Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Paris Hilton Moving; Neighbors Weeping Tears Of Joy

In what can only be described as a fairy tale ending for the people on N. Kings Road, Paris Hilton is selling her house. Neighbors were openly celebrating, drinking champagne, and laughing for the first time in years as the news ran like wildfire through the besieged neighborhood.

No more pap. No more Paris. No more late night Valtrex deliveries, and best of all no more late night singing.

The asking price for Paris' pad is a little over $4M and fumigation is extra. You just know she's going to leave something behind so chances are you can make some of that $4M back when you find it and sell it.


  1. Unless it's that huge white dog on the table, obviously rescued from the set of Friends after it wrapped. Not going to get much for that in this market!

  2. My cousin's looking for a home in LA. I guess I'll pass the info along...

