone. Can you say nut job?

She can say cash poor after she and Pamela Anderson agreed to settle the lawsuit filed against them. The photographers claimed they had nightmares about Richards (must have seen her without makeup) after she threw a laptop at them and called them f**king c**ksuckers at least 15 times. Well at least she has her job title down. The photographers agreed to drop their lawsuit and in return got some dough.

Finally, Denise may need that dough because she wants Charlie to knock her up for the third time. However she wants Charlie just to donate the sperm not actually donate the time if you know what I mean. It seems to me and to Charlie as well that if you think someone is good enough where you want to have more children with them, shouldn't they also be able to take care of the kids you already have together without supervision?

Yes, they should and a judge will probably let the supervised visits go bye bye and then Denise will be forced to sitting outside Charlie's house with a camera to see what's happening or hiring private detectives or living in his trash cans. If there are no more supervised visits, Denise will go even more nuts. Just watch.


  1. Is there a photo, anywhere, with those kids smiling?

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Didn't she kick him to the curb? Why would she be stalking him if she's the one who called it off? How very odd.

    There is something fishy here...and I'm not (only) talking about Denise. :)

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    ENT - I can feel your LOVE for her - it just comes through so clearly in your writing. I have to say though I miss the Denise supporter who used to post in the comments - it was always such fun to read!!!

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    HAHA I knew this dame was wack! She has the most evil glint in her eye. I'm not sayin Charlie's an angel, himself, but I wouldn't put it past this ho to have completely exaggerated everything from the time of their split. And he kept his mouth shut for so long!! I guess he knew that like everything else, crazy will *out*....

  5. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Embrace the crazy...
