Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today's Blind Items

You think I'm going to write about the sex party, but I'm not because I wasn't there and so far I haven't spoken to anyone who was there. Who wants to talk about a bunch of D-listers having sex anyway? Speaking of sex somehow I don't think Jake and Reese are doing the nasty, especially since she's the one doing the driving. Maybe she lets Jake use her place for other things like working out or knitting. Not that there is anything wrong with knitting. You really don't see much knitting going on at the Knitting Factory despite the name. I think Crazy Aunt Pearl went there one time thinking there was though.

#1 It worked once, why not try it again? This parasite got some help in the record department with one lap dance, so why not try and make it two? The parasite decided to try and give a lap dance to an aging record producer who said no thanks despite many attempts by the parasite to suck up and do whatever she thought might work.

#2 This A+ film actor who has become sort of a do gooder as of late when not making mostly forgettable movies recently was at an event with regular folks. You know, the people who have jobs and spouses and families. Didn't stop him from making the moves on one married woman as he told her all the things he could give her if she spent the night with him or at least a few hours. They had been flirting all day but he became increasingly arrogant and blatant in what he wanted to do to her and finally she had enough. She told him no and said that if he didn't stop, she would get her husband to kick his ass. He might play a tough guy in films, but in reality it seems that the threat of a good ass kicking turned more than his hair grey.


  1. Paris and Clive Davis? Eeeewwww.... For both of them.

    George Clooney.

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    paris and clooney are my guesses too, they just fit right out of the gate.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    #1 - definitely Paris and how about Rev Run? LOL! I wouldn't put it past her.

    2. It would be a sad day when I had to turn George Clooney down. This is why I'll never marry again. ;-)

  4. #1-Parisite!
    #2-Clooney. But I thought he didn't like women? And how many women would turn that down. I mean I ain't big on Clooney but if he asked I'd think about....unless his breathe smells like ass then I already know where his mouth has been and I'd have to politely decline.

  5. 1. Paris

    2. How about Harrison Ford? Grey haired, A+ tough guy, no important movies lately (Indy 4 doesn't exist yet), some minor humanitarian awards and just got a butterfly named after him.

  6. Tracee, don't make me smack you upside the head with this talk of Clooney not liking women. I'm pretty sure just saying that is a mortal sin.

    d, I don't think Harrison Ford is considered A+, only A, but then, I got the Tiger Woods thing all wrong, so what do I know?

  7. Twisted, I'm not the first to utter it, so you have a long line to go through. But try and you'll fail.

    Harrison Ford ia A+. Are you kidding me? D, he came to mind when I read it, but isn't he busy filming Indiana Jones? And Clooney looks like he would run away from a fight before Harrison. Ya know he doesn't want to mess with that purdy face.

  8. "But try and you'll fail."

    LOL!!! I'm not that invested, but it sounds like others are.

  9. Possibly Richard Gere? I'm old enough to remember that he was a narcissistic disloyal rat when he was young.

  10. Lainie, that's another good guess! Richard slipped right through the cracks. He gray-haired and do gooder too. Isn't he a buddhist? And they don't believe in violence so he could have easily walked away.

  11. ooh "d" you beat me to it! i thougth harrison when i first read it.. that or richard gere would fit.

  12. 1. paris hilton giving old clive a lapdance. nasty bitch.
    2. colin farrell! he was recently in the news for donating 100k to a charity.

    could also be clooney but i think he prefers the cock so i don't know.

  13. Lainie, the only thing with Gere is that he isn't a do-gooder "of late", he's been a do-gooder for years. Clooney just went to Tokyo as some Omega watch ambassador and put out a statement urging action in Darfur.

  14. My first thought was Brad Pitt ... but he hasn't really been known for playing a tough guy and unless I've missed the Grecian Formula, he doesn't currently have grey hair...

    But it would be nice and juicy if it WAS him!

  15. Anonymous1:23 PM

    what about Mel Gibson?

  16. TS
    Richard Gere is a do gooder. On imdb it says he a Humanitarian and an actor. Usually humanitarian and do gooder are one in the same. He's founded many charity organizations to help people all over the world. He "friends" with the Dalilama and believes in non-violence. Check it out below.


    I think it's Richard.

  17. Tracee, BIG Gere fan here, so I know he is, and I'm not disputing that part of it. I'm saying he doesn't fit EL's description that he's a do-gooder "of late". Gere has been a do-gooder for years. I don't think EL would have put "of late" in if it was someone whose been doing good for a long time.

