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why is it you always see white celebrities doing charity work for poor africans but you never see black celebrities doing charity work for anybody but other blacks?
ReplyDeletewhen your approval rating hits an unimaginable all time low, of course you'll do whatever possible to improve your image. too late, though.
ReplyDeletebush probably thinks africa is a country.
Well, HE sure is a step up from Vince Vaughn. Looks-wise, anyway. The jury will have to remain out until he opens his mouth to say something.
ReplyDeletelol, you should put these in order so people can understand the ~story~ behind this
ReplyDeleteI think those Vanity Fair covers are amazing. The concept is mind blowing!!!
ReplyDeletethis is like collector's issue overload! seems a bit pompous and self-congratulatory to me.
ReplyDeleteJenn's new b/f is gorgeous. But what is she wearing? It looks like she ripped her dress.
ReplyDeleteThose VF covers are incredible. And doesn't George look great? Of course he does.
LOL! You can tell Bono can't even hide his disgust for lil' ole Conde. I wouldn't be able to either! And it's not surprising that bush is sitting next to her, he trusts no one!
George rocks! I don't care what anyone says. I don't want to get political on a site meant for celebrity goings on, but Bush will go down in history (if we actually get to end up with one with the terrorists in the world) as one of the smartest and bravest presidents in our nations history. He bases his decisions on what is right, not on what is popular. Thank God for our troops who will travel to the other side of the globe to keep the terrorists fighting over there instead of sitting here waiting for them to attack us again. (In case you still don't believe that there are terrorists in Iraq, perhaps you can read up on Al Qaida in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteAnyway...George Bush wants a better world for himself, his children and his future grandchildren just like anyone else.
Anyway...I only say this because Ent did post the pics. I expect a lot of retaliation for my opinions and that's fine, but I don't intend to get into a pissing contest on it from anyone. I just feel that enough people throw out negative stuff about our President that I should be entitled to throw out something positive once in a while.
I seriously doubt that George Bush will ever be remembered as one of our smartest presidents. The man can barely string together a coherent sentence, much less lead an entire nation.
ReplyDeleteQueen Rania - gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteDon Cheadle-total class act!
Maya Angelou- a real lady
Bill & Melinda Gates-what a great power couple!
Jen's new man-Haaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttt!!!!!!!!!!
You are brave, Mary Mac.
ReplyDeleteI respectfuly disagree (although, who cares what I think -- I'm Canadian!), but honestly, good for you for saying what you think. I'm sure you will take heat, but it's pretty ballsy of you to stick your neck out for your beliefs like that.
The reason our soldiers were sent to Iraq was because Saddam supposedly had WMDs. That was the threat over there. Now that no weapons have been found, the reason for staying is that tired rhetoric of "fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here."
ReplyDeleteI also doubt he will go down in history as one of the smartest and bravest presidents.
Regardless, the covers are very beautiful, but I think a little much. More awareness about Africa needs to be raised. It should be more than a photo-op for celelbrities. Most people can't name 15 countries in Africa without looking at a map.
Mary Mac - I HEART YOU!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow - I'll agree with Hez that Mary Mac is VERY brave to voice her opinions. I do not even remotely agree that he will go down as one of the smartest presidents, but I will always respect people for standing up for what they believe in.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, on to the reason for me submitting comments...I can't be the only one who would love to be in a Jay-Z/George Clooney sandwich, am I?
MM - Well, you are definitely entitled to your opinion on Bush and obviously feel strongly about him... I dont agree w/you on your take of how he will be remembered and his motivation behind his actions - but regardless - I'm still gonna go with Lindsey Lohan for President and Paris as VP... or vice versa - either way - all the way : ) Now THAT would be a president w/a legacy
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? GWB as the smartest pres? god he's not even the smartest person in an elevator most days...
ReplyDeleteWell if invading a country based on BS, killing thousands of harmless Iraquis AND Americans without any real proof or link to 9/11 is smart then i guess about 99% of the rest of world is imbeciles.And ignorant right wingers like yourself will always be delusional as long as it justifies anti abortion and the embrace of your Lord Jesus Christ..oh and kill all the gays.
Is that close?
Good for you for having an opinion,unfortunately its just wrong..and even Georgie's buddies can see it.
ReplyDeleteHere, here. Lindsay for Prez. Free drugs for all, all the booze you can handle and orgies galore!!ROFL!
You are very brave. And I can respect anyone who can stand up for their own beliefs. And really isn't that one of the special qualities that make America so unique?
I have to agree that Bush will remembered, unfortunately I don't believe he will be remembered for what your highly honoring him with. This war has gone beyond doing the right thing, like protecting us from terrorists. This war is based on money.
Think about it? Middle class families are finding it more difficult to squeeze by while the rich are well, we all know the adage. Gas, food and electricty prices are the highest they've been..well ever.
