Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pusher's Quote Of The Day

Oh, but how I love the smell on my breath from rotting insides.


Mother Campfire said...

I'm confused...and disgusted.

jax said...

wtf is THIS about? Jesus..what's with all the drugs etc..i come for gossip not a sunday sermon lol.

merrick said...

had to be a pete doherty witicism ...

Tracee said...

Huh? What's that a reference to? Hannibal? Paris' memoirs?

Slow gossip day, Ent?

mandjo said...

Is everyone feeling OK in CDAN land??

Anonymous said...

I'm confused too...sounds like Cannibal Corpse lyrics lol

Anonymous said...

Speaking of rotting insides....ENT, you are falling down on the Pete/Kate story. They'll be back together in a week!

Mother Campfire said...

I'm with Donna...perhaps Pete Doherty prose.

Unknown said...

Perhaps this:
The PUSHER trilogy reveals the humanity in even the most violent criminals and how every pusher—no matter what his status—is only one bad deal away from total ruin.

Or this:
From the 1968 release "Steppenwolf"

And this section is titled "...Of The Day" so this is on-going?

Hez said...

I just hope there aren't going to be daily references to the smell of rotting things - I would rather not be reminded of the fact that Vancouver is in the midst of a garbage strike at the moment.


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