  18. ::fingers firmly in ears about The Cloon::

    I refuse to believe not only that he was such a cad to hit on her in the first place, but that he'd be rebuffed at any point in what must surely be a glorious and honeyed seduction (one which, admittedly, I will be thinking about in great detail later). Georgiebebeh don't hit foul balls like that - by all that is dudely, my Hezdar tells me no. (Okay, maybe that's the tingling in my swimsuit area...)

    Who else of that elite group has aimed at the heights of public charity and the depths of dumb movies lately?

  19. You know, I thought of Pitt, too, initially Mistik, simply because he has only been a do-gooder of late. Darn that gray hair hint!

  20. You're right, tracee, Harrison is away filming Indy4 right now, he's probably not mixing with regular people.

    I don't get tough guy from Richard Gere, and George Clooney's recent movies are probably better than "mostly forgettable". That last point is arguable, for sure.

    How about older guys like Clint Eastwood and Michael Douglas?

  21. Well, his last two movies, The Good German and Oceans 13, really had mixed reviews, d.

  22. But Richard has made more forgettable movies recently than Clooney. I like Gere too, but I still think it's him. I just don't see a woman turning down Clooney. Wouldn't he just move to the next hot bitch in the room rather than pester one?

  23. I agree with you that he's made more forgettable movies than Clooney, but he's not a do-gooder "of late", meaning only recently. That's a big clue, and it automatically discounts Gere who's been doing good for a long time.

    I also think if the guy was married, EL would have mentioned that.

  24. Just to name Richard's movies since blockbuster Chicago...stop me if you seen them:

    Shall We Dance
    Bee Season
    The Hoax
    The Flock

    Clooney's last four released movies:
    Good Night and Good Luck
    The Good German
    Ocean's Thirteen

    Ford's last four released movies:
    K-19: The Widowmaker
    Hollywood Homicide
    Water to Wine

  25. Aha!

    Also, Brad Pitt's production partner is Brad Grey...

  26. Tracee, nobody is arguing that!!!!!

  27. Interesting, Mistik.... I can see Brad Pitt being a do-gooder "of late", as in, only since he hooked up with AJ.

  28. TS, "as of late" doesn't specify a time frame. And
    I'm guessing Clooney's out since his movies aren't that forgettable? (Although I think most of them are, some did good at the box office.)

  29. Tracee, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Gere has been involved in his thing for at least ten years, which nobody would qualify as recently.

  30. Yeah, I don't see Gere fitting this one either...

  31. Yeah, I just looked it up and Gere has been involved with the plight in Tibet since at least 1993, when he mentioned it at the Academy Awards.

  32. Sorry ladies but the Cloon is a big ole Mo. I know from Gay and he has it written all over his caeser topped face. The blatant rat packy uber hetero thing is a bit overkill..therer are MANY MANY stories and secrets locked up in that Lake Cuomo compound.

    He could not be more gay if he were strung with pearls and farted lace while singing Oklahoma.

  33. That's cool. I'm not trying to convince anyone I was just backing up my guess. We're all entitled to our opinions. It's probably someone like Robin Williams or Sean Connery. Heehee.

  34. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Again, I'm thinking we're closer on the Harrison Ford angle than Clooney/Pitt/Gere. Very few women would turn Clooney/Pitt/Gere down (if nothing else gossip rights to their friends).

  35. He could not be more gay if he were strung with pearls and farted lace while singing Oklahoma.

    JAX! You made me jiggle like J-E-LL-O on that one! Can I borrow that line?

  36. Sean Connery....lololol...

    dnfrommn, I don't know how you can say very few women would turn down one of them. As a "regular person type woman", I wouldn't get near one of them for fear of catching a disease or winding up on Perez Hilton. And I'm not even married.

  37. Be my guest..its here for the takin..i put it out like love homies...lol.

  38. people are forgetting the GREY HAIR part!!! grey AND do-gooder? gotstabee clooney. and i can tell you he has been in south carolina filming the movie with rz (45 mins from my house) and i think thats what ent is referring to by "regular folks" bc no woman in hollywood would threaten clooney with having his ass kicked. no hollywood guy would do it anyway, but south carolina... hell yeah! in a heartbeat! not saying the gay thing doesnt fit, but most are bi anyway. def think its him! AND he is a totaly do-gooder of late with the darfur campaign.

