Monday, July 30, 2007

Welcome To The World Of VW

So the first time I met VW was almost three years ago at an event that should come as no surprise to avid readers of this blog. At that time I had the chance to talk to VW for 15 or 20 minutes and found her to be funny, sweet, hot and brilliant. All in 20 minutes. Alas, our paths were not to cross again for almost another year when I happened to be at her agency and a friend introduced us. I told her that she looked familiar and to me and she thought I was hitting on her but was very nice about it. Fast forward to about six months ago at the Bar Marmont and there she was again. I introduced myself to her, and again she thought I was hitting on her but I really wasn't, although at that second it wasn't the best time for either of us to be having a conversation. So, now here we are in the present and I thought VW would make a great choice because of all the attributes I mentioned previously and because I was hoping she would be willing to answer questions if you had them. For now, I will be the one asking her questions if she doesn't have anything specific to post, and then in the next two weeks or so will let you ask her questions to try and guess her identity. After the identity is revealed, I think we will have an ask VW questions every week or so and let her post when she feels like it.

I will say that VW didn't ask to be anonymous but what would be the fun of just telling everyone who she is and not putting your sleuthing skills to good use. I chose VW because of the car theme and it will become apparent later why I chose it. It's nothing obscure, and it happened to fit so I jumped right on it.

VW as I said on Friday is someone that is not a household name. Most of you won't recognize her name. HOWEVER, I would venture to say that 80% of you will recognize her once you see her or listen to her voice. I also know that ALL of you will love asking her questions once you find out what she has done.

VW was a Girl Scout and was and is brilliant at math and has won math competitions in the past. I believe she graduated from a Big Ten school. She then went off to Broadway and began her career there before moving into television and films. As for television, I would venture to say that most of you probably see her or hear her almost every day in one capacity or another. She is also currently starring in an award winning film.

Here is what she wrote to me the other day and we can consider this her first post. I did edit some identifying things in her e-mail.

Well, you certainly are persistent! I didn't even get a chance to respond to your past message - but I did check out your website - that is hilarious that you posted my legs - i'm guessing you got that off of wireimage or getty images?! Anyway - thank you for your interest. I am not a big blogger, but I can do my best to answer questions and post when possible... and i would LOVE if you revealed your identity because you have made me extremely curious! (i swear i would not tell anyone)


That Guy said...

Gahhhh!!!!! I want to know already! Time do dig through IMDB. So she is currently in a movie (which I would assume means still running?) and that movie has already won awards. Hmmmmmm Juicayyyyyyyy

(and thanks for playing with us VW)

mandjo said...

Yessss!!!Hello VW!!

jlb said...

A hearty welcome to VW...thanks for sharing parts of your life!

ReluctantBride said...

YAY! Welcome VW! You will help pass the days of my hum drum work life.

I am guessing you do voice over work from what enty said... Off to do some minor research!

Tracee said...

Heee! We're guessing the mystery actress and she's guessing who Ent is. hilarious! Already I have wheels turning in my head. We have heard her voice...hmm has she done voice work for a movie or commercial?

Anonymous said...

I really want to say Amanda Bynes but the clues don't match. I swear I've seen that sweater-crossed-arms pose in a movie poster. I was thinking Urban Legend or Final Destination or some such thing (which led me down the Ali Larter route, but don't think it's her either).

Anonymous said...

On the other hand it could be Lindsay Lohan - VW = Beetle = Herbie Fully Loaded! (kidding)

merrick said...

dnfrommm .. so funny .. when i first saw the "vw" initials, lindsay lowdown, as my 4 year calls her ... was my first thought .. now i am thinking maybe german last name .. ancestory ...

welcome vw .. thanks for taking the time to let us play "columbo" with your identity ..

(and if you find out who ent is .. please do tell!!!)

Anonymous said...

Had to open a Google account to guess: Danica McKellar. I think Ent's mentioned before that she is a math whiz (and that she's gorgeous), and also on this link

it says she graduated from UCLA, lent her voice to the character Jubilee in XMEN Legends, and also did a commercial for VW in 1986.

