Monday, July 30, 2007

Today's Blind Item

#1 This A list film actress and really she is one of the very few, seems to have been working her magic again. Her magic that causes men to drool and do stupid things. Her latest victim is a B lister but if going by talent alone would be A list all the way. Long term girlfriend is no more all because he has mistaken our actress's on set affection and confused it with true love which is definitely NOT on her to do list. The actor is on the to do list if you know what I mean, but not true love.

#2 Maybe the reason there are no PDA photos is because one of them made a promise to their real significant other that it really is all for show and would prove it to them by not making out with the other person and groping them in public and instead really does respect their significant other.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    what about bono & penelope cruz for #2?
    bono is still with his wife and maybe the photos with penelope are just for show?

  2. first impulse re: #2 was to shout "justin timberlake!"

    i don't know why.

  3. I agree with Jessica Beil and JT for #2....why else would there be no shots whatsoever of them acting like a couple when it is so obvious that they are....apparently. I can't see JT standing by the fidelity promise though so it must be Jessica who has the sig. other.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    #2 would have to be two people who everyone knew were supposed to be a real couple. So penelope cruz and bono wouldn't work cause they're not supposed to be dating.

    The only PDA I saw of JT and Jessica was some pap shots taken in Manchester, ENG but they weren't exactly passionate. It looked like she grabbed his face and pulled it towards hers for a kiss. He didn't even look at her.

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    #1 I assume "magic" is a clue...but I'm not getting it. Who are the A list actresses who are single? Halle Berry, Cameron Diaz, is Drew Barrymore A-list?

  6. #2 Bilson and the Star Wars dude?

  7. What about Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christianson for the last one?

  8. For #2, he is alluding to this post when talking about "no PDAs"...

  9. Well Cameron was recently with that magician dude.

  10. Khemenu, if Jessica Biehl is the answer to #1, "magic" is a clue because she worked in "The Prestige", which is a film about 2 rival magicians. (Great film!)

  11. Actually Scarlett J was in "The Prestige".

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What about Scarlett and Javier Bardem for #!? (Just a guess, no idea if Javier's broken up with his gf or not.)

  13. But who are the few, true A list female actors? I really wouldn't consider Cameron Diaz or Jessica Biehl "true A list film actors".

    Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Emma Thompson, Reese Witherspoon, Cate Blanchett, Renee Z., Rachel Weisz - Any of these fit the clues? I thought Nicole Kidman because of Bewitched, but can't find any co-stars of recent films that had a long term girlfriend. Seriously doubt that Meryl Streep could be considered, and I thought the same for Emma Thompson, but she 'was' in Harry Potter....

  14. Gaah. You're right, jembily.

    I mean the *other* magician film, "The Illusionist", which Jessica Biehl was in. Also a great film.

  15. Jessica Biel was in The Illusionist.

  16. Nicole Kidman in Bewitched?

  17. I'm liking that SJ/JB guess. IMDB says he has long time girlfriend Cristina.

  18. Also, Keith Urban sang the song "Stupid Boy"

  19. For #1 (I always leave that out)

  20. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Biel was in The Illusionist, which was very very similar to The Prestige. but going to agree for #2 as JT & Biel.

    #1: key things I think we should look for are 1) male who is excellent actor, but does not have box office success, 2) recent breakup. The woman is hard to identify other than a-list.

  21. Anonymous1:04 PM

    pinky, it was this post at Lainey's site that got me thinking it could be Scarlett and Javier (who is really quite talented, imho):

  22. Scarlett Johanson was also in that Woody Allen movie Scoop where Allen was a magician

  23. Isn't Angelina known for ...winning.... co-stars over?For some reason she was the 1st one that came to mind. She has just finished a film (Wanted) with James McAvoy who has won loads of awards (including a Rising Star Award and loads of Baftas). I would say he was B-List (at most) although with the amount of awards he has the talent of an A-Lister (hahah i sounnd like his fanclub. the only thing is he has a wife not a long-term girlfriend. Hmmmm back to the drawing board.

  24. She also worked her 'magic' on Woody Allen - he was said to have a terrible crush on her.

    Thanks for the link, Sarah, going there now.

  25. Jembily: I saw that too and JT/JB were the first pair I thought of for #2.

  26. #2-Jessica and Justin seem right. Although he didn't show much PDA with Cam, he did hold her hand. When I see them I get a feeling of coldness, it lacks warmth maybe because we don't see PDA.

