ZX-The Reveal
So the big plan was to go skydiving on Saturday with ZX holding up a sign saying who she was. Unfortunately I got sick and ZX already lost her video. However, I'm getting another copy and will post it as soon as I get it. My plan was to take you step by step through some of ZX's posts, but Curious Cailyn/Youda Bess did it all for me. When she says Editor's note, she is referring to herself and not to me. The only thing she got wrong was the fashion shoot. Although ZX has been revealed, the posts will still be under the label ZX. Yes, she is going to keep posting.
Here is what she had to say--
Heeey! I haven't posted in more than a month because it's soooooo TIME-consuming. But Bionic Bunny e-mailed earlier today to ask me if ZX is KRISTEN BELL(??), so I decided I had to respond...
No "ZX" isn't Kristen Bell. (That would mean that ZX recently starred in a TV series, which she hasn't. There are lots of other reasons, too, but that one eliminates KB right off the bat.)
So who IS ZX?? ....... DOMINIQUE SWAIN!!! Sorry, I know some of you don't want to believe that, but I don't know why. I think DS/ZX has proven to be cool, down-to-earth, warm-hearted and hilarious... Now that I "know" her, I'll probably follow her career forever.
Since I first guessed that ZX was DS (around April 23) I've come across plenty of other evidence that confirms this. Unfortunately, I haven't had the TIME (or inclination) to write down/document each and every "clue" along the way... But sinceZX is about to reveal herself, I figured now is as good a time as any to throw out a quick "laundry list" of reasons why I think she is DOMINIQUE SWAIN. Remember, this list is FAR from complete and some of my "reasons and/or "proof" carry more weight than others... But put them all together and there's just no doubt!
REASONS WHY ZX = Dominique Swain (in no particular order):
Excerpt from April 12 post:
ZX: "I remember when I was younger being called the "bad stripe" because my boobs hadn't grown in yet and I guess the dress looked more flattering on someone full-figured. Just what I needed to hear as an insecure teenager."
Quote from Aug 5, 2002 issue of Variety:
"Dominique Swain got in the spirit by admitting to having made several fashion "don't" lists. " 'Would you look at her,' they say. 'She's wearing the bad stripe.' And then they put some other little perfect model next to me and say, 'See, this is a good stripe. It's far more flattering to her figure.' " ( www.variety.com/vstory/VR1117870829.html?categoryid=38&cs=1 )
Editor's note: Ummm, I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Why, I bet Amber Tamblyn used the same expression in "People" just the other day!)
2) ZX recently went through a BREAKUP
If you look DS up on wireimage.com or gettyphotos.com, you'll see that after mid-January, she's always pictured solo (or w/a girlfriend or other platonic type). From Sept. 2006 thru mid-Jan 2007, though, you'll see her posing with some tool/creep named Justin Strock. (I'm sorry, but if the dude dumped DS, he's an idiot!)
Editor's note: Yes, I've officially crossed the line into freak-land... But now that DS/ZX and I are best-est girlfriends, I have to think her ex is a dick, don't I??
Check out pics of DS from earlier this year (examples below). You'll see that she was slightly heavier than usual (not "fat" by a longshot, but we're talking anorexic H-wood standards here, people.)
Oct 2006 (Thin): tinyurl.com/2o2ueq
Dec. 31, 2006 (Not AS thin): tinyurl.com/36rloh
Jan 3, 2007 (Not AS thin II): tinyurl.com/349pfa
In recent pics, though, she's looking quite thin again, as she alluded to in this APRIL 27 post:
ZX: I was wearing jeans I haven't fit into for nine months and I just breezed them right on this morning without knowing they were the Joe's jeans I WISHED I fit into and could not throw away. My manager called it boyfriend fat."
More photos:
April 14 (Lookin' thin): tinyurl.com/3dwrym
May 27 (Lookin' thin II): tinyurl.com/2b948w
From an April 2002 article in "teenhollywood.com": www.teenhollywood.com/d/6439/1055/dominique-swain-hollywood-survivor.html
"21-year-old 'Lolita' actress says she developed a nasty drug and alcohol habit that nearly totaled her about a year ago. "I got hammered at my boyfriend's birthday party in front of about 150 of our closest friends, and I fell down some stairs," says Swain, who stars in the upcoming "New Best Friend." "I think my reputation was becoming pretty horrible.
