Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bridget Moynahan Is Very Very Sneaky

Everyone is making a big deal of the fact that Bridget failed to include Tom Brady's surname in the name of her child and classify that as revenge. Ummm. Take a look at his name. John Edward Thomas Moynahan.

JET Moynahan

New England, which is the team Tom Brady leads and the NY Jets hate each other. I guarantee you she will be calling that kid JET each and everyday.

The people at the tabs need to start watching sports.


  1. Good Lord, she's brilliant! She's selling her NYC place. I hope she very happy way out west.

  2. Ouch! That is sneaky. I can't help but laugh about this.

  3. Anonymous12:34 AM

    very sneaky indeed! Thanks for pointing that out. If it isn't NHL, I don't care...I would have never figured that out!

  4. Good pick-up ENT. This made me laugh. Good for her!!!!

  5. Right on! I think he's a jerk...she's prettier than Gisele and I felt sooooo bad for her...I thought leaving his surname off was funny, but the rivalry makes it even better...LMAO at Tom!

  6. It's official: Bridget Moynahan is AWESOME!!!

  7. Good girl Bridget, I would have done the same thing. By her not being married to Tommy, he has no right to have the baby named after him. I thought she would have hyphened it like Moynahan-Brady, but she wasn't having it.

    Girl Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. If shes that sneaky/immature/vengeful then that also makes it seem that shes the kind of person to try to get pregnant to keep a guy/money. It's all about if she willing to bring a child in this world for money. If she didn't then she should have thought about how that might hurt the child's relationship with his father. The situation sucks all around. She is smart.

  9. I hope this is the only vindictive thing she is going to do. He may have left her, might be a jerk, an probably a whole list of things that I wouldn't say in front of kids, but she had a child with him. She chose to have that kid. If this kid is going to be used as a pawn to hurt his dad, She is the worst person out of the relationship.

  10. so does that mean she's going to pay for that baby all by herself? I mean....he could just give up all rights and let her go it all alone....so much for girl power

  11. I think it's immature and silly to use her baby to get back at him. I'm not impressed by this at all. It's just sad.

  12. I suspect that little boy will want his dad's name. Sorry, but I have two friends who are single moms, and were in similar situation as Bridget, who gave their kids their own last name. Both have said if they could go back they would change it. There's a stigma attached to single moms also, they neglected to foresee how it would look when the fathers had kid(s) with others. Both women were asked by their sons why they don't have their father's last name like their half siblings. Surprise, surprise they couldn't lay that one on the exes.

  13. Oooohhh! VERY observant Enty! Muahhahaha! I love it! Serves Tom's ass right.

  14. I don't understand why women pander to the patriarchy and let their children have the man's last name as if they were just a vessel for a man's child to incubate for 9 months.

    Good for her!

  15. Fucking word Kory!!!!

    There should be no shame in having the name of the person who carried you in her body for 9 months. Men only spit out semen, it's important, but still it's just semen.

  16. I doubt she "got" pregnant to get money. They dated for over 3 years... and I always found it odd that he dumped her while she and immediately took up the the ugly one.

    I wouldn't have gave the child his surname either and I seriously doubt he cares. A man who dumps a girlfriend of 3 years... who is pregnant... does not have alot interest in the baby to begin with. You can't force a man to care for a child.... so why bother.

  17. I have to agree - what is that with automatically giving babies the man's surname? Down with patriarchy.

  18. Wow.

    You know, I always got the vibe that she got herself knocked up on purpose because she knew that the (relation)ship was going down... This just drives that point right on home for me. Ugh. I loath women who do things like this.

    (By the by, way to spot the acronym-age. *golf clap*)

  19. Anonymous4:29 PM

    She became pregnant in early November 2006, their "amicable" split was announced December 15, 2006. It's unlikely that things were GREAT for almost three years, she gets pregnant and then a few weeks later they realize it's "Not working." I suspect that realization came long BEFORE she got pregnant. I'm not saying she was trying to trap him, but it was well known she wanted a baby, so maybe she got pregnant on purpose, even though she knew the relationship was essnetiall over because she knew didn't have a lot of time left.
    As far as not giving the baby Brady's last name, well, whatever. Tom was there for the birth and has made it clear he wants a relationship with the boy.

  20. Anonymous4:29 PM

    essentially over

  21. Please. Budchen is hideous but damn, not like the freight train that hit Moynahan. I've always gotten the vibe she's a publicity seeking whore who wanted to punish him for not staying with her. You don't get pregnant and broken up in less than a month if things are all good.

    As a woman, I know how dirty, nasty and deceitful women really can be. They can claim rape if it makes them look innocent, they can claim "accident" if they meant to get pregnant and they can use kids as weapons against the father. All those nasty little rumors you've heard guys repeat came from real behaviour.

    This woman in not Snow freakin' White, and neither is her baby daddy. They can both take some blame, so stop with the "girl power" - WOMEN don't act like that, spoilt brat girls do! There's no need to encourage it.
