Monday, July 30, 2007

Random Photos Part Two

And this doesn't even count as one of the three.
I believe Jamie gave birth about 15 minutes ago and already looks like this.
Miss Personality, but...
the dress actually shows some. Some. Not much. She still has a long way to go. Maybe she should date 50 Cent for awhile.
At what point do you think Britney Spears will just decide that wearing pants is probably too much effort?


Tracee said...

Wait! I've seen that face on Jessica before. She's about to "drop some kids off at the pool"

Pinky said...

Oh look, the hounds of hell left little footprints on Brit's snatch. Niiiiiice.

Anonymous said...

Is that a leash coming off the back of Claire Dane's dress?


kellygirl said...

oh, pinky, i thought those were crabs makin' a gettaway

Farm Girl Pink... said...

What is it with Britney and Lohan... both of them desperate for attention. Both of them dress as if they are blind... neither one of them have any idea what panties are used for... and lastly the whole Daddy issue complex.

Sadly when their 15 minutes are over... there will be 4 new "desperate for attention" girls to take their places.

Unknown said...

I wonder what Ent meant by writing "And this doesn't even count as one of the three." with Jessica Simpson's picture? What three?


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