Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Two things. It seems as if you have given up on the right clicking. Never a good idea. In yesterday's blind item, some commenters were on the right track and then would get pushed aside. Stick with your convictions, and think about the clues.

Which follicly challenged A-lister recently got busted by hotel management while viewing gay porn on the internet and his wife was sleeping in the other room. Turns out, in the suite next door there was a small trash can fire. Hotel management knocked on our star's door. They didn't get an answer, but thought they smelled smoke. When they entered the room, they found the star with frank in hand watching gay porn. Maybe that's why he puts his wife to be early every night.


  1. Has to be John Travolta

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    mos def our lil weave-wearin johnny

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Travolta. I'm suprised he didn't say massage loving, A-list pilot...

    Someone read Drudge yesterday

    "... My wife goes to bed around three, and I follow around seven," he told the magazine in an interview conducted at 2am."

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    This is so Jon Travolta and his wife. I just heard on the radio this morning that he compares their family to The Addams Family since they are "nocturnal". Per Mr. Saturday Night Live himself, "my wife goes to sleep at 3pm and I follow her around 7pm". Things that make you go hmmmm?

    P.S He is so follicly challenged. He needs a new hair piece.

  5. what about Nic Cage??

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    What does EL mean by the right clicking???

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM

    @12:25 - if you right-click on a picture there is sometimes a clue in the name of the picture.

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    i would say the b lister who boinked to get paid like an alister is claire danes, no smiles in her pix earlier that day

  9. Anonymous12:41 PM

    12:39- I still don't think Claire Danes has been in a-list movies.

    I still think Cam Diaz needs more thought.

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    John Travolta

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Still looking but so far all I noticed was:

    Viggo Mortensen (spelling?) tagged with "bir" Blind-item-reveal?
    Patrick Dempsey tagged with "ja" Jackass?
    Genesis tagged with "bir"

  12. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I think Travolta too, he played Frank Morrison in Domestic Disturbance in 2001—“frank in hand”—and he could be out and about promoting Hairspray –reason that he would be in a hotel. And yeah, yesterday people were totally not listening… Kate Bosworth and Diaz (who has been A list for some time) were ruled out from the start mostly because they have worked with many different studios as of late. BUT—people are STILL guessing them. Also, guessing Scar Jo (one curviest A-listers out there) and ignoring the obvious clues. Read all the comments—do research a little googling—then make a guess.

  13. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Claire Danes was in 'Romeo and Juliet' with Leonaro, that was A list at the time wasn't it?

  14. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Jeremy Piven tagged with "jack" and "ass"

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Nicole Richie tagged with "ghost" ...duh

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Claire Danes was also in the Hours with Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman (won Oscar for role) and Julianne Moore (nominated for Oscar for role). Definately A list movie.

  17. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I'm going to rule out Cam Diaz because she doesn't seem mean enough to threaten someone's marriage. Nor would she have the brains to plan all that out.


  18. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Other than the ones already mentioned, I didn't see anything in the tags for photos for the past month that makes it obvious the photo is a blind item reveal, like some others in the past did.

    Most of the photos have the date, the abbriviation of the event, and the initials of the person photographed. (Ex: 613_cdan_el; June 13, Crazy Days and Nights, Ent. Lawyer)

    Maybe someone else has the patience to go back further, but my eyes are crossing!

  19. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I hope this makes people less likely to hatefully dismiss someone's guess.

  20. Anonymous1:17 PM

    i don't understand how you find these tags, can someone let me in?

  21. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Rebecca, if you right click your mouse over a photo, and then look at the address or location, there's a long string of letters identifying the name of the photo. Someone on another thread pointed out that some recent pics had the persons initials along with the letters bir (blind item reveal).

  22. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Right click over a photo, then click on properties, THEN click on location or address.

  23. Anonymous1:30 PM

    so, anon 12:55 noticed that Genesis had the BIR tag - could that be:
    #1-This lead singer of a multi-platinum 80's band which was an MTV staple has been secretly in rehab for the past month. While there for his drinking, he is also required by a court to undergo anger management counseling as a result of domestic violence issues.

  24. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I could not find this one

    Anonymous said...
    Jeremy Piven tagged with "jack" and "ass"

  25. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Cali Girl - i was just about to paste that! totally agree.

