Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Britney Accuses Mom Of Sleeping With Kevin

The battle between Britney Spears and her mother, Lynne, is getting more heated by the minute – fueled by what sources claim is Brit’s shocking new accusation that her mom slept with her ex-husband Kevin Federline!

“In a fit of rage, Britney accused her mom of sleeping with Kevin!” a friend tells Star. “Britney doesn’t know up from down right now. She’s so confused and angry, she told Lynne that she was so backstabbing, that she was probably sleeping with Kevin just to hurt her feelings. Lynne, on the other hand, is deeply hurt that her own daughter would so viciously accuse her of doing something so terrible.”

The bitter feud between Britney and her mom, Lynne Spears has been raging for a while. Sources say the singer blames her mother for talking her into entering rehab last February, and the war between them has been getting nastier ever since.

As Star reported, tempers flared on the weekend of June 15, when Lynne made an unscheduled visit to Brit’s mansion. The pair got into a heated argument that sources say turned into a slapfest! “They were swinging at each other,” says an insider.

Days later, Britney confronted 52-year-old Lynne with legal papers warning her to stay away from her grandsons, say sources. And now sources say that in a fit of anger Brit accused her mother of the ultimate betrayal – sleeping with her 29-ear-old ex!

Lynne’s the first to acknowledge that she’s friends with Kevin and goes to his house to see the kids,” says another insider. “But Lynne would never cross that line with him and has zero desire to do so. She goes there because Britney won’t speak to her or let her visit her grand children. She’s given Lynne no other choice.”

Britney and Kevin have just signed a divorce agreement that give them fifty-fifty custody of their sons. But Brit’s out-of-control behavior – from shaving her head in public to threatening photographers in Las Vegas – has been increasingly erratic. And as Star reported last week, insiders say Kevin is “dead set” on getting full custody.

The stress is just adding to Brit’s already fragile state, sources say. “She can’t seem to cope with anything,” the insider reveals. “She cries and says she feels like everyone is against her. I think she’s extremely paranoid. She buys puppies, because they fulfill some desperate need insider her, but the thrill is short-lived, so she goes back and gets another one. She goes out drinking and clubbing because it anesthetizes her and dulls the pain of fighting with her mom and divorcing Kevin. She can’t see it, but the partying is making it worse.

Even though Britney’s friends and family aren’t getting along with her right now, they’re really concerned. One day she’s laughing and bouncing with energy and the next day she’s in despair and in tears.”

And friends believe her outrageous allegation about her mother and Kevin is just more proof that Britney isn’t well. “Her apparent paranoia about her mother and Kevin seems to be a product of her current mental state,” the insider says. “All that Lynne and Kevin hope for right now is that Britney will start seeing a therapist to get to the root of her issues, instead of wildly blaming others for her insecurities.”


  1. She is bat-shit crazy and needs to be fitted for a straight jacket ASAP.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    well said, wtf

  3. Has anybody suggested that Britney might have post-partum depression? She had two kids, pretty quickly, and it can take a long time to get over PPD.
    I just wondered..

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    ppd x bi-polar x to much drugs = trailer trash is not long for this earth

  5. That's my guess - post-partum along with some sort of mental dysfunction + a general deficiency in brain cells.

    Those poor children.


  6. hey i cant remember what day the blind was for but is it possible that britney is the person that kept getting animals from the pound and they banned her because she was saying crazy stuff

  7. I sympathize with women who have post partum, and I mean in no way to make light of it. It is a serious disease that I would never minimize. But..... She is bat-shit crazy, and has been for some time, and I hate using post partum depression as a scapegoat for her. Remember her on the fly wedding in Vegas? She's always been unstable, but her drug use has completely snow balled her into a lunatic. The Vegas husband (same name as George on Seinfeld, right?) said that she was heavy into drugs back then. You don't go wacky when you first get hooked on drugs, that happens over time. That's how people get so hooked, they can handle it and still function in their lives, and they need more and more to get high. She's depressed, probably has other mental conditions, and I'm sure having 2 kids close together has added stress, and hormonal changes. But I really hate using the term post partum depression for her. If she hadn't been heavy into drugs for the past 3+ years (lord only knows how long), drinking out of control- I doubt she'd have had problems with post partum issues. And once again I am not belittling PPD- I almost think that blaming her being an *sshole on PPD is am insult to those who truly battle that disease.

  8. I see your point, Parisss.
    I just wondered because it's the one thing I've never heard mentioned. But yes, she's fucked herself up plenty over the years with druges etc, so adding those hormones into the mix was a recipe for even more disaster.
    I suspect her main problem is that she's stupid and far too impressionable...

  9. Until recently I was on the the "batshit crazy" bandwagon, but did anyone else see a news report that Britney and her ass't. tried to get a copy of the lab results from her rehab admission and the place won't release them? Word is she was stone sober when she was admitted, that the tox screen shows that and therefore she's been telling the truth -- she was forcibly committed.

    Cui bono? (sp?) Suppose her mother wanted to retrieve control of her assets, the way Natalie Cole's mother did when Natalie was using? It would return the family to a steady income stream, the way things were before Britney came of age. If Kevin were to cooperate he would receive, say, child support or "investments" in his "projects" in return.

    They could be gaslighting her -- and if that's so, they're doing a helluva job.

  10. How do we know this sad excuse for a mother isn't under the influence of anyhting when she drives..other than Crazy.
    Brit you're a freakin hot mess, get some hlep or get back on your meds crackerjack.

  11. all the Hillbillies sleep with their kinfolk

  12. yawn, housewives of america, don't believe everything you read. ;)

  13. her mother hasnt really had any control of brittany's money for awhile and with jamie lynn doing shows she is probably has more money than brittany at this point so i believe her mother really want to have a sane brittany

  14. sure you want to pull at that thread? I ain't no f*ckin housewife.

  15. maybe too many drugs screwed w/ her system and now she's bipolar and/or had that leaning all along and the stress and wildlife brought it to the fore front. Her crazy moodswings sound like mania and depression to a 'T'.

  16. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I'm really afraid for her. Whatever is wrong with her, its something that needs medical and/or psychiatric attention, and the longer she goes without it the worse its going to get. This is going to end badly.

  17. Lainie - hmmm, that's certainly food for thought.
    If it's even remotely close to the truth, I feel for Brit. I happen to think she's box-of-rocks dumb, but she doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

  18. I read that the rehab place (Promises? I get confused with all the places- anyway) didn't tox screen her upon admission, that they waited a week or so... And that once Brit realized that, she wanted copies of the screens so that she could claim that she was forced into treatment.

    Also, while in rehab, she was reading Brooke Sheild's book on PPD, and then was convinced that she was suffering from that, not any addiction related problems.

    my thoughts? If I was Britney, and I was pretty much sober- how would people be able to 'force' me into rehab? She's an idiot, who could have turned this all around to appear in her favor at least 5 different times, but she can't help making herself look bad, in all aspects of her life.

    Where's Howard K. Stern when ya need him?
