Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Britney Spears - Rolling Stone 2003

The first two were used in the magazine, while the remaining three are from the same shoot, but not used. It's amazing what four years, two husbands, a divorce, and annulment, two kids, hush puppies, cigarettes, lollipops, self grooming, 42 dogs, 5 days with Paris Hilton, multiple partners, bad clothes, and a hell of a substance abuse problem will do to someone.


  1. The fate of someone who believed their own publicity.

  2. her neck looks like it would hurt immensely at that angle in the last one.

    dammit, i want old britney back. i feel for her though.

  3. She looks kind of crossed eyed to me. Always has.

  4. Yup Pariss..ITA.

    I don't really think drugs are the root of the problem here but more a stem from her apparent mental illness.

  5. The kid never stood a chance.

  6. Red Bulls, Cheetoes, Taco Bell, Mickey D's, anything from Starbucks and four day old underwear that she took off before the first cooter shot.

    Just addin to the list of things that led to her downfall y'all.

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I'm with you Jax, I think the drugs are just a symptom of acute brain dysfunction.

  8. so sad, she was definitely teh hawt then, and since has collapsed more quickly and completely than the I35 bridge.

  9. One thing is clear, she has never had any problem removing her clothes. She knew she had a hot bod back then, she thinks she has a hot bod now.

  10. A child who was marketed towards horny pedophiles with a fierce stage mother and zero social skills (since she never really hung out with her peers) crumbles before our eyes..and we're shocked?

  11. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Right on sweater. When you never have a normal childhood and then aren't taught how to act like an adult it's no wonder she's a train wreck

  12. She looks hot in those pics. Which must mean Photoshop FTW!

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