Monday, July 23, 2007

Today's Blind Items Part One

I have a big update to a very popular blind item and wanted to give it a post of its own. Do you remember this one?

This lead singer from a holier-than-thou-art family has had at least three #1 hits. Friends and family were expecting wedding invitations to show up soon. They were right because our singer had been busy making plans with his 5+ year girlfriend. Location booked, preacher reserved, the works. But isn't it weird that, when the invitations arrived, the bride's name was not that of the girlfriend everyone knew, but that of someone they had never met? Many chose not to attend the ceremony out of disapproval. All was made clear less than six months later when baby made three. Our singer had made the quick switch of brides when his very controlling, behind the scenes father hit him below the belt -- in the pocket. Seems our singer had the choice of marrying the girl he had been secretly seeing or being disowned and losing out on the family money. He chose the former and poor girlfriend got left behind.

It seems enough begging and pleading kept most mouths shut while he played devoted husband and father for a few years, the adoring wife completely oblivious to the existence of poor girlfriend. However, when it became obvious to the rest of the family that he just can't stop his wandering eye, vengeful little sister let adoring wife in on how the elaborate shotgun wedding had been planned so quickly -- she was the only detail that was added at the last minute. Now, adoring wife has made arrangements to meet girlfriend. Whether it will be a cat fight or a pity party is yet to be seen, but it doesn't look good for our husband of the year. Do I smell "irreconcilable differences"?


Well, wife and girlfriend finally met. A few mostly-impartial parties were around to mediate, if necessary, but things were very civil. The ladies found out that they have more in common than just the obvious -- though wifey was less than happy to learn why Father-of-the-Year was so insistent on the naming of their baby girl. Our lead singer was and still is completely unaware of this meeting. They're not headed to divorce court yet, but things will be increasingly difficult for him around the house.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I had no clue then, no clue now. The July 4th week clue that referred to "one of the comments" didn't help me at all.

  2. Yeah, this one was hard. Especially because until I read it properly, I thought it was about a "holier-than-thou ART family". At least that's clarified now.

    I believe some of the boys from Hanson were suggested for this one, but that's as far as I got.

  3. I'm still leaning with the Boyz-II-Men guess... ONE poster suggested it and ENT made it clear than ONE of the comments was on the right track.

    Every other guess had A TON of comments, or reasons that it couldnt work

  4. Ent! This isn't an update. I thought you were gonna give us another clue to get closer to a solution. This one in particular was bothersome for me.

    I still think it's a Hanson or a Winan. And if you told us, would they ever find out? They're so off the tab radar. Something! :(

    (Having a bit of the Mondays.)

  5. wait...doesn't it say ART family???

    A singer from an art family???

    I am confuzed.....

  6. Yeah, bmini, I made the same error. I think art=are in this case.

  7. bmini, that's why I think it's one of the of their song was, "How Great Thou Art".

  8. Twisted,
    I think it's Bebe Winan. Just adding.

  9. Thanks, Tracee, I couldn't think of his name. CeCe, Bebe, why don't they go out and buy themselves some real names?

  10. minor point -- Maybe I'm missing something, but what has baby-naming got to do with this story? Tx.

  11. lainiekazan - i took it to mean that he named the baby after the girlfriend or something related to the girlfriend.

  12. Lainie - It sounds like Ent is implying that one of the babies this artist had with his wife is named after this mystery women. Shady, shady!

    Twisted-right?! A grown man named Bebe? If I was a man that would be the LAST name I would want. I bet his mama saw his balls and got the name instantly.

  13. So we can assume the family has a LOT more money than the singer. So it's not Hanson or Boyz II Men.

  14. hmmmmmmmmmmm Screams Hanson to me and I can't remember seeing the first BI

  15. If this BI happened 12 years ago...

    I'd discounted the Winans link -- but I looked at Bebe's site and there's absolutely no mention of his wife, daughter or wedding date.

    A couple of sites do mention his daughter Miya Destiny's birth (must have been premature, 2lbs something in Oct. '95) and his wife's name (Debra, like his younger sister) but that's it.

    And sisters Angelique and Debra say on their site that they feel called to preach "tough love" to their audience...sounds like our Deb has issues.

    He was under his family's control until 1995, when he and sister CeCe split up their act to go solo (he was 33); he got into acting, directing, producing. That could be when the accident would have happened.

  16. Wow i hate to be choosy on my smut but i dont really care about this one..give me scandal! give me dirt..give me Britney driving with her feet on the 405 with JJ on the roofrack!

    Happy Monday ya'll

    oooh what's this..Brit driving on the PCH with shock! a baby on her lap. soo close..maybe tomorrow.

  17. ohhh.. thanks for clearing that up Hez. I don't know the family everyone is talking to wiki them

  18. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Wouldn't it be totally delicious if it was Donny Osmond?

  19. Anyone think it's sort of sad that the man can't be with the woman he's truly in love with?

  20. my only question is why the hell would the "girlfriend" bother to go meet with the wife? She should have told them all to go F@*! themselves.

  21. Can't be BeBe Winans, if the guy is still married, tho....Bebe is divorced (2005? 2006?)....

  22. Helena -- I'm so glad to hear that. I'm a real fan of BeBe's & CeCe's -- ok, I *know* religious performers are human and have problems like the rest of us, but they keep themselves private and I feel as though I'm intruding.

    That said, aside from the pain to the wife and the old girlfriend -- wtf is wrong with the sister? *That's* the real sadness here. It does sound as though she's jealous of the older brother personally and professionally. Calling Dr. Brothers....???

  23. Donny Osmond has been married since 1980 and has 5 children. Could Marie be the conniving little sister???



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