Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This married NBA player who has been mentioned previously in this space was seen having drinks alone with this famous for being famous "movie star." I'm sure the reason they left together was so she could give him some tips on his game.

#2 What B- actor but with A name recognition is trying to get back together with his ex who is an A list actress, not because he really cares for her, but because he needs her help to land a new film role. If he brings her along then it could be his ticket to A list money and fame for his work, and not just for being with his ex. So far, she has turned him down cold and his career is stuck.

#3 This degenerate record producer who gets lucky way more than he should walks out on dates if they don't think they are going to put out. He usually does this maneuver AFTER eating and drinking, leaving them with the tab. One recent tab was almost $1000. The girl had to call her parents who gave the restaurant a credit card over the phone.


  1. 1 - Eva's new hubby and Paris?

    2 - Vince the dipshit Vaughn

    3 - Scott Storch, way too easy.

  2. #3 deserves to be outed and shouted from the rooftops! What a JACKASS!!!!

    No guesses yet. Still thinking of Johnny Depp in a sarong. There goes my day.

  3. #2 - Reese and Ryan

  4. #2 Reese and Ryan poped into my head. God, I can't believe that I used to think Ryan was hot, he is such a sleazebag

  5. 1. God, any NBA player who is desparate enough to sleep with Paris deserves every disease on the menu.
    2. Ryan Wannabe and Reese's Pieces
    3. JR Toke'm - the girl was prob Ashley Tisdale.

  6. #1.Kobe & ??
    #2.I think Vince is a great guess...but so are Reece/Ryan...
    #3.Scott Storch

  7. It wouldnt surprise me if it was eva's flava of the week .. he hasnt appeared too happy in recent post-honeymoon photos ... could this have happened after the espy awards?

    I agree reese and ryan ..

    scott storch ...

  8. I am changing my answer to for number 2 to Ryan Phillipe too. I, for some reason, didn't register the " ...it could be his ticket to A list money and fame for his work, and not just for being with his ex. Sorry.

  9. 1 - kim kardashian (sp?) she likes them tall, dark, and handsome. paris, with her blantant and horrific racism seems unlikely to go after a baller. the married part, however, would not bother her.

    2 - stuart townsend and charlize theron: they are on/off all the time. ryan phillippe seems more solid b list to me. he was in oscar-winning ensemble gosford park.

    3 - scott storch or jr rotem. either way, anyone that goes on a date with either get what deserve.

  10. for number two... vince vaughn has been in some Huge hits. wedding crashers, anyone? it is unlikely he needs jen aniston to get a role. at this point in jen's career, she may be looking to him for some film work!

  11. #1.. Michael Jordan? "space" can be reference to Space Jam.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. micheal jordan isnt married anymore

  14. #2 is Chad Lowe, looking for help from his ex, Hillary Swank.

  15. Kobe and Kim K.
    Ryan P and Reese W
    Scott Storch

  16. Kelly, I don't think Ashley Tisdale would have had to call her parents, she would have charged it.

  17. WAY off topic - ENT, or anyone else who might know:

    Is it possible that Britney's mother can get a court order for a 72 hour hold where they can evaluate her and determine if she is certifiable or anything of that nature?
    In light of the OK Magazine article about to hit the racks, if it's really as bad as I'm hearing, couldn't someone step in and have her committed?
    She has already disowned her mother, so what's to lose?

  18. Isn't K-Fed still technically Britney's next of kin? I thought they still hadn't settled anything as of yet. Someone should have her committed or the DCFS needs to be there right away.

  19. 1- kobe

    2- vince and jen

    3- not sure

  20. 1.) Kim Kardassian and Kobe? I think if it was Eva and Tony, Ent would have been much more obvious. Kim is also famous for being famous "movie star" for her home movies...
    2.) I don't see Ryan Phillipe for this. They worked together in the past and it didn't do any good. I'll keep thinking.
    3.) I don't know many record producers and don't know who this guy is, but I'll agree with you guys.

  21. Just some thought for #1 - Jessica Simpson's new movie is "Major Movie Star". Could this be the "movie star" reference?

  22. hey it is a 72 hour evaluation for a mental place as long as the person dont volunteer because if they do they can go as they please

  23. I agree with the Chad Lowe/Hillary Swank guess. Lowe is definitely bigger in name recognition than his carrer due to the "Rob" factor.

  24. Hez, dang it, I had moved along 'til ya mentioned the sarong...gotta go look again! : )

  25. Kobe Bryant and Tony Parker are the only bball players mentioned by Ent in the blog. Now that doesn't mean that the person wasn't mentioned by one of us in a comment.....sneaky sneaky

  26. How in the hell do 2 people run a bill up to almost a grand?
    Not defending him, he's obviously a slime but I wonder if she would have complained had he cheerily picked up the bill (magic 8 ball says no)
    Don't order lobster the next time you're playing fangirl, dear.

  27. Anonymous8:11 PM

    kelly: re 72 hr eval. It depends on the state. CA probably has looser laws than more conservative states due to the mental illness lobby. In MN, the police have to enforce the 72 hr hold under order from a physician--and they need to have significant documentation on how this person is at immediate risk of harm to themselves or others (including significant disregard for their personal health for reasons clearly not rational or religious in nature, ie. I refuse to go in for chest pains because I know that Osama bin Laden is causing them and he's just doing it because we had astral sex and I said he couldn't keep it up).