No idea whether the other clues fit (esp the award winning film she is currently starring in). Also, the hair in the photo looks blond and I've only seen her as a brunette.

I loved Danica McKellar as Winnie though!

Nichole Jackson said...

all i could come up with is that she might be a singer and had a song featured in a VW commericial? but i couldn't find anyone who really fit that.

Ice Angel said...

I've got it!

Danica McKellar

Math whiz
Did VW commercial
Does the voice for the X-men video games.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but he says she went to college and THEN started pursing acting via broadway - Danica was child actor so that doesnt fit....

Anonymous said...

Hi Enty =)

The lovely feet belong to
Katie Walder =) from
The 2007 Outfest Opening Night held at Orpheum Theater on July 12, 2007 in Los Angeles, California.
Image info has it all.
You should have removed it ;)
Love your site =)



Anonymous said...

Now I feel a bit bad for spoiling all the fun..=(

Jim said...

The thing that is throwing me off is we see or hear her everyday.

I thought Danica too at first, but she doesn't fit.

Katie Walder doesn't seem to fit either.

Who do we see or hear almost every day?

Anonymous said...

Catherin, so impressed that you were able to find that photo on wireimage. I don't know anything about Katie Walder (imdb is not very helpful, and google is not helping me at all). How did you connect the dots bwtn what Ent said and what you know of Katie Walder?

Unknown said...

c.schwarzwald wow - that was good!

Welcome VW!

Jembily said...

A little more about KW from MySpace (including references to ads):

Anonymous said...

From the info it does't .
But go to
and search for image #75401535

and thanks for the welcome =)

Anonymous said...

katie wilder was in Pizza Hut Secret commercials... you probably saw them all the time but didnt recognize her

Anonymous said...

sorry, meant to say "Pizza Hut AND Secret"

Anonymous said...

Where was the info on the photo? I properties'ed the file after saving to desktop and didn't see the info. Anyway, it looks like Katie did a lot of commercials this year per IMDb Katie does not seem to be in an "award winning" movie though.

Catherin is correct though, the full photo is at getty images
4th row, 3rd column

Jim said...

Katie Walder does fit! She has done the voiceover for two Secret deodorant commercials, as well as a bunch of other TV commercials.

Good eye C. Schwarzwald!

Jim said...

Oops! A little late to the party. I was busy doing research on Katie.

What is the VW reference?

ReardonClan said...

The same photo is on gettyimages. Just plug in her name and you will see her feet (and the other half). It was fun while it lasted though.

Myself said...

nice work catherin. good researching. i kind of feel bad for enty that is was figured out so quickly.

Jembily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jembily said...

From IMDB:

Note that she did an ad for Verizon Wireless (VW).

MnGddess said...

It's Lindsay, right?? VW=Herbie the Love Bug?? Ent, you KNOW where she's been since the arrest and you can't tell US, your trusted CDANers????

Whoops - it says she's good at math.

Never mind.


Ice Angel said...

WOW Catherin!

That was pretty quick! That most certainly is Katie! Sorry that we guessed so quickly!

I'm still kind of confused as to how we all know her voice.

Jembily said...

Regarding the award winning movie, maybe one of her ads plays on a TV set during a scene in an award winning movie?? She would not be listed on IMDB if this was the case.(?)

MnGddess said...

Ok I wrote the post before reading the previous ones. dfromm, you beat me to it!

I also thought of Danica McKellar but in the one photo the hair is showing and its a dark blonde. Danica has gorgeous dark brown hair. (OK, she could have dyed it but I doubt it.)


Jembily said...


Friday night before the screening of "Shelter", Jonah Markowitz received the first ever Scion Award presented by Official sponsor Scion Automotive for his directorial debut Shelter.

This is Katie's award winning movie.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Katie!

Hez said...

Way to go, General Schwarzwald! Mission accomplished!

