Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Today's Blind Items

So you heard about the baby Daddy problem of Nicole Richie. Well her situation is definitely not unique, it just is not usually advertised so blatantly. Well not too long ago, okay, within the last year or so, a B list television actress from a network show gave birth to a child. The couple was all smiles around the baby and everyone was thrilled including the tabloids. Lots of pictures of the whole family. No one did much checking into the history of the relationship and certainly didn't investigate the fact that the "father" has a medical problem that precludes him from having kids. So, who is the Daddy? How about a happily married A list actor from the same network, but different show. They had done some publicity for the network, spent some alone time together, and then uh oh. Enter the new "father."

The biological dad and mom had a fling but don't get along and so the kid is going to grow up thinking mom and new "father" are his/her parents.


  1. Wow. Kinda sounds like Tom and Katie (Dawson's Creek) but that ended so long ago I doubt this is who Enty's referring to. Maybe Mariska Hargitay? Was there a pictoral? Can't be Jen Garner because she's creeping up the A-list with her slate of movies.

    Whadda you kids think?

  2. I am off on this one, but who came to mind was Marcia Cross.

    Nice to see ya Pinky!

  3. My first thought was Jen Garner/Michael Vartan... howev I don't think he is married.

    I need to think more and do a spot of research.


  4. Didn't Jaime Pressley just have a kid?

  5. Did Donald Trump's wife work on TV?

  6. I think Jaime Pressly was dating her hubby for quite awhile before they got pregnant/married. But anything's possible!!

  7. Mariska Hargitay was all over Us mag several times. I think it's her and Erik McCormack or her and Steve Carrell. Other than her, I don't know who it could be.


  8. Just throwing out a couple more names of ladies with recent babies...

    Kerri Russell - ?
    Julie Bowen - Boston Legal
    Crista Miller - Scrubs (although she has other children)

  9. What about Amanda Peet?

    All of a sudden she was prego and married!

  10. Def sounds like Tom and Katie Crazy. Dawsons creek was a long time ago, but what else is she know for (acting-wise)? Plus, I believe Tom said he was sterile quite a long time ago. Was Dawsons a WB show? I never watched it, or any other WB show so I don't have much to offer as to possible biological father.

  11. I'm thinking Brooke Burke. She was on that Rock Star show. Now she's married to that Charvet guy. Maybe that's why Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra got divorced?

  12. Judy- excellent guess! She did get pregnant and married suddenly and I would consider her B-List. Didn't she and Matthew Perry have a fling or that my imagination playing tricks on me again?

    The only thing about this BI is that Ent capitalizes Daddy twice...do ya'll think it's a clue to who the guy is?

  13. Maybe this is an answer to another blind item where a sister's bf got her pregnant and everyone thought that her bf was gay:


    Maybe Ashlee slept with John Mayer?

    Maybe I don't remember the blind correctly.

  14. TOM & KATIE: Dawson's Creek = too long ago. They are not the answer to every BI. Though the kid might not be his - I don't think this is them.

    BROOKE BURKE??: Dave Navarro isn't a Network TV "actor".

    MARCIA CROSS: obvs gay!

    ASHLEE & JOHN MAYER??: say what? NEITHER are TV actors ... puhleeze

    JEN GARNER & M. VARTAN: were on the same show... this blind is about actors on the same NETWORK, not show.

    Mariska H.
    Amanda Peet
    Julie Bowen (who used to date David Spade... maybe likes funny dudes) ... now WHO WHO WHO WHO could be the dude??? What network is Boston Legal on ... HMMMMM.

  15. Boston Legal on ABC.

  16. Dawson's Creek also wasn't a network show.

    Kellie Martin from ER?

  17. Um, you need to learn to READ. I said Ashlee & John Mayer for another blind item about a sister getting pregnant.

    SO PUHLEEZE learn how to read before you get unnecessarily snarky.

  18. Dawson's Creek was indeed a network show. It was on the WB.

  19. Oh, and Ashlee was on a network show - Seventh Heaven - on the WB.

  20. In Chicago we don't consider the WB a network channel. Networks are ABC, NBC, CBS and the locals.

  21. Here is the link that I am referring:


    I originally was too lazy to search for it, but that post by TB kind of pissed me off with that "holier than thou" attitude.

  22. WB is a network station. You can pick it up without cable. But folks we're getting away from the point, think about the timeline, the BI says within the year, so Katie's out b/c Dawson was off the air. So far the best guesses are:

    Amanda Peet
    Jaime Pressley
    Mariska Haigtay

    Are we missing any other women that gave birth within the year? going to find out when they got on the radar being with their significant others.

  23. Tracee's correct on the definition of a Network. MyNetworkTV is also a network, not doing so well, but a network. And yeah, it was off the point, but sometimes you just have to clear things up ;)

    Kory! How've you been? Missed you.

  24. You can get that w/o cable???? MY BAD! Sorry, Pinky.

  25. Hey kory, I used to post as TB, but I didn't post as TB on the link you provided. And didn't notice any holier than thou remarks, but it is what it is.

    Yeah def. think it's Asslee and John Mayer. What's wrong with families in ho-wood? I wonder if that's already caused a riff in the Simpson fam...we'll see.

  26. How about Tori Spelling then?

  27. Tracee, I think kory meant tee+vee who wrote:

    "ASHLEE & JOHN MAYER??: say what? NEITHER are TV actors ... puhleeze"

  28. I think we're on to something with Julie Bowen.

    She's been on Boston Legal in 07 (ABC) and has played Matthew Fox's wife in flashbacks on Lost (also ABC) for the last three seasons.

