Thursday, July 26, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which indie actress, currently filming in NYC with an Oscar-winner and an Oscar-nominee, is annoying cast and crew with her superior airs? The big names are perfectly nice, but the international visitor is testing tempers on set, I hear.


  1. Not sure if Kate Winslet is considered an indie actress but i heard that she's been a real pain on the set of revolutionary road. That movie has Leo (oscar nominee) and Kathy Bates (oscar winner).....although kate has been nominated herself a few times.

  2. i think its scar-jo

  3. oops... didnt see the last line in bi abt "international"... i think you guessed it jencrew!!!!

  4. well is she considered indie though??? i just know someone who worked with her and said she was very difficult.

  5. sienna miller is in nyc

  6. I don't think you can characterize Kate Winslet as an indie actress. When she first started, maybe - not so much now. What about Aussie actresses?

  7. I only see pre-productions for her, but there have been 'Sienna's a pain in the ass' stories.

  8. I was watching the special features in my Factory Girl dvd and she seems like a total b*tch during, in between and after scenes. I mean, sure she was great in it- but her attitude when the camera was off was unappealing to say the least

  9. we have to remember it's a moving being filmed in NYC.

    here is a sample list of what is filming:

  10. Samantha Morton. She's known to be a WITCH to her coworkers -- belittling them in interviews, etc ... She's filming "Synecdoche, New York" right now (in NY) w/ Oscar-winners Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Dianne Wiest, as well as Oscar nominees Emily Watson and Catherine Keener.

    Here's a link to an imdb thread about her "prima-donna"-ness:

  11. Good digging, Cailyn!! Sounds like she's the one.

  12. i was thinking of her as well but the other oscar nominated co=stars didn't seem too big a name (catherine keener, michelle williams, emily watson)....and, again, like winslet she's been nominated herself as well.

  13. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Samantha Morton was nominated for an Oscar for the Woody Allen movie where she was a mute to Sean Penn's guitar strummer.

  14. hayley duff? he mentioned her today... and she was in N. dynamite which was indie

  15. well too bad winslet is not a indie actress....she could have reason to have superior airs since her husband is the director of revolutionary road.

  16. What about Maggie Gyllenhall (haha clearly not how that's spelt). She is filming Batman just now. I dunno where that's being filmed but it's just cos she's always in "indie" films and i've not had a coffe yet. Sorry!xxx

  17. Laura, that's a good guess, because Heath Ledger was nominated for an Oscar and Morgan Freeman won one. I know at least some of it is being filmed in NYC.

  18. maggie gyllenhall isn't international tho.

  19. chloe sevigny? thats the only person that comes to mind as an "indie" actress

  20. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Batman is filming in Chicago - not New York. Can't you bitches be bothered to check these simple facts?

    It's Morton: it was on another board days ago.

  21. John, if you're going to come off like a prick, YOU better get YOUR facts straight.

    "Principal filming took place in Chicago for DARK KNIGHT a few months ago, then moved on to New York. Filming in more than one city is intended to give Gotham City an authentic yet distinctive flavor on screen, not belonging necessarily to any known city but still looking real."



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