"Swain's stint as a good-time girl on the Hollywood scene began as a teenager, when she "had this boyfriend who was physically abusive and sold narcotics," Swain tells interviewer Sean Daly. These days, she's sober. "I don't drink at all anymore."
5) ENT's original description of "ZX"
According to ENT, ZX was:
A) "At 2007 LA fashion week" - See tinyurl.com/2qw6s4
B) "Has had several films released this year already and has some films coming out later this year as well." - See: imdb.com/name/nm0000663
C) "An award winning actress" - See: imdb.com/name/nm0000663/awards
D) "Happy in mainstream or indie films" See: imdb.com/name/nm0000663/
E) "Gorgeous" (Obvious.)
F) "Always willing to speak her mind" (Obvious.)
G) "Incredibly smart" - DS was valedictorian at Malibu High School. See article here ( univercity.com/may02/swain.html )
H) "Goes to a fair share of events and premieres" - See quote below, from the same article:
Q: You're frequently out at Hollywood events. Is it something you enjoy doing or do you consider it more for professional purposes?
Swain: I think that it's really healthy to go out and meet people. I don't drink at all anymore because I embarrass myself, but I think that going out and meeting people who you're hoping to work with is really necessary in any field. You get to sit down and chat with people at dinners and go to cocktail parties.
I know that myspace is public, but I'm not going to post any links to the info that I found there...That just feels too invasive to me. However, if you want to find any of this for yourself, it's all "out there"...
FYI: DS's myspace page is set to private. About a month ago, it was still under her own name, but she now goes by a pseudonym. She doesn't post very often, though.
A) The "GOSLING-LESS" Evening
On April 16, ZX reported on the infamous "Ryan Gosling -hunt," which took place on Friday, April 13.
ZX wrote: "We went up to the door [at Parc] and my best friend, who's had a few and had to pee, looks at the bouncer while holding her crotch and says, "We're here for Ryan Gosling. I was so humiliated."
ZX also mentions stopping by a party that night that was "right up my alley. GAMES!" (That was the t-mobile party)
On April 14, one of DS's (funny) friends posted this note to another friend:
"One day we will find us some gosling. I promise you this. For now, would you be a love and send me those gosling-less pictures? All of em, esp the ones with half my face, hooooray! Ps. We need to party with tmobile more often, where else to do you walk in and are immediately greeted by free candy? Is there anything better? well, maybe some free gosling..."
On April 20, one of her sister's friends posted a HILARIOUS picture of a cat on her myspace page (the cat is on its hind legs, cupping its crotch like it's gotta peeee!) , along with this caption:
"We're here for the Gosling party. Please sir, I really need to use the litterbox! meOWWWW"
In her very first post on April 5, ZX wrote:
"lately, the most exciting thing is my shower door falling in on me- while i was taking a bath. safety glass my ass. i bled all over the carpet and my landlord suggested replacing it with a shower curtain, which i thought was a cheap, gauche suggestion."
On April 11, a friend of DS posted this short-but-sweet note on her myspace page:
"You fix that shower yet, doof?"
On May 16, DS's sister Chelse wrote this comment on her other sister's myspace page:
".. and also, would you please dress like an assassin and come to my house on May 26th? Please?"
(FYI: The Assassin party was actually Chelse's birthday party. See imdb.com/name/nm0841471/ )
This pic of ZX's "best friend" hoola-hooping is her sister Chelse, but it wasn't taken during the Assassin party.
How do I know? The SAME photo is posted on Chelse's myspace page.
Here's one LAST little tidbit. This one had me confused for a while, but I'm 99.9% sure I've got it now...
On April 18, ZX/DS wrote about a photo shoot, and posted a few pics. www.crazydaysandnights.net/2007/04/zx-two-combined-posts-three-photos.html
Here's how ENT prefaced that post:
"Originally, ZX wrote the name of the photographer and the make-up artist, but I deleted them because it would make it too easy to guess ZX."
Hmmmm... could that be because the blonde in the photo is actually her sister Chelse Swain?? (She recently got bangs, and I've seen her make a similar face in other photos.)
I think I'm right.Thank you, and GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!
Curious Cailyn/Youda Bess
P.S. Yes, I realize I have obsessive-compulsive disorder... Now can you see why I've been avoiding this site??