Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Another No Tipper

I was trying to be nice to Britney today, BUT if I'm going to bash one person for not tipping I need to bash them all. The scene was this past Saturday night at One Sunset and Britney and her party of five chugged Red Bull and vodka, ate burgers and steaks and shrimp cocktail as well as chicken oysters Rockefeller. On a side note, when Britney was asked who Rockefeller was she said she loved his music. Anyway, Britney had the staff running around like crazy and even accused them at one point of stealing her camera which they didn't. The bill came to $251 which really isn't that bad for that group of people. How much of a tip was left? Zero, zilch, nada. So, Britney you become the most recent addition to the no tipping club. For now I will leave off the bitch moniker but the stolen camera incident almost got you there.


merrick said...

c'mon ent ... why leave out the obvious ..anyone who doesnt leave a tip deserves a harsher description than bitch ..and she was prolly celebrating the overinflated sale price she received on her "estate" ...even given kfedup's 50% stake .. thats alot of rockerfellers ...

ChasingHeaven said...

I think we need to sentence these no tippers to a month of waitressing. It only takes serving a brat or two yourself before you truly understand those tips are more than well deserved considering the crap waitresses/staff have to put up with. Yes, I had to waitress while in college and I'm still bitter. :)

weezy said...

what the @#$% is "chicken oysters rockefeller"?

Unknown said...

At least her knees are together in that photo.

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome wheat-straw hula....shirt. Yeah.

kellygirl said...

seriously, Lainey, I was wondering the same thing, do they mush the chicken parts to try to make it look like an oyster?

jax said...

i think its like 'chicken freid steak' as in the style but not with oysters just chicken.

sounds sick either way y'all!


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