Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Random Photos Part Two

Janet Jackson in Vibe Vixen
At this point I think any pretense that Donal Logue is interested in wearing his shirt has been shattered.
I guess we should be happy she is wearing a bra and panties. Baby steps people. Reminds me I need to watch What About Bob again.
Two women were discussing who they felt was hotter. I have posted their two photos. The candidates are Thomas Dekker and Paul Rudd.

They remind me of The Three Bears, except the bears didn't wear a hat and coat when it's 100 degrees outside.
Parker Posey sells out for television. Actually I don't think it is a sell out at all. She has done great things and I don't blame her for taking some huge money for all the small projects she's done in the past.

Katharine McPhee learns about photoshopping.


Anonymous said...

Definitely Paul Rudd. Definitely PhotoShop on Janet. And Donal Logue, drunk or just lazy?

Mother Campfire said...

Paul Rudd!

K said...

Paul Rudd, without a shadow of a doubt!

Hez said...

Paul Rudd walks away with that noooo problem! That other twink is totally on the bi now, gay later plan. Yuck.

Parker does deserve some dough for all the great indie stuff she's given us over the years. Hope the show is actually good, too!

And if anyone ever doubted the absolute ludicrousness of the term "It Girl," all you need to do is look at Gretchen Mol, who was apparently one of those for about six seconds a few years ago.

Now she's fighting the hot like it declared war on her. Yikes!

Donal Logue: Canadian-born Irish (like yours truly)... so that's a yes to BOTH drunk and lazy, DNFromMN. ;)

Joint Venture world said...

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Anonymous said...

LOL Hez, you're killing me "like it declared war on her" HAHA! And Paul Rudd definitely wins this one, hands down!

kellygirl said...

Paul Rudd - no contest -- hey, isn't that LindZ' line?

merrick said...

when do you think that pic of janet was taken .. last time i saw a shot of her she was carry some junk in the truck (and the engine)

blahblah said...

Paul Rudd - I'd hit that til he broke

that other guy looks like a douche

Anonymous said...

Totally on the Paul Rudd bandwagon - had a crush on him since "clueless".

Kristi Logan said...

Paul Rudd- no contest whatsoever. LOVE HIM!

dreadpiratecuervo said...

Paul Rudd..mmmmmmm....yummy. He's definitely hotter. The other one is a chick w/short hair anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say the other guy because I'm starting to feel sorry for him. ;-)

YahMoBThere said...

Hell yeah, Paul Rudd!! Thomas Dekker stole his hairstyle from Katie Holmes, who stole it from Posh. None of them looks good in it.

tigereye said...

paul rudd all the way

curious_cailyn said...

Ohmygod, I LOOOOVE me some Paul Rudd!! ALWAYS have... >:)

But in fairness to whatshisname, is it really fair to compare a 38-year-old hunka MAN like Paul (sigh) to a 19-yr old kid? ...I'd love to know the ages of the women who were discussing which one was hotter(!)

Hez - I can't believe that's Gretchen Mol! I still remember her on the cover of Vanity Fair, when they crowned her H-wood's next "it" girl! Looks like the pressure got to her, poor thing...

ladorabelle said...

Paul Rudd and Johnny Depp in the same day? What did we do to deserve this, Ent? Or are you just making up for posting Pete Doherty and Skeletor (ahem, Marc Anthony -- twice!) earlier today?

CincyNat said...

Rudd. Hands down. His pants! Whoops! Sorry! Enty, who were the two women debating this? A mom and her 13 year old daughter? Umm...who IS the Dekker guy? I'm too lazy to search....(and obviously ooold.)

Julie said...

Paul Rudd, mosdef
Winona looks so small in the same pic with Famke.

I forget the name of the movie I love with Famke. I want to say it was kevin james in it, but i doubt it. just the same body type.

oh, and i like donal logue, always have. lol well i giggled at the mtv taxicab guy

Julie said...

oh boy, then i scroll down a bit and see Jon Favreau. that was him in the movie with Famke.
totes worth watching :P

Tania said...

Definitely Paul Rudd for me! (and for the person who asked about ages - I'm over 40, Dekker looks like jailbait to me)..
I think Donal is drunk. But I bet he's fun that way.

Naw said...

Dekker is freespirited-youth, suggestive-glances-during-history-class hot, but he skates a little too close to Zac Efron to be to my liking. Meanwhile, Paul Rudd is crisp-suited knowing-smile bring-home-to-mama hot.

Hez said...

Indeed, cirse, and he skates much like Toller Cranston, Rudy Galindo and Johnny Weir. All holding hands.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


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