  39. uhm, Ent, how can you call it a Blind Item when you use her name - i'm pretty sure Parasite is on her Passport

  40. i really don't think its Clooney..remeber when Diana died and he led the pack with boycotting the paps? That's a lil do gooder to me...and over 10 years ago now. PLus I beleive he's spoken publicly on a few things besides Darfur.

    I love me some Queer-in-a-closet but I don't think its Gorgeous George.

  41. who then? my first thought was bruce willis, but he doesnt have hair and he's so hollywood, where would he be around regular folks. def not gere... he was a womanizer his whole life. still think it was clooney. it was in our papers several times that he went to some local functions in greenville, sc.

  42. How about some less thought of A+ listers?

    Costner (really sounds like something he would do and he's been making REALLY forgettable movies)
    Nic Cage
    Denzel (has he gone gray lately?)
    James Caan

    By the way....anyone who argues that they are A+ list, they are all Oscar winners or huge stars.

    I hate to think of Clooney, because Clooney can only be the answer to so many blinds. The kick his ass thing on there twice those sends smoke signals of the Jackass in the Democratic mascot, with Clooney being such a lib.

    He also has gone really gray as of late. It's probably him, the slime.

    BTW-don't think he's gay though.

  43. What about Sean Penn??

  44. Ice Angel, yes, Denzel is looking a little gray lately, and with his book, he could be deemed a do-gooder of late.

    Pinky, Sean Penn is another good one - the dingy in the dinghy out to save all of New Orleans (sorry, Tracee, I'm from Chicago, remember).

  45. And let's not forget his trip to Iraq. Denzel has a book out?? Good God, I need to get out more.

    And Jax - great line!

  46. Pinky, it's called, "A Hand to Guide Me" (cue angel trumpets and singing on high) It's about his mentors and the mentors of other famous people.

  47. And here I was thinking it was about masturbation!!

  48. Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh......

  49. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Pinky - that was f'ing hilarious. I just laughed out loud on a damned conf call.

  50. im going with Bruce on this..he's just smarmy enough to pull that 'oh what i could do to you in a few house BS'

    Sure Bruce is this BEFORE of after the Viagara kicks in? or maybe you took it already and were cruising for a pardner...lol..thaty would make most men VERY persistent. Mayybe it was the big wood you wer sportin that casued the lady to threaten your ass..LOL.

  51. eeps, sorry cali girl.

    Was wondering what sort of event this could be. Fund raiser? Wedding? Where would an a-lister be with a bunch of 'regular folks' as Enty says? And - 'they were flirting all day' - so this was a long event! What would that be?

  52. Go to google news and enter the name of your choice. I did with Clooney which is how I found out about him being the Omega Ambassador...and it looked like he was surrounded by regular folks to me.

    But Jax, if it's Bruce and he took Viagra, isn't that good for four hours? 240 minutes divided by ten minutes of hot lovin', equals 24 women, give or take a few for transportation purposes....

  53. All depends what number that lady was on the list,no? LOL

    Bruce seems more of a cad than Clooney...i mean shit he did hook up with Lilo as far as we know right?

  54. What sort of civilian married lady spends hours flirting and exchanging double entendres with a celebrity.

    And lets it get to the explicit stage? She doesn't sound like much of a lady to me.

  55. I see I'm gonna have to smack some people upside the head about Clooney....he's not gay - he just doesn't want to give his hard earned moola away to some gold digger.

    And there are a lot of nasty words coming out in this comment section! I think we need some mouths washed out with soap.

    Anyhoo, lets examine the clue. It says "sometimes do-gooder". George is constantly speaking out about Darfur. I also wouldn't consider him "A+". And George has to much CLASS to hit on someone else's wife.

    Harrison Ford is a good guess.


  56. What kind of lady? Pretty much any woman being honest right about now.
    What lady woulnd't? I'd love to be hit on by an A+ list movie stah Lainie..married or not! If she wasn't a 'lady' then they would have hooked up and we would be actually doing work right now instead of debating the homolisciousness of the Cloon.

  57. Um Cyn..not to be a bitch but we don't need a Den Mother or a Babysitter.

    We are all adults here, try treating us that way.

  58. Goodness, when I hear "A list" and "tough guy" I immediately think of Edward Norton. He is award-winning, but who can name his latest movies? And, he's a guy who likes being around "regular folks." He's old enough for grey hair (although on that point, I'm unsure). And, he's definately hetro. Please, say it aint so...

  59. Hmm AMerican History X and Fightclub..ding ding for Kelli!

  60. I don't think I've ever seen someone say George Clooney isn't A+ before.

    We can't even agree on who is A or A+, how the hell are we going to come to some consensus regarding who the blind is about?

