Friday, July 13, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 So this A list actor in name recognition and actually can open a movie on his own but you just don't really think of him as A list is getting a divorce although there was some question about whether they were really married. Anyway our mystery actor has been signing false tax returns for awhile and his wife didn't quite catch on until recently that he was hiding money from her. She finds out and then relationship go bye bye, and our actor better hope he doesn't go bye bye to prison.

#2 This parasite was seen giving a lap dance to a record producer you don't want to cross. A photo was taken of the incident and immediately the record producer's thugs grabbed the camera, took the memory card out and gave the camera back to the photographer.

#3 This A list actor is already very tired of his fairly new wife. The problem is his fans expect him to be a certain way and getting divorced from the mother of your child(ren) is not something they want to see. So, he puts on a happy face and tries to find other people to act as a buffer.

#4 Speaking of lap dances. Well not now, but in #2 anyway. This B list actor from a very long running television series which ended gracefully loves the strip clubs and loves the lap dances. What he doesn't do is tip though. He pays exactly the cost and nothing more and gets really upset if he feels the song is too short. All of the ladies are tired of his act especially since he said he was just doing it for research. Of course his research has been an almost every day for six months kind of research. His wife must be thrilled.


  1. #1 - I know it's terrible, but I thought of Adam Sandler first.

    #2 - do we really even need to say her name? But I can't think of a producer...

    #3 - Tommy?

    #4 - ...Kelsey Grammer?

  2. Just to follow up on my Mike Meyers guess...I notice he's described as a "mystery" actor. "International Man of Mystery," anyone?

  3. for #3, what does Ent mean by the A-lister finding people to act as a buffer? Does he have people over to his house so he doesn't have to interact with his wife? That might get old and rather obvious after a while.

  4. #4 ended gracefully. Is the actor from Will & Grace (can't remember his name

  5. #4 Eric McCormack "gracefully"= Will & Grace?

  6. msjj21:

    I thought of that first, but they've been together for quite a while and I got the impression that it's a fairly new (under 5 years) marriage. They've been together for 10.

    But I could be way off base...obviously. :)

  7. Seems to be a few clues in #1 and #3, but I can't crack 'em.

    I'm voting Suge Knight as the producer in #2. Sounds like something KardASSian might do as well...and live to regret. (Remember what happened to Vanilla Ice!) Paris is a good guess too, but kinda obvs.

    And for #4 I'm gonna go out on a limb and say David DutchOven. He was a VERY frequent flier at Vancouver's strip bars the whole time he filmed X-Files here. LOVES "the ballet". You might almost say he had season tickets.

  8. ....i am such an idiot, i was mixing up the two bv's.

    my apologies - carry on...

  9. I am thinking ray romano for number 4 .. "the act" ...

    #3 - seems like actor has one child already and maybe a preggers wife?

    thats all I got right now

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    #4 gracefully = topher grace that 70s show costar Ashton?

  11. Isn't Mike Meyer's divorced?

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    1. Please not Johnny D.
    2. Suge Knight
    3. Ben Affleck (Hesitate to think of him as A-list, but he did win Oscar and has been in some blockbusters in the past)
    4. Eric McCormack - long time, ended "grace"fully

  13. I thought the phrase "ended gracefully" meant the stars of the show decided to end it, rather than being canceled, such as the case with Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld and Home Improvement.

  14. #3 - Matt Damon and TJ hooker!!

  15. I agree with Hez' guess for Suge Knight for #2. I believe it was with Paris, since I saw a clip with him saying nice things about her on tmz.

  16. I'm thinkin Heath Ledger for #1. There has been confusion about whether or not him and michelle williams are married?

  17. donna - i thought matt damon for 3 as well. he has his kid with her and the kid she had before.
    also they have been in hawaii with jen and ben for weeks now - so maybe they are the buffer, along with the nanny. :)

  18. i know megan .. i wish my vacation lasted all summer .. and you really only saw pics of jen and ben together .. never matt and mrs. ...

  19. Anonymous1:40 PM

    tI'm an idiot! said...
    #4 gracefully = topher grace that 70s show costar Ashton?

    1:06 PM

    topher grace isn't married

  20. I like the Ben Affleck guess for #2 because of the "child(ren)" reference. They have one child together and there are rumors she is pregnant again, thus the "(ren)".

  21. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I'm thinking #3 could go Affleck OR Damon.

  22. Some said, I think tim said, "topher's costar Ashton."

  23. Topher Grace is a friend of Dorothy, anyway.

  24. #1 Guessing Randy and Evi Quaid... He was in a movie called Bye Bye Love. ENT posted awhile ago about their financial difficulties from a movie they invested in/directed/produced called The Debtors. I believe their was some controversy surrounding their relationship. I think she is kinda out there and somewhat younger.