    Other ABC shows being promoted in 2006 (when she got knocked up) - Extreme Makeover Home Edition (DUI Pennington?), Knights of Prosperity (Donal Logue?), Help Me Help You (Ted ::cough:: Danson??), Dancing With The Stars (Mr. Peterman, say it ain't so!) Brothers & Sisters (Balthazar Getty? There's a ton of potential dudes on that show), Men In Trees (Anne Heche! You scoff, but bitch gets around), The Nine (Scott Wolf!), What About Brian (Barry Watson!), Day Break (Taye Diggs! -kidding!), Grey's (Isaiah, you cad!), According to Jim (no comment), Desperate Housewives (again, so many options), Ugly Betty (don't watch it - someone help me out)...

  29. See, and I *instantly* though of Mariska Hartigay.

  30. Okay this was weird. On IMDB it says that Jaime Pressley and her fiancee Eric Cubiche were friends for 9 years before datingin 2005. I know it happens that friends hook up but I didn't know they were going out until she was pregnant. Was any one else aware about that relationship before the preg?

    On Amanda she used to date Brian Van Holt who starred in Threshold on ABC. After they broke up she started seeing the screenwriter she's now with. However, IMDB says they got engaged in 2005. Maybe she had fling with her ex and he got her knocked up?

    Just thinking out loud.

  31. OH-ohhh. Thanks Twisted. I was just going to own up if I bothered somebody. (I know, I bother you guys everyday! Thanks everybody!)

    All good kory, i knew what BI you were talking about I just thought...nevermind... :)

  32. Oh, Hez, Anne Heche = priceless.
    God only knows what POWERS were bestowed on her during that alien abduction.

  33. OMG - what if Julie Bowen got knocked up by the very married Matthew Fox!?!? However I don't know that there were any pix of her and the hubby and the baby. Anyone?

  34. oh and EZIENTAR - IMO Brooke Burke's not even C list, but I had a very sexy moment thinking that they might have had a 3-some! And Carmen knocked her up ;)

  35. Oh boy - let me explain something - I am THE WORST typist in the world. People think that I can't spell, but it's just that my fingers don't listen to my brain. B is right near V, so I was responding to Tee Vee (TV for short).

    Sorry for the confusion. I only brought up the other BI because I saw it on Dlisted and there's no point posting back there on the original.

    As far as this one is concerned, I read it several times and I can't find a clue in it.

  36. What is it with women who have "Nicole" in their name not knowing who the father of their child is?

  37. I think Hez is spot on with Amanda Peet/ Matthew Fox.

    golf claps.

  38. I honestly don't think it's Mariska. Have you all seen pictures of her son lately? He looks JUST LIKE his father, who guests on SVU from time to time. If there wasn't such a striking resemblance between father and son, she would be a great guess for this BI.

  39. I think Matthew Fox is a great guess, as we're looking for a happily married A list actor. Most of the other guys mentioned are far from A list.

    The publicity for the network would have been the ABC upfronts in April '06, which means baby came very early '07. Does that fit any of the momas mentioned?

  40. Well, if it is Amanda Peete/Matthew Fox I would definitely keep a close eye on the kid's development. That could be some severely "impaired" sperm.

  41. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Julie Bowen was married in 2004
    Mariska Hargitay was married in 2004, kid came June 2006.

    I doubt it's either of them.

    Amanda Peet came to my mind, but who knows. Any other females on networks that were pregnant the past year?

    The only ones I can think of are Amanda Peet, Jamie Pressly, and Marcia Cross.

  42. I'm starting to think it's someone who is older. It's easier to understand why someone older would have determined he couldn't father a child than someone younger. A man can go for years not even knowing there's a problem.

  43. I'm pretty sure it's not Mariska cause I believe she went through IVF treatments to conceive. Plus, the kid looks just like her hubby.

    Marcia Cross said she started on IVF treatments right after her wedding so it's not her.

    Both actresses are in their 40's, they got help getting pregnant.

    Jaime Pressley is madly in love with her man and has made that well known for a long time. Plus, her husband is a very distinct mixed race guy so it would be noticeable if the baby wasn't his.

    Peet and Bowen are the only other ones who make sense. Keri Russell has been away from tv too long for her to be in the running. Felicity was forever ago. She's film now.

  44. Well if it weren't for the Network part, I would say Tori and Dean. He was adopting with the woman he left for Tori.

  45. matthew fox/amanda peete...

  46. Wasn't Amanda Peet on NBC? Lost is on ABC.

  47. I like the Matthew Fox/Julie Bowen guess because of the guest appearance/character on Lost and she is also on Boston Legal. Julie was also on Party of Five a looong time ago.

  48. This is way totally off topic, but I just saw a picture of Robin Williams and his arms were remarkably unhairy - his legs still had hair, but his upper body not so much from what you could see. Made me think of that blind item about the dude who shaved for his 20 year old girlfriend. I'm pretty sure RW would have been the dominant guess but it was still funny to see.

  49. Amanda Peete is on NBC so some possible shows with Alisters could be:

    Las Vegas
    Law & Order

    ..not sure, I don't watch any of these

    Besides, when did Matthew Fox become A list?

  50. I am so glad to see someone thought it was Tori Spelling too! haha! Too bad it's not her.

    But the guess of Julie Bowen looks like the best one so far...

  51. Jonathan Cake and Julianne Nicholson of SVU (she's currently on Maternity leave. No Idea on the A list real daddy