  26. Deinitely Big Gay John

  27. Anonymous1:33 PM

    WOW...Phil Collins a drunk and abusive husband? He just got divorced. Great catch Cali Girl...I really think we have a winner on that one! Excellent work!

  28. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Jeremy Piven was the guy some of us guessed as the jackass who had the valet running for his SUV. Remember that blind?

  29. Anonymous1:37 PM

    ^good one!

  30. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Speaking of blinds....I just saw this on another site:

    "the latest national enquirer cover - with brad pitt & angelina jolie's nanny telling the couple's 'secrets' - with claims of knock down brawls - how jen aniston somehow still manages to come between them and their 'bizarre' orders to the hired help!"

    Isn't this the answer to a blind from a short while ago?

  31. Anonymous1:41 PM

    How about Viggo for:

    #2. Many actors enjoy strip clubs. They enjoy the attention they receive and they have the money to make sure they are treated great. Spending $10,000 in a night is not unheard of. This A/B list actor who showers infrequently loves strippers but doesn’t like going to clubs. I guess he’s shy. Anyway, what our actor decided to do was to pay three strippers to be on call 24/7. He pays them each $5000 a month to show up at his place within one hour of a phone call to them. The only day he guarantees them they will be off is Christmas and the anniversary of something important.

  32. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I agree with him being a jack ass but I can't find the photo with the reveal. Oh well.

  33. Anonymous1:43 PM

    And we all know Dempsey and Piven are A+



  34. Anonymous1:44 PM

    has anyone figured out the three photo clue from earlier yet?

  35. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Meme, I can't find the photo either. I clicked on his name in the right column and looked at all five photo's but didn't see any that had bir in it.

    Am I missing something?

  36. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Just because he is follicly challenged and was watching gay porn does not assume it is Johnny boy. I immediately thought of Nic Cage. Isn't his wife really young, hence the "maybe that is why he puts his wife to bed early?"


  37. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Ok did anyone see the caption on RP's photo, "...stripers are waiting"? This one you don't even have to right clck.

  38. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The jeremy piven jack and ass photos are under the entourage premiere in cannes i think

  39. Anonymous1:55 PM

    May 23rd for the piven photos

  40. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Perhaps Viggo Mortenson goes down to Mexico?

    Is he married/involved with child(ren?)

  41. #2. Many actors enjoy strip clubs. They enjoy the attention they receive and they have the money to make sure they are treated great. Spending $10,000 in a night is not unheard of. This A/B list actor who showers infrequently loves strippers but doesn’t like going to clubs. I guess he’s shy. Anyway, what our actor decided to do was to pay three strippers to be on call 24/7. He pays them each $5000 a month to show up at his place within one hour of a phone call to them. The only day he guarantees them they will be off is Christmas and the anniversary of something important.

    What about Ryan Phillipe for this one? The caption over his picture from today mentions strippers & when you right click the photo "BI" is in the address. I am unsure of the "A" list connotation, but he could be considered "A/B" due to his ex-wife.

  42. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Viggo was married to Exene Cervenka (sp? I think I mangled that one) and I believe they had one kid. Don't think he's married now and the kid would be in his teens.

  43. Anonymous1:58 PM

    aw - got it

    Does "cent" refer to him being cheap?

  44. Anonymous1:59 PM

    If this one's not Dempsey, then it's Piven and the valet is Dempsey. Piven actually lives near R-n-R Ralph's up in the Hollywood Hills:


    Last night at the Ralphs Supermarket on Sunset. This award winning B list television actor, formerly a B list movie actor with one big starring A list role had a huge cart filled with groceries. The store was packed. A woman with two items comes up to him and asks if she can go in front of him. The actor replied, "Why the f*** would I let you go in front of me? Are you dying? Is there someone waiting for you who is going to die? The purpose of a line is to put everyone and everything in order. I was here first and you were here second."

    She replied that he seemed so nice on television.

    "Well this is Ralphs, not television and you need to learn to tell the difference," he said.

    At that point she left the line and went to another on the opposite end of the store.

  45. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I guess he's not married...sorry...wrong BI

  46. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "cent" refers to "cannes-entourage" i believe

  47. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Be still my heart...even tho I'm terrible at the BI's and can only think of the obvious I still LOVE to "Surf" the Nancy Drew in all of you and it is PURELY enjoyable when everyone is working together!

