Friday, August 17, 2007

Chuck Is Ruining My Life

Chuck is a television show created by McG that is filmed, on what seems to me, a 24/7 basis. Chuck and a crew of hundreds moved into my neighborhood about three weeks ago and don't show any signs of leaving. Usually filming is a one day thing, maybe two, and then the trucks, trailers, strippers and crowds leave and things get back to normal. This is not the case with Chuck. The film permit they are required to post in the neighborhood prior to filming stated they would be filming one scene involving a gunshot. Unless this is a Heaven's Gate redux then this has got to be the longest scene in the history of time.

For three weeks this production has used up several blocks of street parking 24 hours a day. So now what was a 5-10 minute search everyday to look for a parking space has become a 30 minute search, a three block walk, and a return to the car by 7am so it isn't towed away.

I'm all for the film industry in general, filming in LA instead of other countries (not including Canada which no one in the US considers another country for filming purposes anyway), and it does ultimately pay my salary so I don't complain about it much. But, I want this show to find a different home because it's hot, I'm old, weigh 400 pounds and I don't have an umbrella guy following me around as I trudge up and down hills with hundreds of other residents as we try and make the long journeys to our cars, if we remember where we parked them that day. There are actually people out on the streets now selling drinks to residents because the walks are so long. McG has more money than God and a backyard larger than many states so if he loves this project so much, he should just film it there.

Did I mention that they have an entire two blocks of a great cross-street also blocked off so that all traffic comes to a halt because instead of two streets for traffic there is now only one.

Today as I drove past the set dumping my trash, and doing my usual yelling in order to disrupt a scene, I noticed a new sign for a show? film? called Steve. Two one name shows? In the same location? This doesn't look good.


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I"m boycotting Chuck, just in support for you Ent!

  2. McG is hottt...


  3. "not including Canada which no one in the US considers another country anyway)" -

    well as a Canadian I sure as hell do consider it to be different and I am therefore sending the writer of this blog a very polite F.Y. for that comment. Yes I have a sense of humour but in this country that is one of the biggest insults you can receive. Sorry, that's the truth.

  4. littleoleme:
    I live in this country and DO consider Canada to be a different country, very much so.

    I'm Mexican by the way, maybe that's why.

  5. Awwwww, thanks Jenny!

  6. Anonymous3:05 PM

    read your quotes right - "including Canada which no one in the US considers another country for filming purposes anyway" The point being that unless you are Denise the laptop throwing bitch Richardson, visas and paperwork for the casts are not a big issue.

  7. I stand corrected. Thank you Klown.

  8. In littleoleme's defense, I went back and added the "for filming purposes" after her initial comment. It is what I meant to say and I realized after she wrote her comment that it did not come out that way. I appreciate her pointing it out to me.

  9. Wow i'm canadian too and really didn't give a shit..PC much???

  10. OK - I don't know about umbrella carrying men, but I volunteer to be Ent's Umbrella Girl. Any other volunteers?

    We could dress like Holly GoLightly. It think it's a good look.

  11. I'm surprised anyone would get upset about a little remark like that but more surprised that Enty went back and changed it. Especially after getting a big FU. Anyways I wonder why he doesnt get involved when people are getting ripped into and hollered at here if he's so sensitive to peoples feelings.

  12. Enty where do you live? I take it somewhere in the Hollywood Hills.

    There's another show that was hogging streets around Runyon Canyon for awhile.

    There's a couple houses on Rossmore just south of 3rd that are ALWAYS have filming there and it totally gums up traffic (part of Running with Scissors was shot at one of them, that production lasted almost a month). Made my drive to work a pain in the butt.

    I feel your pain Enty. We live in a virtual movie/tv/commercial set here in LA.

    I will boycott Chuck on your behalf :)!

  13. its not enty's job to be the comments moderator. jeez some of the bored old housewives that post here are so petty BUT should be able to control themselves and their comments.

  14. Hey EL, avoid the 105 Fwy this weekend. They're shutting down an 11/2-mile stretch from Sepulveda to La Cienega boulevards from 3 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Saturday and Sunday to shoot some Will Smith movie.

    Thanks a lot Will, like LA traffic didn't suck enough, you shutting down a major freeway all day for an entire weekend and forcing all that traffic elsewhere SUCKS!!

    So when "John Hancock" comes out in theaters folks, all those fwy shots think about the pain in the ass he made life for Los Angeles commuters for 2 days straight.

    FYI, if the freeway looks familiar when you see it on screen, it's the same stretch of freeway used for all the freeway scenes in "Speed." Only difference is back then, the freeway wasn't completed yet so no one was inconvenienced.

  15. Anonymous10:31 PM

    canada? isn't canada the wasteland that fill up the empty space between montana and the north pole?

  16. Welcome to my world, Enty. But then I chose to live across the street from not one, but two movie studios. Oftentimes we get movie trucks taking up half our street parking for weeks on end.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. EL, do what my friend Debbie did when a film crew shutdown her street -- she billed them for her annoyance factor. In fact, the locals ended up filing a lawsuit, but you know better than most how that stuff ends up in LA.

    BTW, littleoleme, I was deeply offended also. To be considered the same as a Canadian when one is an American is one of the biggest insults you can receive. Sorry, that's the truth. (for the humor impaired, please read with dripping sarcasm)

  19. Why has no one mentioned how much it looks like Drew is about to spit in McG's face in that picture?

    We know Enty's not about to diss the great white north - I'm guessing at least six of his future ex-wives are from here!

  20. jenny said: "I live in this country and DO consider Canada to be a different country, very much so.

    I'm Mexican by the way, maybe that's why."

    yar, us white folks got no sense of diversity, hyuk hyuk.

  21. I almost feel bad for liking 'Chuck' now... ;-)



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