The Wagon Has Broken And I Don't Think It Can Be Fixed
You know what hurts? It's not that Lindsay was allegedly drinking and driving by being stupid and chasing a f**king car on a road at 130am without a damn license and allegedly with enough cocaine that not only was some found on her when she was pat down at the scene but more was allegedly found at the jail pat down. The photo below was taken just hours before her arrest.

Lindsay, who is already facing a charge of driving under the influence in Beverly Hills, was pulled over near the F**KING Santa Monica Police Department early Tuesday morning after police were called by the mother of Lindsay's former personal assistant. The assistant had quit, and Lindsay was pissed. Lindsay decided to chase after the mom. The chase wound through Santa Monica until ending in the Convention Center Parking lot which is when the policed showed up.

I can't believe it took until 130am and a call from the person she was chasing before she got pulled over. Where were the f**king pap? You or I could get away with driving on a suspended license as long as we didn't do something moronic like chasing a car down a road in the middle of the night. Even if Lindsay had not been allegedly drunk and hopped up on coke, someone is going to see her driving and she doesn't have a license.
You know there are plenty of people out of work Lindsay who you could call and say, "hey, I don't have a license and I would like to go get really drunk and do a ton of coke. Could you drive?" I'm sure many of them would be happy to for a couple of hundred bucks and a cut of the money from Star.

Anyway, back to my original point if there ever was one, is that Lindsay crushed the bandwagon and there is no one left to get behind and support. Yesterday when you were all speculating about her cheating the test I decided I wanted to give Lindsay the benefit of the doubt. No more benefits of the doubt for ANYONE. From now on, we assume the worst unless they can prove otherwise. Since there is no way they can prove otherwise, everyone is guilty of whatever bad behavior I think they are guilty of. I need to find some Kindnesses or something. Lindsay you done ruined it for me. The bandwagon will forever stay in my garage now.