Monday, August 20, 2007

Adam Levine Says That Maria Sharapova Is Terrible In Bed

Adam Levine who of course is always the gentleman and would never kiss and tell, says that when he first had sex with tennis star Maria Sharapova he was expecting the sex to be incredible. Instead, he said he got the biggest disappointment in his life since he discovered there wasn't an Easter Bunny.

Levine said that he expected screaming and moaning in bed, but all he got was someone who stayed perfectly still and did not utter a sound. In fact she insisted that Adam also remain completely mute so that he wouldn't disturb her concentration.

Levine said that having sex with a dead frog would be more warm and personal than having sex with Maria Sharapova. He said the sex was so bad that he went on Paxil for a month just to get over the shock.

Of course he could just be saying all this because he couldn't get it up and she laughed at him.


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