Thursday, July 05, 2007

Morning Links

Paris and Lindsay reunited for an alcohol free party. Calum Best was also there, but I don't think he got the message. Of course, I guess that could be apple juice or non-alcoholic beer in his cup.

Think of the germs in that hot tub.

Britney is allegedly recording her mom's phone conversations with K-Fed. If true that would be a violation of the law. She hasn't been too successful in her movie career either and apologized to X17 for involving them in her method acting rehearsal.

Tracey Edmonds is sticking by her guy...for now.

I didn't even know a Toyota Prius could get up to 100.

For the 842,342nd time, the Sex and The City movie is a go.

If you live on the coast of Maryland you may want to lock up the kids.


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Callum best looks like a bug-eyed alien in that photo. And I don't get the "look at nick's face" stuff.. looks like he's enjoying what he's doing.

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    If Lindsay Lohan is hanging around Callum Best already then she is not serious about being clean. Not that I thought two weeks in "rehab" was being serious anyway.

    The Nick/Vanessa thing is clearly a publicity op to gloss over her fling with Lindsay.

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM

    That is so funny - that is exactly what my husband said about the Prius when I read about Al Gore's son yesterday. hahaha

  4. Yeah I'd take a piece of that Nick stick. He seems like a giver, not just a taker.

    And Calum head is weird...shaped like an alien's. Is he a sciencetologist?

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Is it me or does Vanessa look like she's posing? If that were me, my hands would be all over him. She knows the cameras are on her. How sad. But it worked. They're all over the sites. Mission accomplished.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    That's the boringest porn I've ever seen.

  7. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Lindsay no longer looks deathly skinny, but she does look about 50.

  8. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The second Nick/Vanessa pic has me totally confused. That IS a man's leg/foot sticking up there. I'm trying to figure out the position there. Its making me laugh!

  9. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Nick and Vanessa sex is totally orchestrated...must be desperate.

  10. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I think Callum is holding a urine sample... not sure if it's his or Lohan's.