  25. 1. No clue
    2. I like the Paris/Suge Knight guess.
    3. Ben Affleck although I don't know if I'd say he has been putting on a happy face lately, because it seems like every picture I see of him he is frowning, but he's my guess anyway.
    4. No clue


  26. Kevin Costner for #3 was my original guess, but Damon and Affleck are both good ones too. Especially with that long Hawaii vacation where they spent so much time together.

    Paris Hilton for #2? Parasite?

    #1 has to be someone who we're wondered whether or not they're married, like Heath & Michelle or Johnny & Vanessa (even though I doubt that, he really loves her and the family). Only other "are they or aren't they" I would say is Liev and Naomi but she's preggers so not them.

  27. #1 - don't know
    #2 - I don't know who the parasite is ... the record producer is Suge Knight.
    #3 - Brad Pitt
    #4 - don't know

  28. I like the Brad Pitt guess for #3...hasn't he been trying to visit with Jen; and, she and his mom got together...talking it thru for him?

    #4 - Kelsey Grammer.

    I'm guessed out.

  29. One could be Mike Meyers, he was infrequent at the various openings etc of Shrek 3, perhaps he couldn't leave the country for legal reasons?

    Two Ebola and Suge Knight I am not jiggy with the rap scene, so...

    Three: Matt Damon, his wife has a kiddo already so that puts him at plural children whereas Ben just has Violet, that we know of, and then the B.I. about the Spanish hooker and subsequent adoption could be them, maybe that is why he cheated, boredom?

    Four: Eric Msomethingoranother from Will and Grace?

  30. I'm really liking Brad for #3. Who else has fans who would freak out if he left his "wife"?

  31. Anonymous11:09 AM

    How can they get divorced if they're not married?

  32. Now, John, let's not get hung up on words like "wife" and "divorce". Those are only hints.

  33. I don't know why, but I thought about the show 6 feet under for #4. It had the most epic/graceful ending of any long running series on TV, imho. also- there's a 'six' reference in the clue, and 'too short' could be as in 'life's too short' but who the hell knows- it's sooooooooo vague.

  34. Anonymous11:43 PM

    1. Didn't Wesley Snipes have tax issues?

    2. Hilton or Kardashian, most likely. But what about Diddy/Sienna?

    3. Oh yeah, Brad Pitt is afraid his fans won't like him if he dumps his wife. You can see how he never risked that ire. Pffft. Brad Pitt is so A list he could dump his grandmother in the lake and still open a movie.

    Damon is a good guess. Which is a bummer, but he is a good guess. So is Affleck.

    4. No clue - but isn't the old "I'm just researching a role" thing only something you can drag out six months if you got a role in a movie (not tv)?

  35. For #1 - I think Heath is really the only AList that's truly been confused lately as being married/not married - he's been pictured wearing a wedding band and then not. Brad Pitt would never, ever miss the press whether it was admitted or not (nor would Angie).

    #2. Kim Karawhateverhernameis

    #3. Which A list has a newer wife but Affleck or Damon?

    #4. No guess. But the ended gracefully hint most likely hints to Will & Grace I agree.

  36. The BI reveal site has the answers listed as:
    #1 Johnny Knoxville
    #2 Hilton/Knight
    #3 Matt Damon
    #4 Eric McCormack

    #1 is a pretty genius guess, I don't think any of us guessed it.

  37. BI # 1: I liked the Wesley Snipes guess... but the Knoxville guess is genius! Would not be surprised if he was hiding the money from the wife. It would also explain why he dresses like a homeless man.

    BI # 2: Love the idea of it being Paris/Suge... but why did I immediately thing it was Sierra/Puffy? haha!

    BI # 3: Ben Affleck. The man has not looked like he is happy for more than 2 years. I still stand by my opinion that he only married her cause she was pregnant and did not want to live with the media attention if he had not married her. I still think they will end up divorce within the next couple of years.

    Where as Damon looks like he actually enjoys the company of his wife. I don't think it's Damon.

    BI # 4: I love the guess of Ray Romano... and it would be wonderfully delicious if it was true. Think of the stuff that Kathy Griffin would have to say about it if it is true!

  38. The only one I could guess was BI#3, it's Ben Affleck.

    It's not Matt Damon because Affleck and Garner was spent their 2nd year anniversary with the Damon's in Hawaii. That to me sounds like Affleck is using Damon and his family as a buffer than the other way around. And you rarely see them really into each other like in the beginning.

    I say it's Affleck.



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