    Not sure on #1-Streep is married. Julia is filming a movie as we speak with Tom Hanks and Philip C Hoffman, but I don't think it's her either. Halle has had too many flops to be a "true" A-List as Ent says.

    Cate Blanchett is filming the next Indiana Jones...maybe it's her and Shia. People compare him to Tom Hanks already. -shrugs- I don't know.

  27. Oh - I meant to add that for me Bardem is one of THE most talented actors out there. Plus he's hot as hell.

  28. #1 Nicole Kidman,Keith Urban
    (Hugh Jackman..Daniel Craig)?

  29. #1 Sandra Bullock ("Practical Magic") and Julian McMahon?

  30. I thought of Angie as well for #1 - she's got such a long history of being "close" with her costars...but I don't know if I'd call her alist for being an actress - name def., but her acting skills aren't the greatest. Saying that, though, I don't have a guess to offer. The 'to do list' comment makes me think it's someone who's talked about accomplishing certain things on a time line.

    I'm with the JT/JB bandwagon - there's something else going on involving those two - and it's not, IMO, being ivolved with each other. I don't remember JT and Cammie being all lovey dovey either - they def. touched each other and talked about sex, but were there any real hot & heavey momments....just asking...I really don't remember.

  31. #1. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhardt

  32. Anonymous1:15 PM

    #1 The actress has to be A list and probably in the top ten of them. BI doesn't say if she is married/attached or not - just that her co-stars fall for her often.

    The BI also doesn't say she's fooling around with her co-star, just that she knows he is falling for her and thinks he has a chance. It may be all vanity for her. The "to do" may mean sex, it may mean collecting another admirer.

    She's probably very, very attractive and a bit of a siren.

    Who are the A list goddesses?

    "Magic" as a clue - Nicole Kidman (Bewitched, Practical Magick)?

  33. Anonymous1:23 PM

    On #2 sounds a lot like a celebrity couple where one of them is gay and has a serious SO.

    It could be the man or the woman in the "for show" celebrity couple.

  34. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I agree with JB/JT for #2. Ent has made no secret of the fact that he thinks she plays for the other team, but what would JT get from such an "arrangement"? I just don't understand what he would get out of it?

  35. Maybe JT gets privacy for he and Trace.

  36. While I hope I'm wrong, for some reason Michelle Pfeifer popped into my head. Isn't she in a new movie playing a witch? She's definitely A list in my book.

    Number two must be the J's because there was just something about them leaving a club separately and not having any PDA's. I think this type of relationship could be beneficial to both of them. He probably doesn't want any entanglements right now and maybe she isn't ready to come out of the Gay rumors are true.

  37. For #1 - what about Scar-Jo and Javier on the Woody "Pedophile" Allen film?

    For #2 - prob JB & JT since rumors of her real sig other being a female..not sure why JT would play along though....

  38. #1 = Nicole Kidman. Per Wiki, she was in Practical Magic and recorded a song with Robbie Williams called "Somethin' Stupid."
    She just wrapped 2 movies with Daniel Craig (the Invasion and Golden Compass), who has a long term girlfriend.

  39. what abt kate hudson and dax shepherd for #1? she is directing that film and there have been pics of them holding hands. just not sure abt the "magic" clue. i think if the alister was married or in a r/ship ent would have said something abt that.

    for #2, i just dont see why jt would want this arrangement. he is touring and i'd think bc able to hook up like crazy, so why would he want it to look like he's with jb???

    how about jake g and reese for #2? i've read that they are seeing each other again. and everyone knows that he is toothy tile from ted c's blind.

  40. #1: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhart

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. For #1: at first I thought of Nicole K. but the men drooling and doing stupid things didn't work so I am now on the Scarlett Johansson wagon.

    But is ScarJo considered A list?


  43. i would say that scar jo is a-list, but i also think this could be kate hudson bc she is alist also.

  44. And I wouldn't consider either one of them A-list, Divabunny. This is so confusing, isn't it? I just don't put them in the same category as Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, etc.

  45. I think it's Angelina Jolie, too. Especially as I read through the hint that the actress can make men do stupid things.

  46. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I think its Angelina Jolie also, Twisted. Michael K at D-Listed is always talking about her hypnotic vagina, I would say that would be considered magic.