Your name now goes up beside Curious Cailyn's on our Mystery Actress Guessers Wall of Fame. Take a bow, please.

mandjo said...

Excellent Work, Schwarzwald!!

Tracee said...

Dang! That was quick! Kinda glad because I didn't know if I was up to diggin hours on end.

HAY Katie! You're a cutie!

Unknown said...

Wow you guys are totally super-sleuths!

Katie is such a cutie!

Reese said...

Some of you people should be working for Homeland Security or the FBI instead of wasting your talents identifying barely known actresses. Amazing work!

Kelsey said...

good job super googler! =) and welcome vw! schwarzwald: mission #2 is.. unmask enty! mwahahah

kimmypie1 said...

Ent, how can your identity be a secret to VW if you have described in detail all of the times you have met her? I would think she would realize who you were from that.

YahMoBThere said...

c.schwarzwald, I bow to thee! That's wild that you got it that quickly. And Katie Walder is a doll!

Reese - love your comment. Yeah, C. Schwarzwald, can you let the government know where Bin Laden is?

GammaGirl said...

I really can't believe this got figured out so quickly. I didn't recognize who she was till i saw that she played "Janet" on "Gilmore Girls" (the roommate that was always working out)

Unknown said...

Forgive me as I beg for some cheese to go with this whine; I never have been able to keep up with the others on the playground and now you've started the game, finished and gone home; all before I even got here.

That's okay, I will keep coming back to try to sharpen my sleuth skills. For now, I'm following up all the references sited.

Still smilin' in the midwest! : )

tara said...

catherine- girl you are gooooood! here are the images on wireimage- the feet that ent posted that catherine recognized and more photos and you can see that its the same hair as in the photo for this entry.

Production Girl said...

I have mixed feelings :(

on one hand I am so excited to find out who she is and on the other I am disappointed it was to quickly.

Oh well...over it, lol

Welcome Katie Walder!

tara said...

does anyone else feel bad for ent? he worked so hard to get her to come here. i guess it doesnt matter for:
1) she didnt really even want to be anon and
2) he rarely ever gives us addt'l clues to the bi s.

Production Girl said...

I feel a little bad for ENT too. He wanted to make this fun and different for us.

Anonymous said...

Dang! LOL - agree with Deborisanna - the party was over before I even got here. But, I still really look forward to the inside scoop on her career - so, Enty, don't feel bad - there's still much fun to be had. And welcome VW!

Bellahs said...

Awwww....figured out to quickly! Oh well. So, VW, since you're a math genius...wanna help me out with my pharmacology class? ;)

Reese said...

You were really creative with this one Enty, but some of these super sleuths are just too good (get off this site c.schwarzwald and go back to searching for America's Most Wanted!). You at least had a really good time teasing us with ZX!

Anonymous said...

Wow VW was identified fast. Since I didn't even get a chance to guess who VW is I will instead play the roll of troll.

how do we know that VW really is Katie Walder? Ent, if that is his real name, could have just gone to Getty images and started picking out hot looking chicks at random until he found his keeper. We haven't even seen any proof that DS is really ZX yet and now we're just supposed to accept that KW is really VW. Wow Ent has really pulled out a big tube of KY today.

MnGddess said...

OK, No one asked THE most important Katie Walder ques of all...

Are those LABOUTINS?????

Seriously - I love those shoes. If anyone can tell me what designer they are, I'd appreciate it.


MnGddess said...

Katie's birthday's 2 days after mine and she was born in PA - I'm feelin' the bond!

Librans rock,

Caroline said...

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Welcome aboard VW!

Caroline said...

Ok, I change my welcome to HI KATIE! :D

Holy schmoly we have super sleuths on here. WTG! I second the find out who ENT is comment. Heh.

Unknown said...

VW, will we be enjoying some of your work if we catch this on the Hallmark Channel this Friday, Aug 3rd?:

Unknown said...

If EL is annoyed at the game ending before it began, I don't blame him. I don't think the rules of the game included scouring the internet looking at pictures of feet.


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