    Oh, and the obvious in my ignorantly blissful world is Travolta, but Cage is good too. Is Cage the old BI about having his wife get the girl and he watches from another room? Maybe he just doesn't know which end is up?

    Glad I sat for a brief surf...the water's fiiiiine!

    In the midwest.

  48. Anonymous2:30 PM

    The BI in the pic name for Ryan Phillipe doesn't really stand for anything...we are looking for the actual name of the pic which in this case is simply 613+rp for June 13th, Ryan Phillipe

  49. Anonymous2:40 PM

    One of Nicole Richie's pics is tagged 'ghost'. What does this stand for?

  50. Anonymous2:47 PM

    NR's "ghost" tag = soon to be dead if she keeps up her lifestyle?

  51. Anonymous2:47 PM

    There was a blind item that described a person as "ghostly"

  52. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Uh...her lack of eating will make her die soon...?

    I dunno, do we really care about Nicole R at this point? I'm so over her...


  53. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Excellent work today, everyone! I love it when people work together rather than making snide comments.

  54. Anonymous2:57 PM


    -Phil Collins beat his wife
    -Tom Cruise is a homosexual
    -Jennifer Aniston is dating a homosexual man
    -Reese Witherspoon is dating a gay man
    -Paris Hilton gave Elijah Blue Allman herpes
    -Heidi Klum is a black cock slut
    -Suri Cruise's father is an asian stagehand on Katie Holme's last movie
    -Katie Holmes' most recent lover has knocked her up
    -Mandy Moore loves big cocks
    -Paris Hilton is a narcotics addict and she went through withdrawal 'cold turkey' in prison
    -John Travolta is a homosexual
    -Clay Aiken is a homosexual
    -Eddie Van Halen has AIDs
    -Eddie Van Halen infected his ex-wife, Valerie, with HIV
    -Nicole Richie is a heroin addict
    -Faith Hill fucks around on her husband
    -Eddie Murphy is a homosexual who likes to fuck and suck trannies

  55. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Yeah, 2:57! Can we stop now? No more Wiki-whatevering? (and don't forget that we are all perfect, that's why reading this crap makes us feel superior!).

  56. Anonymous3:14 PM

    ummmm.... source on your reveals????

    I notice that you didn't add whether Nic Cage is a hetero D/s type that is rumored to hang out in dungeons......

    And to the naive poster that takes anything you read in the National Enquirer as gospel... pthththth... get over it! I heard an interview with an editor of one of those rags say that they take a bit of truth, weave it with enough fabrication to fill out a story, but not false enough to land them in a defamation lawsuit.

  57. Anonymous3:17 PM

    (Group Hug)

  58. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Heidi Klum is a black cock slut

    racist much?


  59. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Hey Ent, don't you think it's time for another blind item reveal day?

  60. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Viggo is rumoured to be heavily into BDSM, and not just with women.

    The lead singer in anger/alcohol rehab could be Peter Gabriel, ya know. He has had issues in the past, secret reasons Rosanne Arquette left him cold. He used his therapy as a inspiration for the Us album, which contains some lyrics about violent relationships.

  61. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Where is it that you find out how much an actor gets for their part in a movie?

    I know big time actors have their salaries posted. But for yesterdays BI I wouldn't know what an actor was paid for a small bit role. Do y'all?

  62. Anonymous5:51 PM

    viggo is DEF heavy into the bondage scene and indeed is the "gf" of an older gentleman. Serious Freak.

    as i recall there was a blind about an actor that did one/two films then screwed to the dungeons of germany. that would be my guess for viggo.

  63. Anonymous6:00 PM

    If it was Peter Gabriel, I don't think ENT would have posted a Phil Collins pic, he's pretty saavy musically.

    Also, Phil Collins has been married many times. I'm not sure how many but it always seems like he's getting a divorce.

  64. Anonymous6:29 PM

    So, I just went through all the pictures from the past month and noticed Christina Millian's said "uh-oh", could she be the answer to this one that was posted 2 or 3 days after the picture?

    "I know you may think the above are boring so how about this one. This actress/singer tries to portray a very good girl image. So everyone was amazed when she got drunk the other night at a club and let herself be groped, fondled and kissed in a corner by two guys at the same time. She was doing some groping of her own and led one of the two guys back to the VIP section by his belt loop."

