Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Blogs Worth Reading

Last night I got an e-mail with a subject line that mentioned a new JFK movie from Disney was going to be made. OK, I hadn't heard about it, but I opened the e-mail and the only thing was a message that wanted me to view the sender's website. I clicked on it and when I finally got done surfing through the main site and all the ancillary sites, I was afraid someone was watching me, which considering I live in a windowless basement is tough to do.

This is not a website that you can just surf through quickly. This is a website with links to other websites the author has created or spawned.

To realize the true level of paranoia and dementia at play here you have to savor each second. Here is an open letter that is from and center on the main page.

To Senator Mitchell and Senator Edward Kennedy and to U.S. Congress:
From: Renee Ashley Baker

I am not "going to lunch". I will, however, have dinner with Senator Mitchell, Senator Kennedy and my "Disney Execs" at my new house in Washington DC. Disney will release in movie theatres worldwide the Renee Baker Studios motion picture, "My Finding: Who Killed President John F. Kennedy?". I will sign my Disney contract for $73.5 million dollars.

Monday (August 20) I faxed a letter to the Senators at approximately 10:15 am EST (check your fax machines). and

2. I am not going to be my own publicist. I have already hired a major publicist in New York City (It is not Donald Deutch and it is not Donald Deutch's Company).

I will be using Pepsi's advertising agency if and when I need one. (I will not be hiring Donald Deutch's company for any reason).

3. I am not with NBC and I will not be with NBC. (I am with Disney/ABC exclusively for $73.5 mil).

Do you get the feeling that Donny Deutch might have a restraining order against this author?

To make you feel better about yourself and also to prove that Britney is not the craziest person alive, take some time to enjoy this site and her others.


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