Jen Wants To Meet Paul's Parents

Somehow someway, Paul Sculfor got Jen hooked on his loving and now she wants to meet his parents. Jen is always wanting to meet parents and be friends with the ex-in-laws. Most people I know try and avoid their own parents. It's tough for me because I live in their basement. I know it used to be a rented basement, but her husband got out of jail and wants to use it as a grow room so I had to move back in with the folks. It's okay, my parents are in their 80's and I'll take Sixth Sense care of them for awhile and get them to change their will, so it's all good.
Anyway, most people also would dread meeting potential in-laws and would use the fact that they lived in London as a wonderful excuse not to meet them. Not Jen. She loves that kind of crap. She probably is flying them Business Class over from London. She's too nice to throw them in the back of the plane but knows this thing with Paul probably won't work out and so won't spring for First Class. I'm sure Paul told them they would fly First Class, and he will complain to Jennifer, but she will probably just buy him a new watch and make him service her and everything will be all better.
They're still dating?