  65. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Travolta! Quite easy and quite hialrious! ~ Stacey

  66. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Yes, this def. seems like John Revolta but I still think the 'valet' jackass item is Eddie Murphy.

  67. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Hey guys, just read that Christina Aguilera is pregnant! on JJ's blog.

  68. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Viggo into gay BDSM leans quite a bit to the implausible side to me... I just don't see it.

  69. Anonymous3:39 AM

    ***Dorothy said...
    Where is it that you find out how much an actor gets for their part in a movie?

    I know big time actors have their salaries posted. But for yesterdays BI I wouldn't know what an actor was paid for a small bit role. Do y'all? ****

    Big salaries are a vanity thing, nobody gets paid that much up front, no movies could made... Think about it. You can find out how much an actor gets paid at the same place we can find out how much you get paid! Did it ever occur to you actors are human beings and have some privacy rights?? You sound kinda stalkerish, sweetie.

  70. Anonymous5:55 AM

    where is this Viggo into bondage stuff coming from I've never heard any of it before....

  71. Anonymous6:26 AM

    3:39- Dorothy was asking in reference to the Blind Item. It stated that the actress in question made as much as A listers for having small bit parts, or big parts. And I doubt we could out how much Dorothy makes on IMDb, which is what she was asking.

  72. Anonymous7:00 AM said...

    If it was Peter Gabriel, I don't think ENT would have posted a Phil Collins pic, he's pretty saavy musically.

    Maybe he posted Phil Collins as a sort of "and it ain't..." picture.

  73. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Can we all finally agree that Molly Sims is definitely a reveal? I think Ent has given us enough clues. Click through her pics and captions for a refresher...

  74. Anonymous7:42 AM


    Sure about MS...but a BIR to which BI?

  75. Anonymous7:50 AM

    as i recall there was a blind about an actor that did one/two films then screwed to the dungeons of germany. that would be my guess for viggo.

    Did you even finish the 3rd grade?? Are you a hillbilly?

    The only place Dom/sub, or anything else about Viggo BEING IN THAT LIFESTYLE IS ON THIS BOARD. He's a sweet man, with a teenager who could read this. Very unfair to smear someone's good name when NOT ONE OF YOU HAS PROVIDED ONE SOURCE OR LINK. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES.

    Karma is a bitch.

  76. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Umm this whole place is about smearing celebrities why stick up for just that one actor? Kinda silly.

  77. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Everything says John Travolta, but the last part of the BI, it says " wife to be", that tells me he's not married, maybe engaged.

  78. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Wow. We were doing so good until 7:50 came along....And I agree with 8:20...we smear EVERYONE'S name, please.

    Group hug minus 7:50...


  79. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Anon 9:05- That was a type-o I think. Should be "to bed".

  80. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Bashing celebrities is so much fun
    Funnest thing we've ever done
    We really get a thrill
    Every time Lindsay pops a pill
    Bashing celebrities is fun to do
    Why don't you bash celebrities too

    Kidding, just kidding.

  81. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Anon. 7:50 - To be fair, I have seen that Viggo M. rumor on another site.

    I agree with you, though, in principle. It is one thing to print "blind items" where you have a source or know it to be true, and you are spilling a celebrity's secret/sexuality without going so far to say their name. Think Ted C.

    It's another thing to make up blind items for your blog, four at a time sometimes, and allow people to infer and believe that it is a fact about a REAL celebrity. Rumors get repeated as fact.

    People say, get off it, we smear everyone, but I am able to draw a line (admittedly thin) between gossiping about true/probably true events and having people think they are really discovering an unsavory fact about a real celebrity that is false and hurts that person's reputation.

    Maybe some "savvy" people are in the know that this is all poppycock, but you know that many of them do not, and they believe it.

    So I agree, karma is a bitch - you don't use people like this in fake blind items without repurcussion of some sort down the line.

  82. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Anon 9:36 - I'm not fussing or bitching at you, but a lot of ENT's stuff ends up being revealed. I don't think he's just saying stuff off the top of his head about people. He may not have sources listed and small details may not always end up being exactly right....but it seems to be where there's smoke there's fire with a lot of these BI's. What do you think?

