Morning Links
You heard Kim Kardashian is going to be in Playboy? Yea, well she is leaving her clothes on. I know, I know if she was going to leave her clothes on, then she could have been in any magazine. The problem is do you think the folks over at Redbook want her in their magazine? 30 ways to not burn your Thanksgiving meal with Kim Kardashian inside talking about the best way to fake an orgasm when having sex on video.
I hate Courtney Love for what she is doing with her share of Nirvana, BUT, if she keeps doing this, then I will be nice to her much more often. Or at least until she decides to sell Kurt Cobain cologne.
Mr. Porn Stache looks to be recovering from a thorough prostate exam as he takes his new girlfriend out. I guess she digs the stache. I wonder if Orlando has installed shag carpeting and lava lamps at his place also. A little "Shaft" in the background and he is good to go.

Why the f**k would you even go to a restaurant if you are just going to bring your own chef with you? What is the point? Are you so sick of your house and need to get out of it? And if you are going to have your chef cook for you, then why would you go to the most expensive place in town? Just head over to Denny's and let him cook there.
Brigitte Nielsen is suffering from Flavor Flav withdrawal so she checked into rehab. Flav was there five minutes later with a camera crew and a new reality show was born. Do you think she has run out of Stallone money yet? I'm wondering if she did the VH-1 shows to get famous again or for the money.
I really do feel sorry for Tammy Faye. The woman has just been through one thing after another for like 25 years. Whenever I see her some new disaster has befallen her but this latest is the worst. Whenever I see the photo from Larry King (who I still abhor, BUT feel a suck up, kiss ass was needed in this case) I just cringe. No one deserves a fate like hers.
Did anyone see that clip on Holy Moly last month of Joan Rivers doing interview w/Brigitte and Brigitte getting pissed off and leaving and then coming back - that was SOOOOO FUNNY -
ReplyDeleteYou reap the harvest you sow and the ptl ministry sowed a lot. i am only capable of so much compassion and pity so i will save it for people who are suffering that didn't exploit peoples faith in jesus to pay for airconditioned dog houses and hookers like jessica hahn.
ReplyDeleteToo true Some - there are alot of people suffering and dying every day and the only reason she is on LK is basically because she is famous for helping to steal millions of dollars from people - I think people just want to forget that because she is sick but Karma is a bitch.
ReplyDeleteTammy Faye knew exactly what Jim was up to. She waited until he was in prison to divorce him - so much for the Christian marriage vows, huh? Guess he couldn't afford her outlandish makeup bills and thus had served his usefulness to her.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I do like my husband's mean little comment. If lab mice wore that much makeup for that long, they'd have inoperable cancer too.
Karma is indeed a bitch. Just because it's taken years to get around to her doesn't mean she hasn't racked up more debt to pay to karma.
go easy on Orlando, Ent. The 'tache is for his role in the play he's doing.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen any actor leave a theatre in London looking well dressed either - they all slob about! Maybe it's something to do with channelling the £250 a week they get for stage work - have to look poor, don't they?! LOL!
That play Orlando is doing is set in the '60s, so you see he's method acting!
ReplyDeleteThe girl is supposed to be Naomie Harris (Tia Dalma from POTC). She normally looks much prettier than that. Would be nice if they did get together, but I'm thinking friends.
ms_wonderland.. I'm thinking the same - it would be nice if they got together though, they make a nice looking couple (once he removes the 'tache!)
ReplyDeleteShe was awesome in 28 Days Later...
Does anyone remember those "I ran into Tammy Faye at the mall" t-shirts?