The Simpsons World Premiere
Erika Christensen looks amazing although even if she didn't I wouldn't say that because she's not afraid to kick a guy's ass. Also, if she calls you. A word of advice. Call her back quickly. "Of course we are going to have a good time tonight baby. Your dad is the Hoff and I bring the party with me."
So I guess actors and their characters as well as couples both start to kind of morph into one after a certain period of time.
You just know that Albert Brooks is the guy yelling at the kids to get the hell off his lawn.
Lisa Leslie is a whole lot of woman, but considering she had a baby like a month ago, she looks incredible.
JC may as well have worn this outfit and started singing tunes from Cabaret.

The way she is eating this reminds me of the way OJ tried on the glove. It's all about the appearances baby.

You know that sometimes Phil's son just wants to kill his dad. Just for an instant.

"Well if I wear this $2000 sport coat, I can get away with the shorts because it all balances out."