  83. Anonymous10:25 AM

    well said, 9:36am. whether or not the blind item is true or not, it's the guessing game that can be very damaging.

  84. Anonymous10:27 AM

    What's done in the dark always comes to light...eventually.

  85. Anonymous11:22 AM

    So you smear innocent people for fun??? That you think essentially okay? Well, it's not okay AT ALL.

    Please link the site where this article was, it shouldn't be hard to find, a google search perhaps, because it shouldn't be hard to find other than this site, right?

    For those of you who think making up lies is okay, you are wrong. People work really hard to have a good name - and to have a smear campaign for no good reason is dreadful. The fact that most of you can't see that is frightening.

    Some celebs bring on bad things by their behavior, and that's on them. But don't think you have license to sully someones name so you can seem self important on a gossip board.

    You didn't work hard to build a career in a highly competative business, what if an actor lost a part in a family film because of internet rumors? Is that okay because it's fun for you stay at home mom's or jobs that allow you to post often during the day?

    I'll check in for that Viggo rumor link later.

  86. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Hey Guys.... a pic with Nicole Ritchie and Samantha Ronson is tagged with "ghostly".... I found this B.I... has to be her

    "So the other night AP was at this party and she saw a blind item mainstay who is a very well known female reality star with some past and present problems. The most pressing problem the other night was how to keep our subject from ingesting the coke that was in her purse. There was nothing else in her purse except coke. No keys, no cell phone, no nothing. Despite two nose bleeds during the evening and an appearance that was ghostly, our subject couldn't be stopped and literally had to be carried out the door at the end of the night by friends because she had passed out. She was also blabbering away during the evening about how her current relationship is over because her boyfriend hated seeing her destroy herself."

  87. Anonymous1:11 PM

    3:39 - So, you don't know either. Thanks hun.

  88. Anonymous1:14 PM

    and also...
    6:26 - Thank you! I didn't realize it was necessary to spell out exactly why I was asking. :::sigh:::

  89. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Anon 11:22 Relax...celebs are not innocent people...their rich and famous...they wanted it to be that way...being rich and famous comes with the territory of being gossiped about. Tough luck.

  90. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Definately Travolta. I love how it said somewhere that he sleeps in another room "only on holiday, for some reason he snores more on holiday although they definately sleep in the same room at home"

    I think snoring more on holiday = loves the cock

  91. Anonymous3:27 PM

    To chime in on the Viggo gossip, this was a Ted C blind item:

    Far more fetching a tale would involve all kank-ee things Whip-Me Mendelson. Whip, mind you, is known for the utter antithesis of his Christian name and then some. Yep, Whip's made a fairly lucrative career of exploring the rather dorky side of various arts—and getting quasi-decent reviews in the process. Like, what is it about nerds that sends the world all atwitter, like gals get round rock stars? Never understood that nebbish dynamic, but that's not what we're here to discuss.

    Nope, that would, instead, be chains, anal balls, shaving from the neck down with electric pin shocks inserted into one's scrotum, à la acupuncture and sundry other S&M treats Mr. Mendelson has also developed a reputation for—off camera (far, far off). And it gets better:

    Recently, Whip's been in the news, his b-f less so. But what nobody's been picking up is the dish involving Whip and a veddy famous reclusive celeb with whom W.M.M. continues to have a master-slave thang goin' down 'tween the sheets.

    Three guesses who's the rump-slave in distress and who's Mr. Punisher.

    People were noticing the similarity between Whip-Me Mendelson's and Viggo Mortenson's names. Also, per his imdb site, he writes poetry, is a jazz musician, is a photographer... And also, there is this photo from someone's blog (linked onto agc blind items):

  92. Anonymous6:17 AM

    1) dont come to gossip blogs if you dont want to see celeb bashing - stick w/entertainment tonight
    2) I dont think CDAN guessers have enough influence to affect a celebs reputation on their own.

  93. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Why even come to this site if you feel so strongly about this? Are you Viggo's publicist? Better yet, wife? Daughter?! Son?! WTF?!

    Maybe you should start an organization called People For The Better Treatment of Viggo Mortesen. Better yet People For The Better Treatment of Celebrities? That kind of karma would be great for you, baby.


  94. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "what if an actor lost a part in a family film because of internet rumors? "
    Yeah, right (eye roll)



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