I support our troops to no end, but I feel bad for our troops. They defend our civil liberties yet when they return from the battlefield they can hardly receive adequate health care from the govt. that sent them there in the first place.
Bush is a rich man's wet dream and a poor man's worst nightmare. But were all entitled to our opinions, right? And I can respect where you're coming from MM. Who knows in 20 years I could be eating my words about Bushie.
Those covers are fucking ridiculous. Like, I literally said, "WTF?" as I scrolled down each one.
ReplyDeleteGeorge W Bush supporting Africa? He can't even take care of this country let alone a whole freaking continent, that stupid sonofabitch.
And Bono has no problems with it. So long as people are staring at him, he's okay with it.
You know, I remember thinking it was a bad sign and that our President was in for a really rocky road the moment a recount was demanded....He's definitely had a rough Presidency...
ReplyDeleteMary Mac must be smokin' the Jezus Crack to think that GW is in any way intelligent or that what he is doing is right.
ReplyDeleteBTW...AQ wasn't in Iraq until we invaded and turned a secular nation into one of hostile fanaticism.
Why don't you do some reading and research, you know, other than Faux News and the Bible, and open your eyes to really see what's going on in this world!!
People like you make me sick. I can't even respectfully disagree with what you've said.
I've seen you attack posters here who have had dissenting opinions about whether or not Ent is real, ZX, etc., and now I know where your hostile ignorance comes're a rePUGlican!!!
Yeah, I'm feeling hostile, and I have every right to be, as this asshole in the White House slowly strips away my Constitutional rights, kills thousands of US soldiers (yes, he knowingly sends them to their deaths, rather than bring them home from the quagmire HE created!), and thousands of innocent Iraqis (obviously not speaking of the suicide bombers here). Yet, he sits there with his smug little grin, and thinks that GOD is on his side. If God is on his side, it's no wonder that I'm an Atheist.
Have fun with your delusions, Mary and TS, I hope they soothe you to sleep at night.
Me? I don't like Bush. I voted for wait...I voted against the bigger liar, but I really admire Mary for her honesty.
ReplyDeleteAngry, your name suits you, by the way. Did you really sign up today just to post that diatribe or are you always pissed off?
mary mac: *applause applause* & *big standing ovation*
ReplyDeleteyou rock.
I've seen you attack posters here who have had dissenting opinions about whether or not Ent is real, ZX, etc., and now I know where your hostile ignorance comes from...
ReplyDeleteYou are all witness to the double-edged sword of posting with a recognizable name. Sounds like some people have a big ole scoreboard when it comes to the regulars, but only post with a name when it suits them, to avoid being held to the same standard.
Who would've thunk that a bunch celebrity gossip junkies would be so passionate about politics?
ReplyDeleteMary's comments reflect those who still support Bush's agenda while Angry's comments reflect those of a dissenting opinion. Both of them stood up to what they believed in and that's that. Angry's just angry about the state of the country, her/his passion comes off differently.
Either way, I'm kinda glad we're talking about it and that MM opened that door WIDE.
No, Tracee, that's not really correct. Mary's comments reflected her beliefs and Angry just ripped into Mary. She made it personal. BIG difference.
ReplyDeleteTS-I'm always pissed off about the current state of this country. Other things in general-not so much. I came here to read celeb gossip, not some right-wing love fest.
ReplyDeleteHez-there is not scoreboard. I didn't really care about MM's other comments, even when I didn't appreciate her attacking other posters in the past. And BTW, I ALWAYS post w/a non-anon "name", today that name is just "Angry" to reflect what I'm feeling. I know, as a Canadian, it's hard for you to understand *why* people like me feel the way we do. We want change in our country, and we are completely disillusioned with the entire political process and our elected officials.
MM has every right to her opinion, just I have mine-that's what is best about our country. However, we each have the right not to agree with the other's opinion either. I know I was really harsh, but I am REALLY angry right now about GWB, etc., and I tend to react quickly when my hackles get raised. I don't apologize for my passion or politics, but I definitely shouldn't have been as harsh, so I do apologize for essentially calling MM an "idiot". I'll save that moniker for the President.
WOW-I was right about the feedback I would receive. Thanks for all the support from those who even disagree with me.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry about it...I don't take things like this's politics and we are all entitled to our opinions.
Now let's get back to the celebs...because as much as I may like Bush, he's pretty boring. LOL!!!
I'm too cynical to care about self-important VF covers that showcase self-righteous celebrities. Maybe they mean well but the whole thing feels phony. VF of all venues. Somehow I just don't think that the average African gives a damn about this nor will s/he be affected by it.
ReplyDeleteAnd all is right in the world!
