Thursday, August 09, 2007

11th Hour Premiere

"Hey baby. I used to be a big star. Now, I'm just big. I have this strap on my glasses because I just eat by stuffing my face in the bowl and I eat fast and then start to sweat and so I got tired of my glasses dropping in my food. But enough about that. Did you see The Doors?"
Well he should be smiling. The actual title of the movie is Leonardo DiCaprio Presents The 11th Hour. How often do you see that?
I wish I had hair so I could make it look like that. I try it but since I only have two or three very long strands it just doesn't quite look the same.
The directors of the film flanking Polly Cohen who is the President of Warner Independent Pictures. She looks amazing. (never hurts to kiss ass)
See I like Shiva Rose. The problem is that everytime I see her name it makes me think of the Ebola virus. I think some book I read used Shiva as the name of a disease and so it's not her fault. It's kind of like when you see Kim Kardashian you think whore. It's just natural.
That bike riding is paying off Tobey and Jennifer looks great also. What? I don't always have to be snarky.
You know how some people have going to church clothes or going to meeting clothes. Adrian Grenier has going to premiere clothes. This is the ONLY outfit he ever wears.

Irmalin DiCaprio rocking the leopard print.
I know I'm always thinking someone got some breast work done. Hey, I'm a guy, but doesn't it look like Kate Bosworth got some done?
Let's take a closer look.
Lukas Haas. Where the hell have you been? Who can ever forget that after school special My Dissident Mom.


  1. Well, that gives new meaning to the term, "sitting shiva".

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    It looks like Kilmer is hitting on singer Jewel, doesn't it?

  3. kate bosworth didn't get a boob job, she just gained some weight, finally

  4. Ent,
    Your self-deprecating comments are becoming increasingly funny!Keep 'em coming!
    And I agree with Loveshoes; no boob job.

  5. If I gain or lose weight the first place(s) I see it is the boobs. Unfortunately, they've grown lately :-(

    Kate looks good happier now than she has in a while. I guess it's the boobs??

  6. Adrian Grenier and Amy Winehouse both belong to the "Wear only one outfit in public Club".

    Sheesh, nobody got the sitting shiva joke? I guess nobody here is Jewish (including me).

  7. I got the joke TS, and I'm Catholic! (or so my mum tells me..)

    Maybe Grenier owns a dozen identical shirts, pants and shoes, so he doesn't have to make a decision?
    Or maybe he's just kind of a slob...

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Kate Bosworth grew a sleeve on her toga!

  9. I got it too, TS, and I'm a godless heathen (anyone surprised?).

    K.Boz's "boob job" might be more commonly known as "a sandwich".

  10. Good god Leo is geting better with age..i was never a fan before but now he's all scruffy and filled out just like i like em.

  11. I'm glad to see Lukas' head is growing into his body.

    TS, I didn't get the joke because I'm not completely familiar with Shiva. But A for effort.

    Brendababy, two words — hee hee!

  12. Yeah, I think Kate's looking happier because she's finally eating. Funny how food does that.

    And Lukas Haas has gotten cute, who woulda thought.

  13. Shiva joke cracked me up. Good one. Agree re Kate's boobs are simply weight gain.

  14. Oh yay, some people got my lame joke.

    I'm Catholic, too, but have gone to sit shiva more than once, because we live in area that has a lot of Jewish families.