    Too funny!

  61. Is Alec Baldwin considered A? I know he's been nominated for an Oscar and won some smaller awards, but I don't know if he's A. He sure doesn't seem like only a B actor, though. I can see him doing something like this.

  62. Anonymous4:47 PM

    doesn't anyone remember "the painted veil" and "the illusionist"? both are really good movies... i really hope it's not edward norton

  63. I don't consider Colin Farrell a+, but he is greying and what movie? Anyways he gave a big donation recently to Uraguay schools.

  64. What ev, Jax. We all have our opinions. I was being sarcastic.

    What we need is for Ent to tell us who HE considers A+. I would venture to think it someone who can open a film on his or own name and pull in the bucks.


  65. I'm surprised you say you think an A+ actor is someone who can open a film on his own name and pull in the bucks, but you don't think George Clooney is A+. He acts, produces, directs, writes, and can open movies on his own name and pull in the bucks. I don't think you get more A+ than that.

  66. I'm gonna toss out Richard Gere. He's gray and a do gooder, and has made mostly forgettable movies lately.

    His IMDb bio starts out with "Humanitarian and actor..."

    He's a golden globe winner. I'd consider him A list.

  67. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I don't think gay/straight is an issue with the Cloon. As long as it has a pulse.....

  68. I think we should just be looking at guys without wives and kids based on the "the people who have jobs and spouses and families" comment in the BI. I think it's Clooney. And yes, plenty of women wouldn't hit that. Aside from the fact that I am wild about the hubby, only thinking of the places someone like that has put it gives me the heebs.

    First one is obviously Paris. Hmmmm --- with Clive Davis or Quincey Jones maybe?

  69. A+ is someone at the very top of the food chain (Clooney, etc.). Richard Gere is B-List these days at best.

  70. It's probably Sean Penn.

  71. 1) Clue really points to Brad Pitt. Also the way that it's written doesn't seem to mean that he's grey already. Took it to mean it's some guy in the 40-50 age range who could be going grey.

    2) The comments about no woman turning clooney or xyz star down are really strange. Are you guys joking or serious? You mean you believe no woman whose marriage means anything to them would hesitate to jump into bed with some guy just because he's handsome and famous?

    For one, I'm not even married and would be pretty insulted that some man kept going after I asked him to stop. Or even the thought that he believed, since he's a star, he could pick me up like a poptart at the 7-11. I would take it as a sign of great disrespect..... and threaten to kick his backside myself... Now if he just kept it at small talk and and a few sincere compliments.

    If you would enjoy it then that's great. But please don't confer things that you and your friends would do on *ALL* women.

  72. cosmic - hahah - said what i wanted to say only far better...

    and yes i can see now why people think it's clooney

  73. Cosmic, thanks for giving the "he's single" argument more credence. I didn't think EL would put a married or attached guys name out there w/o saying he was married or attached, or mentioning a wife, but you caught an additional clue none of the rest of us got. Kudos!

    Tomtyler, you're right that Gere isn't exactly A+ - now why didn't we think of THAT?

    You two need to post earlier in the day, it would have avoided a lot of debate....lol.

  74. Anonymous8:15 AM

    The clue indicates the guy's hair is already grey - and the threat of an ass kicking turned more than his hair grey - like his face.

    Also, do any of you really believe Brad Pitt or George Clooney have to chase women around at a party? Are you kidding? Those two probably have to spend their time fending off women.

    I seriously can't see George Clooney chasing after some woman so desperately she had to threaten him with her husband. Please.

    This sounds a lot more like Bruce Willis.

    Whoever it is, the guy is crass.

  75. #2 is Paris and Quincy


  76. oops! sorry, meant #1

  77. Now, what's this about the D-list Hollywood sex party?

  78. Russel Crowe. Got a lot but not the looks of the other mentioned here. And the fear of aggression could be true in real life. His rage is known, but nobody fought back - its cashier to sue. So was he really tested? Movie quality declined and he did some charity lately, in his native Australia. http://jollypeople.com/blog/2007/07/15/russell-crowe-australian-childrens-music-foundation/

    And he never showed too much class in his appearences....

  79. kelly....i saw that pic of paris and quincy quickly this am and was like ewwwww....please tell me it wasn't him. But I just looked again, and he has his arm draped over her. THat is just wrong.....and disgusting.

  80. Yep, it's Paris and QUINCY.

    but her refused her lap dance, Thank GOD.



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