ReplyDeleteNow back to entertainment stuff, the things that matter! I will agree with betsnup about enjoying s a Jay-Z and Cloon sandwich. I would def like to be in the middle of that. Also Iman looks gorgeous. Does she ever age? Or is Bowie's sperm magical?
Tracee one else on the Jay-Z/Clooney sandwich? Really?
ReplyDeleteSorry, sorry Betsnup. I mean I would love to be the jelly in that peanut butter sandwich. Crisis avoided!
I'll take just Clooney, thanks, though!
ReplyDeleteI think we're all agreed that the men & women fighting around the world (and there are Canadians among them) deserve to be home safe with their families, the sooner the better.
ReplyDeleteNow, may I suggest a new advertising tagline:
"Feeling angry? Just rub a little Clooney on it."
Wow, I wonder how much Vanity Fair is paying Ent to pimp their photos.
ReplyDeleteRegarding some of the political opinions expressed here: It seems as if the WMDs we have deployed here in the ole USA are doing their job. By WMDs I mean Weapons of Mass Distraction, such as this site and the mainstream media. Of course everyone is entitled to his or her political opinion. However, based on some of the ill-informed opinions expressed here I'd say that WMDs are definitely a threat to America - just not the ones that weren't in Iraq.
-Questioning Skeptic
I wasn't going to post a second time, but I am anonymous so I might as well use it to my advantage...
ReplyDeletePolitics IS personal, you stupid bitches. If you idiotic motherfuckers don't think so tell it to the gays that can't get married and the troops who want to be home and don't agree with the war.
Twisted? Mary? "Mookie" (or whatever bullshit name...)? I'm here to tell you that you suck. The fact that any of you can turn on a fucking keyboard is impressive, to say the least.
And for that matter, why the bloody hell are you reading a freaking gossip blog anyway? Isn't this the sort of 'amoral' shit that you people wave the Constitution at?
I can't even respectfully disagree with you as I think you're all fucking idiots. Did you wear a big toothy grin when you typed in those little scribbles and throw out an 'oh golly!' to boot? I don't really care as I can picture you anyway.
You are rude, little pigs. You're cunts (big ones, darlings!) and I'll be keeping my little eyes peeled for any more ridiculous bullcrap that comes spewing out of your mouths.
Ciao, motherfuckers!
Anon 2:40 - your class is showing.
ReplyDeleteanon 2:40: ^^^ LOLOLOL!!!! WE'RE rude m/fs???
ReplyDeleteSorry, oh the irony.
Sounds like 2:40 needs to get laid. Poor thing. Let's hope someone puts out before he/she/it goes totally over the brink.
ReplyDelete*Whimper, whimper.* I am a dirty rude little pig. Yes mommy, I am a big cunt. I swear next time I will clean up my room. Please, mommy! Please don't spank me! Yes mommy, I am a motherfucker.
ReplyDeleteAnon 2:40, ur spunky. I like a little dirty talk after a few drinks...too bad ur hypocrite.
Peace in the middle east,
mary mac said:
ReplyDeleteGeorge rocks! I don't care what anyone says. I don't want to get political on a site meant for celebrity goings on, but Bush will go down in history (if we actually get to end up with one with the terrorists in the world) as one of the smartest and bravest presidents in our nations history. He bases his decisions on what is right, not on what is popular. Thank God for our troops who will travel to the other side of the globe to keep the terrorists fighting over there instead of sitting here waiting for them to attack us again. (In case you still don't believe that there are terrorists in Iraq, perhaps you can read up on Al Qaida in Iraq.
There are so many things wrong with this statement/opinion that I can only say: If this is your belief, you are certainly entitled to it -- even though much of it is at variance with logic and facts.
I share Anon 2:40's frustration with such minority opinions but this frustration could have been expressed in a more restrained manner. That he/she was unable to do so, I think, reflects the anger of many Americans toward our current political situation.
It's sad that you folks seem to feel so smug and superior because the discussion generated such a negative reaction. It shows your class as well.
ReplyDeleteSo whos Rosie and whos Elizabeth?
Sounds like 2:40 could use a little 4:20.
ReplyDeleteBut why not save your venom for all those letters to Congress you could be writing?! Rather than try and change a bunch of minds on a gossip site, you could put it in writing, put a stamp on it and make it MEAN something. Truth be told, your fundamental objections probably aren't much different than mine, but I'm not a US citizen.
"Be the change you seek in your world." -Gandhi
PS: I hear they even have e-mail in Washington now. That's gotta come in handy.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:17 - sorry, I'm not at all seeing your point. Mary Mac expressed her opinion and a number of us here gave her pats on the back for her courage and honesty, since that isn't the popular opinion. SOME of us who expressed these thoughts got reamed out, and STILL haven't responded in kind. And you somehow think that's not only warranted, but that we're showing no class? That makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteAnd the fact that only SOME of us who gave Mary props got ripped tells me there must be an agenda here.