  47. Well, isn't making something disappear considered magic, Brenda? Then I'd say all of our va-jay-jay's are magical.

  48. It's either Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy or Scarjo and Javier.

    I do like the CZJ/Eckhardt guess, but she's married with kids so I don't think Aaron would even think to go there.

    Angelina has a past habit of having her costars fall in love with her. And she and Brad aren't getting along lately so I could see her turning her magic on James.

  49. okay bitches! you've convinced me! its angelina.

    crazy at how any man could think he could stand a chance at taking her from brad though!

    i still refuse to say that 2 is jt & jb. no way jt would go for it. there's nothing in it for him. doesnt make sense!

  50. Anonymous7:32 PM

    scarlett and Javier have only been working together for about a week so that seems a bit fast for him to dump his long term girlfriend. besides scarlett is dating ryan renoylds, lucky bastard.

  51. I'm leaning towards ScarJo for #1 and fully on the JB/JT train for #2.

  52. # 2 jt/biel all the way.

    she gets good publicity and a shot (in her delusional mind) at the A list.

    he gets arm candy, reinforces his heterosexuality, she's the sexiest woman alive (according to some bs magazine), and he gets publicity as well. does anybody actually care about justin other than who he is dating? he's boring. besides he stops getting asked that pesky little question: What about Britney?

    he hates anything being related to her or being linked to her five years later. it hurts his wittle ego to know for the most part he only interests people with who he's dating.

  53. #1 - What about Renee Zelwegger and John Krasinksi? They were filming Leatherheads together and there were rumors about them going back to a hotel together. Or was that too long ago?

    #2 - agree with JT/JB

  54. Scar-jo for the first one

    JB was in the Illusionist
    Significant other sounds like a same sex partner... I smell beard

  55. First off this made me laugh..

    "I think its Angelina Jolie also, Twisted. Michael K at D-Listed is always talking about her hypnotic vagina..."

    I swear Dlisted never fails to crack me up. And the whole "hypnotic vagina" just is a killer.

    So I am going with the guess of Angelina as the flirting girl.

    The girl has the attention span of a knat.

    I am not a fan of Brad Pitt... never have been... always thought he looked like a monkey. (i think its the shape of his mouth...) But I never brought into the "he is my soul mate" sh*t.

    I think Angelina justed wanted to win... and destroy another female in the process was just a plus.

    Angelina will move on... to other men... and adopted more kids. She has her own money and does not have to rely on anyone to pay for her lifestyle.

  56. Here's another article pointing to JT/JB.

  57. Anonymous10:27 AM

    #1) personally, I have never put that much thought into the BP/AJ thing, and nor do I care to. If she wants to adopt 100 kids from every country in the world, she can be my guest. And if Monkey Face Pitt (LOL!) decided to trade in
    The Chin for The Lips, than the more power to him. That's about as far as my interest in either of them go. Oh yeah, and I may be a straight female, but if my choice were the Chin or the Lips, WELL....

    #2) Mocha, you have come up with convincing reasons for JT to participate and I am now officially sold on the idea that #2 is JT/JB.

  58. "#2-Jessica and Justin seem right. Although he didn't show much PDA with Cam, he did hold her hand."

    Wrong, you can find tons of pics of them kissing.

  59. 1. SCAR-JO
    2. Justin/Jessica. She's gay isn't she?

  60. I read in a Spanish language page that Angelina and Brat had decided to separate because they are always fighting. That website has given info on some stars way before any other gossip page has and they turned out to be true, (eg, Britney, Salma and Angelina's pregnancies to name a few) plus I think they have lasted way longer than expected. I don't hate Angelina, but she's a man-eater, and not in a good way. Well, is there really a good way....


  61. Anonymous8:53 PM

    #1, Angelina Jolie makes sense - the BI says the B actor is falling for her and mistaking her onset behavior as meaning something.

    Her costars are always gaga over her.

    #2 The only other nonPDA couple I can think of for this would be Reese/Gyllenhal. Maybe he is "courting her" so to speak, and taking things slow (ahem, not at all) and she is old fashioned enough to not see why.

    But the JB/JT thing makes sense too.

    I wonder if the other person in the non PDA couple, the one without the SO, is aware it is all for show?

  62. For #1 I'm guessing Reese Witherspoon and Jake Ghal--however it's spelled.



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