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Holla,
    #2 - Reese and Ryan
    that was the first to come to mind

    DOES ANYONE REMEMBER the blind about a guy whom may have inpreged his girlfriends sister? and that THEY are the actual ones dating? CAUSE there is stuff out there saying LeBron James & Beyoncé are undercover lovers and I saw soem pic of Jay-Z and B with her sister and it made me think the blind item was them...

    somebody talk to me whatdoya think?

  30. is chad lowe really B-? wtf has he done lol
    Ethan Hawke. Is Uma A? I mean, hrm. just conjecture lol I hate him, but I love his books.

    #1 Kobe Bryant and Brandy. They went to prom together

    #3, Scott Storch, I've heard he's a complete assfuck from people who know.

  31. stuart townsend and charlize theron

  32. you women need to get lives, and worry about your own kids instead of a celebrity. i swear some of you bitches are so looney i wouldn't put it past you to call dcfs yourselves to put a complaint on britney spears.

    you people want some celebrity children to worry about or to obsess about, how about michael jackson's children? why don't you broads go harrass him, eh? go call dcfs on him, he's a known child molestor.

    britney has never been convicted of a crime, never accused of child molestation, not gotten popped for dui twice within two months. she doesn't even go to clubs hardly anymore. all she is guilty of is not wearing designer clothes and looking like crap.

    all you're going by is ok magazine hyping up an article you have yet to read, and be know if all that is said is 100 % the truth. just like star magazine lies about brangelina breaking up do to jennifer maniston for instance. all tabloids lie and stretch the truth, they're in the business of selling magazines to nosy houseweives who have nothing better to do than to worry about the lives of people they don't even know.

    please go take care of your own children and your own lives.

  33. moocha- Thanks for the critique and the motherly tips but while darling brit brit keeps playing her "look at me" games and numerous attention seeking fuck ups we are going to say what we like.

    Personally- I think she has postnatal depression and more importantly I think she needs help!!

    I am a Britney fan and I hope she comes back but not at the expense of her and her family. I'll go further and say that she blatantly whores her kids out to outfits like X17 just so that someone out there is talking about her.

    As for Micheal Jackson- can't argue about that. Guess he is smarter in the sense that he keeps his private life PRIVATE. I know that is hypocritical but hey, you can't be perfect!!

    So I hope for both our sakes Brit gets better (cause there is sure something wrong there...) and makes her comeback on her own terms- not her mums or anybody else...

    Of to go play with my kids now... their show is just about to finish...

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Had to delete my first post; too many typos too early in the morning.

    I can't believe that anyone is watching the whole Britney Spears meltdown and NOT believing she has some serious mental problems. This stuff isn't a publicity stunt, this is a tragic example of world-wide voyeurism and nobody who "loves" her having the cajones to step up and do anything. I'm not my brother's keeper, indeed. Very sad.

    Anyway, what I was really going to post about was the #1 blind.

    I'm liking the Jessica Simpson guess alot. She just had a fashion show in Miami, and although I can't imagine she'd date him, Dennis Rodman was in the audience for some reason: http://rss.news.yahoo.com/imgrss/events/fashion/071707miamifashionwk.

    It's an NBA connection, and it's got me wondering if some other players were also there.

  36. hey guys regarding a few older posts it feels like the below might have been Bline Items from the past...

    Wayne Brady and his wife breaking up
    Mandy Patinkin leaving Close to Home due to creative differences


  37. What about Shaq for number one? I think Tony being seen with a new women right after the wedding would be juicy-high-paying info.

    So I think either it's Shaq or Kobe. And I don't think it's Paris, she's said too many disparinging remarks about black people to bite. I think it's Kim. She must've gotten over Reggie Bush quick. (Amen. Because he's a hot piece of man.)

  38. 1. Kim k and Kobe
    2. Ryan and Reese
    3.Scott Storch. I believe that he is being sued for $100k from a former business partner who loaned him the money just a few years ago when his florida home was being forclosed on. Not as rich as he seems................

  39. mocha, honey, are you gay? go take care of your man (if you have one, loser) and you get a life. You are the one using the freaking internet to defend some celebrity you don't even know. Not everybody here are losers like you, nor have kids or even are women.

  40. Fo real, Mandy Patinkin is on Criminal Minds, not Close to Home. (They all blend into one after a while, I know.) They went further than to say creative differences - he was actually granted a request to be released from the show.

    It's well known that he and Thomas Gibson have hated each other since their days together on Chicago Hope. Now, I love me some Inigo Montoya, but he's a diva matched only by Miss Ross herself...

  41. #3 STOOOOORCH (me, shouting it from the rooftops, per Hez, ha ha!)

    I live in a city where he has a home, and I know staff at restaurants where he's pulled this (although, usually his shtick is to try and stick a hanger-on with a bartab when they won't comp him **coughcoughatTheForgecough**

  42. thanks Hez my bad

    I will keep on truckn'
