Thursday, July 26, 2007

Waiters And Waitresses Promise To Spit In Victoria Beckham's Food

Hey Posh, you are in the US now. Over here in the US we like to tip the fine people that bring us our food. The fact that this has morphed into having to tip everyone from the dry cleaner to the local Blockbuster store employees is irrelevant to this discussion. The people that serve your food and listen to you complain about every last item on the menu deserve you doing more than dashing out the door to your Bentley while stiffing them on the tip entirely.

You weren't just being a cheap bitch and leaving 10% or some small change, you totally stiffed them. After they slaved for you and your petty demands for TWO hours and had to look into the vacant eyes of Katie Holmes for the same period of time as she mumbled "Tom is good. Tom is good," the least you could do is tip 15%. With the $25M a year your husband makes and the $20M you are getting for the Spice Girls reunion, you should be leaving bunches more than 15%.

Then, to make matters worse, the waitress who was rightfully pissed went after you to call you the worthless cheap bitch you deserved and was manhandled by your security staff.

You have pissed off not only the staff at Asia de Cuba but, the entire serving community here in LA and you may want to investigate thoroughly every morsel on your plate before eating. I also encourage you to tip in advance and to go back to the nice waitress you stiffed and give her $1000 or so and naked photos of your husband.


  1. Everytime I look at Katie in that dress it just looks like it was photoshopped on. As in what the USA Network does to hide nudity in the edited for tv movies.

  2. you know, the more i look at the pic, the more it does look photoshopped ...pretty funny ... wonder where the real pics are ..

  3. I had to take a second look too - looks like a stick on dress - like paper dolls. Weird.

  4. I hope LA waiters jerk off in her food from now on - soup of the day!

  5. I thought the same thing and thought I was crazy. Maybe it's such a shitty color that it plays tricks on your eyes. Seriously, what is this? Pretty Woman or some shit?

    And thank you Ent for telling it like it is. But let's be real. They'd have to spit in her Pelligrino - you know the bitch doesn't eat.

  6. Yeah, I thought the same thing! That dress is hilarious; looks fake.

    I've been to Asia de Cuba several times and to make all this worse, even though it's a place where the famous regularly hang (at least it was a few years back) the staff was always just as nice as can be; I loved them. This pisses me off even more!

  7. When I was in LA in 2004 we ate at Asia De Cuba. All the waitresses and bartenders were great. Can't wait until Ugly Spice goes out for her next meal....


  8. Just goes to show that you can have big fake boobs and piles of money but none of it gives you any class.
    Gheeze, what a moron.

  9. Devil's advocate...did Posh actually do the paying? Isn't that a minion job?? She's prob like the firggin Queen and doesnt even carry cash!

  10. Spitting in her food isn't going to make any difference, she doesn't eat anyway. Piss in her booze and the waiter's may see their tips coming quicker than you can say Zenu? (whatever that Scientology crap word is...)

  11. sorry, didn't see your comment Melissa :-} !!

  12. Go back to England!

  13. Tad harsh I feel. Why would that waitress feel the need to rush out to her to call Posh a cheap bitch?

    While Posh was in the wrong, that particular waitress needs to have some dignity. Goodness me. Everyone's a fucking moron these days.