"Appear weak when you are strong" pretty sure someone named Tao said that.
ReplyDeleteBush isn't as stupid as many haters seem to think. I agree wtih you MM, at least he takes responsibilty for the decisions he makes, as opposed to people who voted in agreement with him and are now backpeddling furiously.*I'm looking at you Hillary*
Doesn't matter, Fred Thompson running is pretty much going to kill the race, so at least we'll see another person who votes what they preach in the White House.
Team Fred
props to you as well twisted. Not sure what climate occurred where people who feel confident supporting a man who is human and makes mistakes has been a reason to be ostracized by society.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, team Fred :D works for me.
He's gonna win, and I can't wait.
+50 integrity
I think the cover mix ups are brilliant. I love the contrasting views/personalities/nationalities. Beautiful and clevery done.
Eh, whatev. 2:40 just proved intolerant ignorance, and yet, isn't that what his side seeks to demolish and abolish?
MM have you been drinking with Hez?
ReplyDeleteAlthough the covers are striking I had no idea what Vanity Fair was actually trying to say. But after going on their website I found out it's kind of like a "chinese whispers" thing where one person is telling someone else and then they tell someone else etc. Interesting concept.
ReplyDeleteCould we simply stick to what's important - namely, the Clooney/Jay-Z sandwich debate??
ReplyDeleteAs if I'd let any of you get your hands on my Georgie. That relationship (in my head) has been going on for WAAAAY too long..
And BTW, the photo of George and Oprah looks spliced.
Cyn also love the Alicia Keys/Iman shot.
George Clooney looked scrumptious.
ReplyDeleteToo bad VF had to spoil their covers with the inclusion of the other George. The guy bound to go down in history as our stupidest and most stubborn president.
Twisted Bitch? My class comes out of a bottle, it's also where I get my lunch, or couldn't you tell?
ReplyDeleteMookie? You're trying, and it's cute, but really...
Anon 2:50...I do have to get laid! I jacked off three times today and still wasn't satisfied. Quite right, honey.
Anon 4:52, I'm the "Rosie," but I don't have the money to pull out of my fat-assed pockets to shut up the stupid "Elizabeths."
Tracee...did you look up hypocrite in the dic? Better look again, sweetheart. (And better luck next time!)
Oh, Hez...I'm dissapointed. Really.
Signing off-
Ahhh... the picture of a united America - isn't it pretty :)
ReplyDelete12:39, you were expecting someone cuntier?
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded of this exchange in Postcards from the Edge:
[Dennis Quaid:]"I don't think I like this side of you."
[Meryl Streep:]"I'm not a box. I don't have sides."
Just because I don't wear my politics on my sleeve here doesn't mean I don't keep 'em in my link list/blogroll over at my place
A sampling of what's there: []
Get Your War On cartoons []
Impeach for Peace
And of course, these are nestled among faves like, Cuteness Burger, Dogs in Costumes, Hitler Cats, Hater Tuesday, Ruined Music, Satan's Laundromat, My Crazy Roommate and something for everyone!
men who look like kenny rogers....lmao!
ReplyDeleteMy God - this is the most pretentious photo shoot ever.
ReplyDeleteWhat's Bush doing there? Oh, right, denying funding to programs in Africa that teach anything but abstinence.
ReplyDeleteRight on, right on Det. Rhiannon brock.
Mary Mac I completely agree!! If only people would research what the president is truly doing (rather than simply getting news from Bush-bashing websites such as CNN) the way they research these blind items...
ReplyDeleteDon't forget FoxNews. That's sooo dependable.
"And BTW, the photo of George and Oprah looks spliced."
ReplyDeleteI disagree. I think it looks like an awkward segue, but not spliced.
If and when I personally look towards this blog for my own political leanings, I may as well have listened to Madonna and Danny DeVito.
I don't care how 'cute' Clooney is, he doesn't pay my taxes nor does he know anyone I know who is a soldier fighting right now.
Thinking for yourself. It's the new V8.
"Tracee...did you look up hypocrite in the dic? Better look again, sweetheart. (And better luck next time!)
ReplyDeleteOh, Hez...I'm dissapointed. Really."
Yeah give up on those 2. Honestly. Politics isn't a popularity contest. Perhaps somday they will learn that.
I wouldn't hold my breath though.
Girls go back to disposing advice Lohan will never read and thoughts Hilton will never heed.
That's one of the funniest criticisms I've ever heard of myself. I'm going to make a lot of people laugh when I tell them that. You really have no idea.
ReplyDeleteMe: "And BTW, the photo of George and Oprah looks spliced."
ReplyDeleteAnon 6:06PM: I disagree. I think it looks like an awkward segue, but not spliced.
Saw a video of the Vanity Fair shoot. It WAS spliced. Some were shot together, some weren't.