Monday, August 27, 2007

Britney And The Child Abuse Investigation

An unscheduled hearing was held today in Superior Court in regards to an investigation into possible child abuse by Britney Spears. Attending were people from Protective Services as well as Britney's attorney and K-Fed's attorney.

This is what I think triggered the hearing. As I said in a previous post, when you are requesting a change in custody or visitation, mediation is required prior to any court hearings. This is done so the two parties can get together and try to avoid the time and expense of a full blown court hearing. Often this mediation is done informally at the courthouse, but just as often it is a formal mediation off-site and both parties are instructed to be there and it can take several hours. During this particular type of mediation, attorneys are not present in the actual room. It is just a mediator and the two parents.

During the mediation if either parent makes any abuse allegations, California law requires the mediation be immediately halted and a report is sent to Child Protective Services who will investigate the allegation and then make their report to the court. Most of the time it is just a parent saying something inflammatory and has no relation to any actual abuse. However, California law requires CPS to come in and investigate, make their report to the court, and if no abuse is found, then mediation can continue, usually with a different mediator.

This is what I think probably happened, and today was probably the report to the Court from CPS.

Don't assume Britney is abusing her children. This type of incident happens frequently and doesn't even mean that the parent actually believes abuse is occurring. It's my experience that if there is actual abuse it's discovered well before it ever gets to a mediator. However, it's always better to be safe than sorry.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    enty, thanks for your insight into this. It's great to have a rational person reviewing the details of these sorts of stories.

  2. i agree.

    he cuts through all of the tabloid bs and gives us the real deal on what really matters. thankfully the courts make judgements on facts and not on tabloid trash.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    this is going to be a long, sad, drawn-out ordeal.

  4. Maybe she isn't hitting them, but she is abusing them by not taking care of them properly. Even if she doesn't want to actually be a real parent she has family and money to hire the help.

    Dragging those kids out for photo ops at all hours of the night and flying them all over the country isn't being a good parent.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm hoping no child abuse is going on. Why would either parties want that out there though? I mean that not only hurts the parents reputations this also hurts the kids. Is there no penalty for accusing a party of false child abuse? Anyone who is willing for their kids to suffer for some ulterior motive should have that be recorded and noted in the case when they decide custody.

  7. Thanks for the claarification Ent. Something the tabloid talk shows won't point out thats for sure. ~Stacey

  8. lol damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. so whenever she is spotted out with her kids its for a photo op but when she is spotted without out them people bitch and moan and say she should be at home with her kids even though she might not have them that day?

    i wonder what proof people have those kids aren't being taken care of besides tabloid reports?

  9. I so have never gotten this. He's a lying, scum sucking, gold digger. She knew of this when she married him. She helped pay his child support for his OTHER 2 kids.

    He's not drug through the mud for going to Vegas to party and drink like he's dyin' tomorrow but if she gets a damn latte without the kids she's abusing them. Seriously, when did we go back to the women chained to stoves after kids while 'daddy' is out boikin' the stripper era?

    Thanks for clearing up the legal issues ENT. No one else would do it, it's easier to pass judgement due to a papparazi photo than to see the real evidence. I also agree with Megan - if there's no abuse the dirtbag should pay for it ($$ is more important to him it seems) in a big, public, nasty way.

  10. Sure mocha- go crazy, get half naked for cameras when you go out, make a public spectacle of your partying. She's a shining example of a mom, huh? Both parents should be drug tested, and the children should be. If Pete Doherty's cat can test positive for coke- betcha these two kids can. Driving with the kid in the front seat is proof mocha. Driving around very apparantly f'ed out of your mind is proof mocha.

  11. Anonymous7:55 AM

    rhianna - I think the reason people aren't pissed at K-fed for partying is because he isn't doing it every day like Britney is. (Though she's toned down the last 2 weeks).

  12. Thank god for ENT's take on this case! I know that Britney is making poor decisions and probably abusing a variety of substances but K-Fed isn't completely innocent either.
    The reports today about him calling in the complaints to CPS using a British Accent make him seem like a prick.

  13. I totally agree mocha and rhianna. Just because you have kids does not mean that you can't go out and get a little crazy sometimes. I'm sure none of you have a mother of the year award and none of you have done something that you regretted. Pointing fingers is easy living by it is a whole different story.

  14. some of you forget she shares joint custody, meaning half of the week she will not have the kids. so what is she supposed to do stay home so nosey nancy sitting on this blog or perezhilton can think she is a good mother?

    she is free to do as she pleases when she doesn't have her kids. why is that so hard to understand? get back to me when there is actual evidence of substance abuse (not coming from a tabloid) or she gets caught for a dui.

  15. Driving around very apparantly f'ed out of your mind is proof mocha.

    lol what? how do you know she's high while driving because you read it on perezhilton who sprinkles little white dots over her pictures? get real, he makes money off of her and so does the rest of the media portraying her as this drug addicted negligent mother when most likely she's just emotionally troubled who is caving under the pressure.

    funny you should mention her driving out of her mind, she was recently stopped for speeding, that would have been a perfect oportunity for getting caught for a dui, yet she was let go.
