Monday, July 30, 2007

Kirsten Dunst And Johnny Borrell Are Over

It seems that Kirsten Dunst is a neat freak and Johnny isn't and that's why they broke up. See, I'm on Johnny's side here because I'm sure he had no idea by simply looking at Kirsten that she was a neat freak. People who are anal about their cleanliness do not usually walk around barefoot and braless and drunk off their ass in public. I can see where he thought that her disheveled personal appearance might also mean that she was lax about certain cleanliness topics at home as well. Combined with the fact that she enjoys the affections of more than one person at once would also indicate to a casual observer that germs and the spreading of such were not really high on Kirsten's list of things to shy away from. I can see where Johnny may have been confused by Kirsten's sudden declaration that she just couldn't handle Johnny and his mess any longer.

I think the main reason she kicked him to the curb is that she couldn't afford to keep supporting him. She doesn't have Jennifer Aniston money so to have a boy toy at home is not something that is really in her budget. Added to that fact is that if she is with one guy too long she feels like she's missing out on the joy and satisfaction that only multiple boyfriends can bring to her life.

The fact that Johnny has talent and she has none probably didn't pop into her head.


  1. Uh...yeah. She doesn't scream neat freak. I think you're right Ent, she just wants to get her rocks off on somebody new.

    But she looks like she smells. She should bathe before finding her new fix, I mean dick.

  2. Neat freak??????

    How could I have missed the most obvious?

    If that is neat, I would really hate to see what messy looks like.

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I've never gotten the hate for Kirsten Dunst. She kinda stays out of the way and she's never done anything really offensive to me, at least not in public. Especially when you compare her to other former child stars.

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I always thought her and him were the blind about couple together just for her movie promotion (Spidy3)... and was surprised they have been together this long after the promotions. The sad thing is during those promotions she actually looked decent so you know she COULD look decent if she wanted to....

  5. Doesn't look like a neat freak to me either.

    So who are those two coming out of that store? Neither looks like Dunst to me.

  6. Ent said: People who are anal about their cleanliness do not usually walk around barefoot and braless and drunk off their ass in public.

    Don't forget that pic of her with blood splatter all over her feet. Like she menstruated and forgot to plug herself up.

    Cue Paris: "That's hot!"

  7. LOL, Pisley! You made me gag with that one!

  8. That was such a sham relationship to begin with, I agree kchal. It was for the movie. She couldn't dump him right after, so they waited awhile and then here you go. For such a disshelved lady, her house is tidy ??? Doesn't make sense.

  9. she is no neat freak. sorry but that one just doesnt wash for me. maybe she just got pissed bc he got sick of rolling her joints!

  10. Maybe she's a neat freak when she's tweaking.

  11. I have a hard time piling on Kirsten. She had a really good thing going and seems to have messed it up with drugs and partying, but she hasn't gotten big fake tits or gotten big fake teeth or gotten arrested or flashed her naughty bits at the cameras.

  12. Personally I don't get the Kiki hate either. I'm not going to sing her praises, but she's hardly "bad" compared to today's standards. I hope her next movie doesn't involve her being "cutesy." I do hate that.

  13. I don't hate her either. And unlike Lohan, Kirsten Dunst has talent. I still can't believe they were touting LL as the next Elizabeth Taylor. Please. Lohan was good in one movie and that's only because she was playing herself in it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "she enjoys the affections of more than one person at once"

    threesomes? dunst likes DP



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