Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This married NBA player who has been mentioned previously in this space was seen having drinks alone with this famous for being famous "movie star." I'm sure the reason they left together was so she could give him some tips on his game.

#2 What B- actor but with A name recognition is trying to get back together with his ex who is an A list actress, not because he really cares for her, but because he needs her help to land a new film role. If he brings her along then it could be his ticket to A list money and fame for his work, and not just for being with his ex. So far, she has turned him down cold and his career is stuck.

#3 This degenerate record producer who gets lucky way more than he should walks out on dates if they don't think they are going to put out. He usually does this maneuver AFTER eating and drinking, leaving them with the tab. One recent tab was almost $1000. The girl had to call her parents who gave the restaurant a credit card over the phone.


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